Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Have you read any good non-fiction military books?

I like to read mostly current times - around 9/11 era or later. Here's a list of books I've read if you can name some suggestions:

American Sniper - Chris Kyle (also movie) (memoir of Navy Seal sniper)

Lone Survivor - Marcus Luttrell (also movie) (Navy Seal mission gone wrong)

No Easy Day - Matt Bissonnette (bin Laden mission) (similar movie - Zero Dark Thirty)

Black Hawk Down - Mark Bowden (also movie) (Somalia civil war)

Inside Delta Force - Eric Haney (beginning of the unit) (currently reading) (almost done)

First in - Gary Schroen (CIA involvement in early stages of Afghanistan war)

Inside Gitmo - Gordon Cucullu (non fiction novel about Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp)
Added (1). I'd prefer it if they were on Amazon Kindle store.

Read more: Have you read any good non-fiction military books?