Monday, June 17, 2013

I left my house in the middle of the night to take a walk?

My parents hate me. They always fight.It gets physical.My dads a principle and my mom doesn't seem to care. I feel bad about leaving but I just needed to walk. I walked like a mile on country roads with no sidewalks. They saw I was gone and called me over and over. Finally I answered. I know it was dangerous but I hate my life so much. I was gonna. Walk to my friends house but decided not to. Now they think I snuck out with someone. They took my phone ipod computer and my end of the month. I just want to die. I go to counseling but it isn't.helping.alla I wanted was to take a walk and think about life. I'm sorry for the spelling and punctuation errors. I'm using my moms Kindle.My grandparents would be the only ones who understand. Please help me.

См. статью: I left my house in the middle of the night to take a walk?