Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What is wrong with this definition of success and happiness?

You get a job which you may or may not like where you spend the majority of your waking life until you are 65+ so you can earn money to keep yourself alive and, if you are lucky, buy crap that you don't need (TVs, Xboxes, Kindles, etc etc etc).

As far as I can see, that is the contemporary definition of success and happiness.As long as you are able to achieve that you are successful and should be happy.

I conclude relationships aren't meant to matter as divorce is considered to be fine and children's misery from divorce doesn't matter, as they can still grow up ad get jobs they don't like

The mantra is you must, above all else, be "independent" and "self-sufficient"… which again translates into having a job you don't necessarily like.

When did jobs becoming the central essence of meaning in a human beings life? For many thousands of years, people only had jobs to support the thing that really mattered - their family. People found meaning in meaningful relationships with spouses, relatives, children, neighbours and so on, not through the boring, tedious, often crushing way they had to earn a living.

But now meaning doesn't matters.It is irrelevant. Money and jobs are all.

>>> What is wrong with this definition of success and happiness?