Saturday, September 13, 2014

How to re-kindle with girls in my school?

Okay I'm going to be fully honest with you. At the beginning of the year I was going out with this girl, the relationship was about 4 months old and I've broken her heart by cheating on her with an another girl that I knew a while back in a different school (I broke up with the new girl a day after). I was jealous of my girlfriend but that I know is not an excuse why I should've cheated on her. And I left her when her friends abandoned her as well. I have regretted doing that action, and told her that same day. It was a one time thing in my life and I would never cheat on a girl ever, because I sincerely know how much it hurts and all my deepest regrets to doing it so.

I am guessing that my ex girlfriend has lots of friends at school, well for at least the girls, I can tell that they dislike me till this day. My ex is currently with an another guy, and ever since she has been I supposed the girl who hates me the most of all, and does everything from kissing her new boy only in front of me.

I have tried to move on and find someone else, but I end up in the zone where the girls just look at me in disgrace. And I know I deserve it. Which is why I need to ask. How do I rekindle this relationship I have with people hearing from the incident a few months back.

P.S I have apologise to my ex girlfriend by using everything I could. And I know shed wants to be far away from me as possible. And this is the truth. I know i was a dick.

Read more: How to re-kindle with girls in my school?