Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Leaving my home & giving away all of my belongings. Where to take them?

I have a fabulous video recorder with a tripod, decent flat screen, home surround sound that sounds like you're at the movies… Binoculars & a computer… Kindle, ipod with THOUSANDS of songs… & about #200 DVD movies… Should I have a contest thing like in youtube so someone who wants to be a great youtuber who can't afford a good vid recorder could have one?

Or should I just drop everything off at Salvation Army? Give it all to a friend? What do you think would be a place where the person who got it actually appreciated & used most everything & didn't just want to sell… The DVD's I don't care if they are all sold, but I'd like the other stuff to go to a good home… Oh & some nice cell phones I no longer use, old blackberries that work really great, not very old, but I got an android & just put the blackberry on the shelf only having used it a few months… OH & a NICE mountain bike… Anyone out there need any of this sort of stuff?

Added (1). BTW
I don't have the time to sell things & take weeks… I have days… That's it. Then I have to be forced from my home into foreclosure… So I'm leaving everything behind… I thought I'd grab things that were of value on the way out & take them someplace?

Read more: Leaving my home & giving away all of my belongings. Where to take them?