Saturday, May 21, 2016

Does a word like this exist?

In a scene I'm writing a lightning strikes the ground and starts a fire. Like a word to describe the starting of a fire on the grass. I think there might be one that starts with a 't', like tinder which helps to start a fire. If there isn't, what word could I use to visualize it? Here's the sentence: The sparks caught on the dry grass and she could see the __________ of a fire
I guess maybe 'beginnings' of a fire, but I want something that sounds more connected to what we associate with fire. Just any ideas help.
Added (1). 'The sparks caught on the dry grass and she could see the kindlings of a fire'
Can that word be used in that way? Because kindling is just dry twigs used to start fire, not the start of a fire.

Read more: Does a word like this exist?