Sunday, September 30, 2012

Do you still like going to libaries? I do?

I'm asking this question firstly because this is such a digital age, and it seems everyone prefers to use Kindle's or iBooks to read. I'm 13, and I still prefer to pysically hold the book and read it. I just don't like the way most people read now. I think I'm just old fashioned, I've always loved books.

Sometimes, on a Saturday morning I get up early, get the bus into town and go to the big public library, and sit there most of the day reading.It's quite relaxing, I would go everyday but since I have school, I don't get home until 4pm, and by the time I had gotten a bus into town it would be about 5:30pm, and the library closes at 6:30pm so that doesn't leave a lot of time. I just love the quiet atmosphere in a library :]

Haha, sorry for that long paragrah, I just kind of started typing and forgot to stick to the question… >.>

ANYWAY, do you like going to libraries? Tell me your little stories of how you see your library :)
>>> Do you still like going to libaries? I do?