Friday, December 28, 2012

My daughter is addicted to books?

My daughter is fifteen years old and addicted to books. She goes to the library every weekend and checks out at least 10 novels, and she finishes them all but the following weekend. She loves fiction, especially fantasy, romance, and mystery. I don't know if she should be reading this much. Her grades are quite bad because the second she gets home from school she starts reading, and no matter how much I nag her she will not do her homework. If I yell she locks herself in the bathroom with her books. I cannot ground her, because she doesn't care, and she will gladly stay home and read books. I cannot take them away because she hides them, and if I do find them she will download books on her kindle which she hides from me also. She does not pay attention in class, she reads her own books the entire time. She reads at lunch everyday at school. She tells me that school is a waste of time, and that she knows all the material already, which is true because although she doesn't pay attention in class, do class work, or do homework she gets A's on all her tests. But she has all C's because she doesn't do her homework. I don't know what to do with her. If I don't let her go to the public library she checks out books at school. How can I make her care about her grades and schoolwork more than these books? She never stops reading! All weekend long, every weekday day from 3 pm to 11 pm she is reading her books. I don't know what to do with her! It is vacation now (last day of school was the 21st) and since the start of vacation she has finished 17 novels! For Christmas all she asked for was books and amazon gift cards to buy kindle books!
>>> My daughter is addicted to books?