Saturday, August 10, 2013

How is this book allowed for children to read? SICK?

1. "I have come to set the Earth
on fire, and how I wish it were
already kindled … Do you think I
came to bring peace on earth?
No, I tell you, but division." (Luke
12: 49-51)

2. " 34 Do not suppose that I
have come to bring peace to the
earth. I did not come to bring
peace, but a sword.
35 For I
have come to turn a man against
his father, a daughter against
her mother, a daughter-in-law
against her mother-in-law -
man's enemies will be the
members of his own
household." (Matthew 10: 34-36)

3. "Let the dead bury their own
dead." (Matthew 8:22)

4. "If you don't have a sword, sell
your cloak and buy one (a
sword)." (Luke 22:36)

5. "But those enemies of mine
who did not want me to be king
over them, bring them here and
kill them in front of me." (Luke

6. "If anyone comes to me and
does not hate his father and
mother, his wife and children,
his brothers and sisters—yes,
even his own life— he cannot be
my disciple." (Luke 14:26)

См. статью: How is this book allowed for children to read? SICK?