Monday, January 21, 2013

Rooted Kindle Fire HD 7 or Nexus 7?

Is there a whole lot of difference between a nexus 7 and a rooted kindle fire hd? I played with both a bit at best buy and the movie on the fire hd looked better to me. Performance seemed the same on both. I'm mostly concerned about the sound quality and the wifi connection.
I've read a lot of reviews saying the nexus is much better than the kindle fire hd, but I've also read reviews that said the speakers on the nexus are terrible when compared with the kindle fire and the wifi on the nexus cuts out a lot. The kindle fire hd does have the dual antenna. The nexus I tried out in the store sounded pretty good. Not as good as the kindle, but I'd be happy with it. That was a store model though, so I don't know how the one I buy would sound. I've read some people's reviews saying that the sound on their nexus is just fine and that aaall the other people who say otherwise have defective units.

I've rooted a couple tablets before for friends (not kindle or nexus so haven't been able to play with either any more) and I would just root a kindle fire and replace it with pure android, but it would be nice not having to with the nexus.

I can't really think of a reason I would use GPS on the nexus or want to hook up my kindle to my TV. I can do without both, so neither feature has been weighed into my decision making process here.

I'll just be using the tablet while I'm at school and possibly to watch TV in bed.It's a hassle to lug my heavy laptop and cord around school for 12 hours at a time even if it's only 3 days a week. Makes my back and shoulder hurt carrying it around campus. I want to use it to take notes during class - a girl in one of my math classes has no trouble taking notes on her ipad mini so I'm not worried about screen size- and I'll want to use it to surf the web for homework as well as watch movies and tv during free time.

Would the nexus sound just as good as the kindle if I used headphones? My bluetooth headphones sound great so I could just use those and be fine right? I would rather not HAVE to use them though since they hurt after about a half hour. Any experiences with or opinions of either will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
>>> Rooted Kindle Fire HD 7 or Nexus 7?