Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Do you know what Love is; I do?

The closest image we have of Love/Oneness/Divinity/Nirvana

is rainbow-colored FIRE plus gold, silver pink, opal and white.

… I remind you Moses saw the burning bush.

St Genoa said: "I saw Fire rush towards the soul, they purify and they annihilate"

St. Francis said: "those who are children of the Fire, are children of the Immaculate-Heart,
and they kindle that FLAME wherever they will go

Come on, there has to be someone on here who believes?

Atheists, I am not talking about physical fire, I am refering to a sort of etheric-plasma
which exists in purgatory. The evidence is within your heart-chakra.So bite me.
>>> Do you know what Love is; I do?