Sunday, March 24, 2013

Time to back off on potty training?

We've been working on potty training my 3 1/2 year old son for almost 3 months and getting nowhere. He loves to sit on the potty because he gets to do special activities (coloring, books, games on kindle, etc.) and will sit for two hours if we let him! He gets a hershey kiss if he wets or goes BM in the potty. We use pull ups at nap and bedtime and he is usually dry when he gets up, and he tells us if he's wet his pants or when he actually goes in the potty, so he's showing all the signs that he's ready. However, he wets his underwear 3-5 times a day! I know I'm supposed to keep it positive, and my husband and I are really starting to get frustrated. Should I back off and try again later? Anyone use pull ups for potty training instead of big kid underwear? I know it's not best, but my floor and couches can't take much more scrubbing…
Added (1). Also-- he hasn't needed physical therapy, but he does have low muscle tone. Could this make the training harder?
Added (2). The low muscle tone was diagnosed by a physical therapist. She said it is only mild, so he does not need therapy.

См. статью: Time to back off on potty training?