Monday, September 22, 2014

I want to offer a free comic book online?

The thing is, that I want users to access each chapter by using an unique URL for each chapter, and thus be able to download that chapter to their mobile device and add it to the existing chapters they already have downloaded.
Is there an Android/iOS app out there that can do that? Not the hosted URL part, but the actual downloading from an URL and adding the content to build onto older content and make the comic book grow on the user's mobile device?
And that they can view it as a comic book? (sliding pages like you do with Kindle).
I hope I was clear with this hehe.

I'm thinking there's nothing out there like that, but still, I was hoping there is.
The app part would add work I can't do (I'm not a programmer) and would convert the project from a free share, to a pay share.

Read more: I want to offer a free comic book online?