Sunday, April 24, 2016

Is this verbal abuse? If so who should I talk to?

Is it considered child abuses If your mom is constantly yelling at you and telling you how stupid and horrible you are, and saying, and calling you stuff like, bich, Retard, idiot, and saying stuff like you make me sick, **** you, I ******* hate you, can you ever do anything right, no one likes you, you are a terrible person, even a two year old can do this, you disgust me, all you ever do is lie. As well as occasional hitting and threatening me when she gets angry. I obviously know this is not a supper harmful case of child abuse, since when she is not angry she is like any other loving mom, but it is starting to make me feel somewhat depressed and stressed. Last week she tried to push me out our window and throw her kindle at me. Is this considered child abuse, also I really want to talk to someone and I trust 2 of my teachers, both of witch I really look up to. Would it be weird if I went and talked to one of them about this, I am really stressed and want to talk to someone about it. If I did this would they have to tell the school principal and counselor, because I would not want them to report this because I don't want to make this a big deal. All I Really want is to talk to someone who is older than me my friends, we are only 14 and don't have much experience with dealing with life. If you were my teacher would you talk to me?

I put this in two or three categories because I did not know what one to put it in.

Thank you so much for your help I really appreciate it.
Added (1). Is it still child abuse even if she only has these anger out bursts some times and most of the other times is like any other nice loving mom?
Added (2). Also When she went to push me out the window it was because I was trying to move the couch to switch the two couches so the smaller one is by the window (that is the way she said that she liked it). And when i was moving the smaller one by the window she got mad and said "I swear to god if you dont put this back You are going to regret it" and then I said "this is the way you said you liked it". And she got mad and pushed it with me behind it as hard as she could into the window.
Added (3). Thanks for being so kind and supportive, I don't know how to thank you guys enough. Its nice to have someone on my side, I too agree that talking to my teacher is a good idea but I was wandering what a good way to approach her would be. I am really nerves about telling someone about this. But this has been eating at me for a while, and is starting to affect my self esteem. So what do you think the best way to approach my teacher is. Also if you were my teacher what would you do

Have a great day

Read more: Is this verbal abuse? If so who should I talk to?