Saturday, November 8, 2014

What makes one book worth reading over all of the others?

There are literally billions of books out there available to anyone, if only through amazon! How do you select that one book to spend your valuable time on?

Read more: What makes one book worth reading over all of the others?

How to paste images from your gallery on a kindle fire?

How do you paste images from your gallery on a kindle fire?

Read more: How to paste images from your gallery on a kindle fire?

Im 15 and my dick is 7.5 inches is that considered big? B/c im still a virgin?

My dick is a little longer than my kindle fire (not hd) and the dimensions on google says 7.5 by 4.something is my dick big
P.s. It barley fits in the toilet paper roll I have to force it in.
Added (1). Oh im 5'6" and weigh like 110. My dick is different lengths when flaccid. One day its tiny the next it's big.

Read more: Im 15 and my dick is 7.5 inches is that considered big? B/c im still a virgin?

Do Kindle tabs support PDF files?

Do Kindle tabs support PDF files?

Read more: Do Kindle tabs support PDF files?

Does the new kindle fire HD 7 have the mayday button?

The new kindle fire HD 7 has a built in microphone. So does it have mayday?


Read more: Does the new kindle fire HD 7 have the mayday button?

Friday, November 7, 2014

How to log out of facebook on kindle?

How do I log out of facebook on kindle?

Read more: How to log out of facebook on kindle?

Kindle fire vs ipad. Which is better?

Kindle fire vs ipad. Which is better?

Read more: Kindle fire vs ipad. Which is better?

I want to download a 2hr movie on my kindle fire. How many GB of my wifi will it use?

I want to download a 2hr movie on my kindle fire. How many GB of my wifi will it use?

Read more: I want to download a 2hr movie on my kindle fire. How many GB of my wifi will it use?

How to get passed K9 web protection?

all the proxy's don't work so dont give me that and i tried the msconfig that did not work it just made is malfunction is there anything that can get me passed K9 web protection I watched a video on my kindle at the ymca about using the ip addres i cant go on youtube or google or any sh*t and dont give me **** about it being blocked for a reason because
It only blocks transformice through the keyword filter so if you could give me a copy and paste ip address of transformice please do so
Added (1). it can detect sites at a proxy avoidance or thinks its suspicious
Added (2). i tried using https:// it didnt work
I tried to make an account of my own but failed
Added (3). The site you tried to visit belongs to a category that your computer is set to block. is blocked because it is currently categorized as: Unrated
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^ example
my only friend is in florida and i can only talk to her on tfm

Read more: How to get passed K9 web protection?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Can I fix the kindle that is in Chinese?

Can I fix the kindle that is in Chinese?

Read more: Can I fix the kindle that is in Chinese?

How to get instagram on my kindle fire HD? - 1

i installed apk installer so i could get it on there, but i hit go to app store always. So now i cant download it.

Read more: How to get instagram on my kindle fire HD? - 1

Going to Iceland…Will my kindle work there or will I need a converter?

Going to Iceland… Will my kindle work there or will I need a converter?

Read more: Going to Iceland…Will my kindle work there or will I need a converter?

How to get audiobook to play while reading ebook(Kindle Fire)?

I have both the audiobook and the ebook for a book on my Kindle fire and I want to have it play the audiobook while i am reading the ebook. It was doing this before but now I can't find the option to play the audiobook. How do I do both at the same time? Please Help! Thank you!
Added (1). Please This is Very urgent I have to have a book finished soon for school!

Read more: How to get audiobook to play while reading ebook(Kindle Fire)?

How to change the files in My Music to mp3 so I can put them on my Kindle Fire?

How can I change the files in My Music to mp3 so I can put them on my Kindle Fire?

Read more: How to change the files in My Music to mp3 so I can put them on my Kindle Fire?

What else should I put on my christmas list?

