Tuesday, October 14, 2014

In your opinion, why are we (Americans) obsessed with our electronics?

I want to start by saying that I'm sure other countries are just as obsessed, but I live in the USA, so everyone I see that cannot go two seconds without getting on their phone is an American (foreign exchange students and the like aren't as obsessed, I've noticed).

Anyway, this is totally your opinion, but why are we so obsessed?

I don't understand. Even I'M obsessed, and I hate it, but I am. I just sat down to begin a rough draft of a short story, and started researching tube TV's! I've been sitting here, on my phone, for about thirty minutes and haven't even touched the pen to the paper. Yeah, I'm wasting time doing this, I know. I don't care. This is bugging me and I need to get it off my chest before I start writing.

We know that the phone and the laptop and the kindle and whatnot are keeping us from living our lives. I recently went a few months without a phone, and I can honestly say that I have never been more aware, more attentive during school, and have never done my homework quicker than when I was without a phone. I got So much done. And I actually lived my life! Unlike now, when I have my phone, my friend and I will be talking and if I get a message or my phone vibrates, I automatically pull it out and look at it. It's so rude, and it just comes naturally. That's scary. That my phone vibrating can literally pull me away from a conversation with someone I actually enjoy talking to. It's sad, too.

Why are we so obsessed? What is it that makes us so obsessed?

Read more: In your opinion, why are we (Americans) obsessed with our electronics?