Friday, October 31, 2014

I am having suicidal thoughts again?

I am now just turning 12, my family is starting to split apart, my oldest brother is never home, same with the other, and my 14 year old brother left for military school. I have friends at school, but I don't feel like they are my friends. I can never have a deep or real conversation with them. I am crying before I fall asleep ever night, no matter if I fall asleep at 7:00 or 2:00 I wake up exhausted. I am starting to lay low with my counselor and meeting once a month. I am feeling quite depressed and I have started to think about very disturbing things. I don't know if I should tell my counselor or not, I might **** my entire life up or fix it. Last time I talked about suicidal thoughts my parents almost threw me in a mental hospital. I am always glued to my screen, tv or kindle and I feel like I'm worthless and pityed. Please help, I feel like I'm hitting a dark end of my life.

Read more: I am having suicidal thoughts again?