This is what I have so far A laptop. Phone cases(a lot). Horse. Guitar. Poloroid camera. Money. Clothes. Makeup iPod. Footsie pjs Shoes. Hamster. Music CDs. Gift cards. Bras. Under wear. Uggs. Posters. Bedroom redone. Candy. Ihome kindle or nook. Concert ticket Jewelry. Head phones Purse. New tv. Fuzzy socks Whiteboard/calander. IPad. Gym/cheer bag. Toms. Gummy bear lamp. Wallet. Beef jerky. Mini fridge. Nikes. Eos lip balm set. Nail polish. "Spa in a jar". Glittery stuff Hair dye Stain remover for mah clothes! But I'm also an 11year old girl so ya tell me

Read more: What else should I put on my christmas list?

Will photos be deleted if you deregister kindle and register to a new account?

Will photos be deleted if you deregister kindle and register to a new account?

Read more: Will photos be deleted if you deregister kindle and register to a new account?

Best ROM for battery life on Kindle Fire?

I have seen a few topics regarding this, but I am looking for an up to date answer. What is the best ROM for battery life that doesn't take away too much performance? I like to play with emulators on it, and I don't want my DS to suffer. At this point, I am running JB 4.2.2 with hashcodes v3 kernel. I can play for about an hour, and the battery is at 75%. I was running in airplane mode, with wifi off, and the screen as dim as possible. This shocked me.

I tried this KitKang, because I seen someone claim they can have 16 hours with wifi on, but I got stuck in a bootloop after flashing and had to restore. I also tried GedeRom but didn't like some things I was reading about it. Anyone have a custom ROM on their Kindle that has great battery life?
Added (1). Also, the time when an hour use drained 25% battery, was the first night I had it flashed with that ROM. Does it take time for the battery to get used to the ROM useage, or what? Regardless, I want to hear your guys' experience and what you are using.
Added (2). 5 stars to the first complete answer, discussing your experiences.

Read more: Best ROM for battery life on Kindle Fire?

Can you read html format files on a Kindle?

Can I read the html file or do I need a converter? It's for a Kindle Paperwhite.

Read more: Can you read html format files on a Kindle?

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

How well does the Kindle Paperwhite function online?

I really want a kindle e-reader or tablet, but i'd prefer just an e-reader. I'm not sure how well the paperwhite works with online reading. I'd like to be able to read things like articles or manga scans (some of the manga i'd like to read aren't officially translated into english so I can't buy it.) from the internet, is the paperwhite capable of this?

Read more: How well does the Kindle Paperwhite function online?

I feel depressed and forever alone?

I'm a very introverted teenage guy, and I have never had a girlfriend in my entire life. Nothing even close. Because I'm introverted, I don't like talking to people (girls or otherwise) unless I have a reason for it, so I only have a few female friends, but I'm not even really that close to them. There was this one beautiful girl I had a crush on because she'd read a long classic book that I had put down, and I admired that, but I never could talk to her and she doesn't go to my school anymore. I don't like the girls at school and I really have no way to meet girls outside of school. Everyone keeps saying I have to be social, and I honestly hate that. I'd much rather read my Kindle that go to a party. I hate flirting. I honestly wish I could find a girl who likes books like me and will hold hands with me and read. Am I just forever alone? Will I be 60 and not have a wife?

Read more: I feel depressed and forever alone?

Do not remember my password to connect wi fi on my kindle?

Lost internet yesterday and my kindle will not accept my password now to connect

Read more: Do not remember my password to connect wi fi on my kindle?

What are some good Kindle games to play?

What are some good Kindle games to play?

Read more: What are some good Kindle games to play?

I have a kindle fire from Amazon and I want to remove books from the cloud?

I have a kindle fire from Amazon and I want to remove books from the cloud?

Read more: I have a kindle fire from Amazon and I want to remove books from the cloud?

Why is money the greatest thing in life?

Why is money the greatest thing in life?

Read more: Why is money the greatest thing in life?

Kindle Won't Connect To Amazon Appstore?

