Thursday, September 21, 2017

Is this a thought provoking poem?

Riddles of Rhyme

Think back in time,
or try to refine…
those fleeting glimpses
of utterly pure soul-shine!
Build a romantic shrine,
memories of summertime,
fresh air, snowflakes and
those days when you were mine!

Decode those mysterious
inscriptions, carved deep,
interpret mythical spells,
forge a foothold back to me!
Implore Angelical tactics,
evolking ancient Gods of war,
for it is lore, to pledge an eternity!

Time now weaves its craft,
silently stitching our fantasy
of thought, bursting into dance
within guilded ballroom, in a trance!
Masquerade in disguise, so sweetly
kiss my hand, whilst love kindles,
in honest humble eyes, yet pardon me!
Riddles of rhyme got lost, in a game of chance!

Read more: Is this a thought provoking poem?