Thursday, January 24, 2013

Selling stuff on the internet?

If I've written a book, can I upload the book to multiple e-publishing/selling sites without the companies blaming me? For example, I write a thriller and upload it to Kindle. But then I also upload it to a Chinese site, and maybe amazon.So there are now three ways people could find and buy my book. Anybody going to come after me for that? Do these companies claim exclusivity or are these arrangements non-exclusive? I am pretty sure they're non-exclusive but the agreement terms texts are so dense; I haven't found anything yet though but maybe I missed something.

SAME question about music/mp3s. If I made say a really cool song, and upload it to itunes, are they going to get pissed off that I also tried to sell it on another site? I think it's perfectly legal. From the seller's point of view, I could see it being unattractive, but that's as far as it goes.Am I wrong?
>>> Selling stuff on the internet?