Okay so I've had a Kindle Fire HD for about 2 years now. I've never experienced any problems out of it, but all the sudden a few months ago, it won't do jackshit and I've went on with it for like 5 months and I'm pretty annoyed with it. It won't connect to the Amazon Appstore, and when I say that I mean I have a very strong connectivity with my internet and Kindle, but when I go to open the Appstore it's just a black screen with "App Store >" at the top left corner (like usual) but nothing on it. A few seconds afterwards it just redirects back to home. Plus, it won't delete anything either. Yes, I take my finger and hold down on it until the little button "Delete" pops up and I press it, but it remains on the device AND carousel! If you could help me out here, thanks.

Read more: Kindle Won't Connect To Amazon Appstore?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Cannot download pictures on amazon kindle?

Cannot download pictures on amazon kindle?

Read more: Cannot download pictures on amazon kindle?

Hi… When using a Kindle Fire HD can you highlight a word to see its meaning? If so, how? Thank you?!

Hi… When using a Kindle Fire HD can you highlight a word to see its meaning?
If so, how?
Thank you?!

Read more: Hi… When using a Kindle Fire HD can you highlight a word to see its meaning? If so, how? Thank you?!

Kindle Fire HD 7, Carousel issues?

Kindle Fire HD 7", Carousel issues?
Added (1). Books that have never been messed with on my kindle before keep showing up in my carousel after I've removed them. These books have never been opened or messed with other than to put them in categories on the home screen. I have a lot of books, so to have them continually popping up in my carousel is a pain in the butt. So, other than completely removing the books from my device how can I get them to stop popping up?

Read more: Kindle Fire HD 7, Carousel issues?

What does a kindle fire hd come with?

What does a kindle fire hd come with?

Read more: What does a kindle fire hd come with?

A tablet for a senior citizen?!

I am a senior citizen, 65yrs. Old, and I am wanting a tablet that is senior user friendly. I have a DELL INSPIRON 15 now and it is becoming difficult for me to use sometimes because it is loaded with all kinds of thing I NEVER USE! All I need to do on a tablet is surf the net a bit, I do order things from Amazon and eBay and sometimes other online stores looking for a good deal! And of coarse, sending and receiving emails from my friends which is very important to me because I LIVE ALONE! I do use my wireless printer and rarely watch a movie and only store a few pictures now and then. I've been told a NEXUS 7 would be a good tablet for me and also a AMAZON KINDLE FIRE HD. The tablet I buy will have to be quite easy to learn how to use because I have a bit of memory loss do to a screwed up open-heart surgery. I sure would very much appreciate any help/info. And advise from my friends on ANSWERS! You would really be helping out this lonely old man! Thanks for any kind info. I can get from anyone. Please remember nothing really fancy because of my short term memory loss! Thanks again.

Read more: A tablet for a senior citizen?!

Has anyone succeeded in getting the Kindle Fire HD 8.9 ADB driver to work with Windows 8?

There appears to be a major issue with this driver and Windows 8. Should I go back to Windows 7 until this is fixed?

Read more: Has anyone succeeded in getting the Kindle Fire HD 8.9 ADB driver to work with Windows 8?

How to enter this contestI would like to win the Kindle or something?

How do I enter this contestI would like to win the Kindle or something?

Read more: How to enter this contestI would like to win the Kindle or something?

Monday, November 3, 2014

How to find my wish list on my kindle 3G paperwhite?

How do i find my wish list on my kindle 3G paperwhite?

Read more: How to find my wish list on my kindle 3G paperwhite?

Can Kindle harm your eyes in long run?

Can Kindle harm your eyes in long run?

Read more: Can Kindle harm your eyes in long run?

What is the advantage of buying the new Voyage Kindle with wi-fi and free 3G?

What is the advantage of buying the new Voyage Kindle with wi-fi and free 3G?

Read more: What is the advantage of buying the new Voyage Kindle with wi-fi and free 3G?

Someone reported MY kindle stolen, but it was never stolen?!

