Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Could I run into copyright issues for my novel?

I'm an aspiring author, and I've written a novel and completed it. I'm going to be putting it on the Kindle store soon.
However… it's a Rapunzel parody, called Locked In.
I've gone to great lengths to make sure it doesn't appear like Disney's retelling, I've made Rapunzel have auburn hair, but her personality is quite like Disney's Rapunzel. She doesn't have magic hair, but she does posses magic-as it is discovered in the ending-but it isn't hair magic. Her parents aren't Royalty, and her saviour isn't an outlaw.and Gothel actually has more daughters in similar situations as hers. Also, Rapunzel meets her real family and it ends darkly.

My question is, if I change elements of Rapunzel, would there be a copyright issue? As you can see, I've changed it so it is neither like the Disney version or the Brother Grimm's.

So, would this still be public domain work, and would I run into copyright issues?
>>> Could I run into copyright issues for my novel?