Thursday, January 16, 2014

What size pack needed to backpack for 1 yr?

I'm traveling to Europe, and plan on backpacking/ camping during my excursion. I know i must need a visa for certain countries, and have to camp in appropriate spots, or just concealed spots.

I originally planned on taking a 45L pack, along with a small lightweight tent, sleeping bag, bivy sack, iso mat. Three pairs of clothing ; 3 quick dry underwear, long sleeve shirts, extra socks (gotta keep the feet dry), towel, small fleece. Electrionics, camera w/ charger, macbook air laptop w/ charger, kindle w/ charger( instead of many books), small notebook. obviously there are things i will not take, basics rule is pack more, then take out half.

I wanted to pack light, around 38L, but i have a feeling ill be doing this for years to come so i upped the pack size to around a 50L, which i think is acceptable. I was in the Marine Corps so i am used to hiking with a crap ton of weight on my back while wearing a lot more gear than i plan on wearing on my journey. Also i plan on having 6,500 US dollars, mainly trying to take advantage of the currency differences.

Any advice on pack size, length of trip. etc? Any and all comments appreciated. even the ones telling me I'm a hungry hippo that needs to loose weight.

Added (1). Those aren't all the gear i will be taking. others like

water battle, .5 liter
camel back 1L
portable stove top
small first aid kit
hygiene kit
maybe more…

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