Saturday, December 22, 2012

Did horrible on my state test really depressed? - 1

Im in 8th grade and i take the meap … Meap is for Michigan and it is the state standardized test. I usually do okay. I got ALL A'S this semester. I Always get good grades with mostly A's and some b's. I was so happy yesterday!!! At lunch i got a certificate and this gift card for getting all a's.In 4th hour my teacher told us we did really good on the meap AND that some of us kicked it butt! I was really happy… i was hoping i was one of the ones who kicked its butt. That high from 4th hour and lunch kept me going til the pep assembly. I am usually quiet in school, but i was so happy that i even got in on all the yelling. When it was time to call names for who did good and who significantly improved in reading and or math I was like so giddy. The thing is some people got kindle fires for being the best in the grade. Okay i didn't win one… no big deal. I am usually get advanced on reading on my meap test..but im just like okay no big deal someone did better than you. That wasn't it though.It was time to give certificates for significantly improving. I did really horrible in math i got below proficient. I was really sad last year when i got my scores, but i told myself last year i will do better. I didn't get a certificates :( So the thing is i DIDN'T significantly improve in math and that means i did really horrible. I didn't even get my meap scores, but when i took the test for the math one i was really worried and didn't feel like i learned what they was asking me. Lately i have been feeling dumb in math and everything. That is why i was so happy when i got my report card. I am really sad and depressed and all i wanted to do was cry. I was sad thru the shaving of my principal head (it was a bet that if the 8th grade can beat last year scores (which were record high in recent year) we could shave his head. We beat it !!! ). I was sad thru 30 mins of dancing and everything. I was sad when i came home. I was sad on my WAY home. I am still sad today. School is all i have. I'm not the prettiest and not the talented. I barely have any friends-but that is another story for another day. I'm still really bum about this. I feel REALLY stupid. Christmas is like 4 days away and i not feeling very merry.

Sorry for my grammar..maybe that is the reason my meap scores were horrible :(
>>> Did horrible on my state test really depressed? - 1