Friday, October 24, 2014

Am I obsessive-compulsive?

I have a problem with new items I buy. I tend to check things for imperfections such as scratches, rattles, looseness etc. I know that all people are cautious with new things but I know that I am being very obsessive about it. If I do find something (the lightest rattle or almost invisible mark/scratch) I will be wanting to return it. I have returned 2 iPhone's, a kindle and a whole lot of phone/kindle covers. I know that things in mass production are not 100% perfect but I cannot stop it. I will tell myself to accept it but I eventually cannot handle it.
Do I have OCD?
* NB * I KNOW that people are usually fussy with new things but I can tell that I am overly obsessive

Read more: Am I obsessive-compulsive?