Friday, December 1, 2017

What fire lays are the best for certain situations? Cold? Wet? Dry?

Hi everyone, first of all sorry to bore if I'm, I have been recently practicing bush craft lately and I thought well it might be my saving grace one day. So I started watching proper videos rather than just chucking loads of paper and a lump of sticks. I collected Tinder Kindling and larger firewood. I started with a Tepee One cold night and basically I know a lot has to do with he size of wood you use, the conditions outside and how big the fire is, but it was only warm if you stood like up to half a meters away, it was good if you were really near it, if you walked a few steps and laid down its not that warm it needed a **** load of wood too. So my question would the log cabin be better the long fire I know is more for extreme climates.
So what fires are best on hot days, cold days, extreme weather days ect when is it best to use a Tipi, Log Cabin, Upside down fire, LongFire, Dakota Fire?
Added (1). So my take would be the average day when its not to cold or warm windy or whatever ad abundance of wood you would use Tipi. Shortage of wood or resources and conserving wood or even if conditions are to cold or windy or less than ideal you use Log Cabin? Upside down fire can be for low maintenance and in any conditions except for heavy rainfall or heavy winter conditions. Long Fire can be useful for extreme survival situations or extreme winter conditions.
Added (2). Star fire for not so cold nights and not to wet days or nights. Dakotas more a stealth fire can't imagine what situation you'd use that for maybe military intelligence teams.

Read more: What fire lays are the best for certain situations? Cold? Wet? Dry?