Friday, October 17, 2014

Am I just no good at songwriting?

I ask this since I can't manage to come up with a very original tune or many topics/lyrics for songs when I write them. I've written enough songs for an album, and have even recorded a few, however in almost all cases, I've only later realised that I've stolen a tune or line from an existing song which I must have heard and forgotten about. Yet why have others my age (14) managed to come up with original sounding tunes and concepts in music at school? Last year, we had to come up with our own song recording at school, and we worked in bands. Most managed to record their song fine, however I showed an idea (recorded by me) to my group, and almost all said that "it sounds like an existing song". I got rather annoyed, but couldn't think of any other original tunes. Then my group came up with their own tune, possibly more original than my own, but still sounding like a song out there, yet I found the tune quite horrible. With other groups, theirs all sound more original than mine.

I have similar lyric issues. Often I'll think up some lyrics, and it will take months or years to work out that I stole them from an existing song. I'm curious if songwriting is just an area that I have little creativity at, and one which I should just give up on? Below are two songs by me. Just curious, do you know any songs which they remind you of (copy and paste link, don't click)?

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