Saturday, November 1, 2014

Am I the only one without a kindle these days?

To past the time by, I would like to start reading again. I haven't read books in while and thought I'd read something I've wanted to read in forever. I want to read Harry Potter.

I'll admit, I've never picked up a Harry Potter book until a few months ago. I read the first book and I'll read it again soon. I would like to read the rest of the series. I'm hesitant to purchase paperback or hard copy books, but I like them.

In technology today, everyone these days are using kindles. I don't have any knowledge about them other than having a kindle would save tons of book shelve space. It's a bit out of my price range, but I save up until I can afford one. What should I do? Save up to purchase a kindle(to read HP and other books), or get the paperback Harry Potter books, etc?

Added (1). I'm only 24 and I would like to read more books. Any suggestions?

Read more: Am I the only one without a kindle these days?