Sunday, March 16, 2014

Is buying kindle books via proxy legal?

So the book series i want costs to much to ship and is not in my country i asked amazon and they said it's not available for australia so i asked there publisher who said speak to the localisers of the book which im doing but they will not get back to me.

My last and final option is to buy it via a proxy as i have checked to see if it would allow me to click buy via proxy and it will.

Now i want to know if i have to resort to this is it legal?
Added (1). ok thanks but the reason i can't buy them physically is there over priced

there short books set for a price of $15 each there is a set of 10.

Would it be legal if i got my girlfriend to buy them for me (she lives in America) and then i read them using the kindle pc app like i planned to.
Added (2). im only looking for the digital copy as i don't have the money to spend $150 on a book series.
Added (3). im only looking for the digital copy as i don't have the money to spend $150 on a book series.
Added (4). book series in question is
Added (5). book depositry sells them at $15 each which is alot to ask for the size of the books…

Read more: Is buying kindle books via proxy legal?