Someone reported MY kindle stolen, but it was never stolen?!
Added (1). I got a Kindle BRAND NEW out of the box from Best Buy for my birthday a couple years ago. I sold it yesterday and they are saying it has been "blacklisted" /reported stolen… How does that work? I never had any issues with it… Obviously never had it reported stolen either… So is there a way someone can get your serial number and report it stolen? I'm totally lost!
Added (2). I got a Kindle BRAND NEW out of the box from Best Buy for my birthday a couple years ago. I sold it yesterday and they are saying it has been "blacklisted" /reported stolen… How does that work? I never had any issues with it… Obviously never had it reported stolen either… So is there a way someone can get your serial number and report it stolen? I'm totally lost!

Read more: Someone reported MY kindle stolen, but it was never stolen?!

Amazon email and password for kindle?

I just got a kindle fire HDX last night. My dad has one too so I want to use his account on mine. He doesn't know what his email and password is for his account, and since we don't live together I don't know how to help him figure out how to get that information. Does anyone know how he can find out what email and password he used to register his kindle?

Read more: Amazon email and password for kindle?

Sunday, November 2, 2014

I have no idea how to get my kindle to work on my computer its installed?

I have no idea how to get my kindle to work on my computer its installed?

Read more: I have no idea how to get my kindle to work on my computer its installed?

Kindle cannot find wifi to connect to?

My kindle is only a few weeks old, and working fine up to this point.
If I go in to settings, it says 'Available wifi networks 0', even though it should be picking up at least 5. I live in a house with 8 others and we are all connecting to the router fine with other devices, and I've taken the kindle to uni to try their wifi but same thing. I've also tried setting my iphone up as a personal hotspot (something which my kindle has been connected to before) but it can't even find this.
I've restarted my kindle many times to no avail.
I've tried to set it back to factory default, but when I select the option to do this, it just closes the dialogue box and doesn't reset it.
Any advice?!

Read more: Kindle cannot find wifi to connect to?

My kindle fire first edition wont charge… What do i do? Help?!

My kindle fire first edition wont charge… What do i do? Help?!

Read more: My kindle fire first edition wont charge… What do i do? Help?!

Does a kindle paperwhite case fit the new basic kindle (7th generation)?

I want to buy the 79$ basic kindle (the one with touchscreen but no lights) for Christmas, but I can't find any cases for it in my country. However, this kindle looks pretty much the same as the kindle paperwhite, so if I buy a paperwhite case will it fit my basic kindle?

Read more: Does a kindle paperwhite case fit the new basic kindle (7th generation)?

Christians, you do realize that the Bible says interracial marriage is wrong?

Deuteronomy 7:3-4.
3 You shall not intermarry with them, giving your daughters to their sons or taking their daughters for your sons, 4 for they would turn away your sons from following me, to serve other gods. Then the anger of the Lord would be kindled against you, and he would destroy you quickly.

Read more: Christians, you do realize that the Bible says interracial marriage is wrong?

What device is best for textbooks?

I'm in my first semester of college, and this semester I wasn't very smart with buying books.
I bought all my textbooks from the college bookstore(big mistake), and I want to be smarter for next semester.
First off, I only really needed to buy one textbook because I had to write in it.
I bought two others, which I should have rented, I've noticed buying online, doesn't actually save much, maybe like 10-15 dollars, but then I have to wait for it to come in the mail, and possibly pay shipping.
So I will definitely rent next semester.
Anyway, I'm going to get some money
soon and I have the chance to buy a tablet.
What tablet is best for textbooks?
or a Kindle fire?
Or should I just use my laptop? (I don't really want to) I am willing to buy a new laptop, as long as it's a cheap one, or does that matter?
I'm not super great with this stuff, please help me.
Also, dumb question, but how I exactly do I download a textbook, like where?
I use computers I just never did that before.

Read more: What device is best for textbooks?

Can a 7 Kindle HDX be used as a cell phone?

Can a 7" Kindle HDX be used as a cell phone?

Read more: Can a 7 Kindle HDX be used as a cell phone?