Saturday, February 20, 2016

I bought a book from the kindle app store(via phone), but it's not on my actual kindle?

Yes I'm connected to the internet and I've refreshed my kindle a couple of times but the book still won't show. What do I do?

Read more: I bought a book from the kindle app store(via phone), but it's not on my actual kindle?

Friday, February 19, 2016

How to upload pictures to instagram from kindle Fire?

How to upload pictures to instagram from kindle Fire?

Read more: How to upload pictures to instagram from kindle Fire?

I just noticed neither my kindle fire or my kindle fire hd or my kindle fire?

I just noticed neither my kindle fire or my kindle fire hd or my kindle fire?

Read more: I just noticed neither my kindle fire or my kindle fire hd or my kindle fire?

What happened? My attachments no longer open on my kindle fire hd?

What happened? My attachments no longer open on my kindle fire hd?

Read more: What happened? My attachments no longer open on my kindle fire hd?

What to do at a doctors for 3 hours?

i will be at a doctors office for 3 to 4 hours a month and i need something to do. Thank you also my phone is broken so thats out of the picture.

Read more: What to do at a doctors for 3 hours?

Thursday, February 18, 2016

My kindle won't stay charged?

I have a kindle fire hd i got 4-5 years ago.
After I charge it it dies after a few days. What should I do?

Read more: My kindle won't stay charged?

Book marketing tips, anyone?

I recently got a second book onto Kindle Scout (link here: My first failed because I couldn't market it well enough, though everyone who checked it out said it looked amazing. How can I reach out and ask for votes when I'm shy and have a small following?

Read more: Book marketing tips, anyone?

How to save a kindle ebooks from my pc to my flash drive? It doesn't give me the option to copy?

How to save a kindle ebooks from my pc to my flash drive? It doesn't give me the option to copy?

Read more: How to save a kindle ebooks from my pc to my flash drive? It doesn't give me the option to copy?

Kindle not downloading even though I have paid for books. I NEED TO SPEAK TO A PERSON>?

Kindle not downloading even though I have paid for books. I NEED TO SPEAK TO A PERSON>?

Read more: Kindle not downloading even though I have paid for books. I NEED TO SPEAK TO A PERSON>?

Which is the cheapest E-Book reader?

Not the Kindle.

Read more: Which is the cheapest E-Book reader?

What kindled the middle east for the 9/11 attack?

What kindled the middle east for the 9/11 attack? - 1

Read more: What kindled the middle east for the 9/11 attack?

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Fire os 5 for hdx 3rd generation?

Hi I have a kindle fire hdx 3rd generation 2013 and I read that fire os 5.1.1 update was released someware around last week but I have not reseaved it. I heard that it was compatable with my kindle but dont for sure all I know is that my cousin has 2014 model kindle fire and has the fire os 5.1.1. Is it possible that iw will come to my kindle or should I give up hope and accept that my kindle is left in the dust.

Read more: Fire os 5 for hdx 3rd generation?

Which is better roku tv or kindle stick fire?

Which is better roku tv or kindle stick fire?

Read more: Which is better roku tv or kindle stick fire?

How to return a book loaned on Amazon with the kindle app & get back a deleted book?

someone lent me a book on amazon kindle and i went to return it but there was no return button and when i was looking around for it i accidentally deleted it is there a way for me to get it back and return it?

Read more: How to return a book loaned on Amazon with the kindle app & get back a deleted book?

Getting books without buying from a store or requesting from a library?

Is there any way to get some books without having to go to a library? I know this might sound silly and normally I have no issue going to a library… But I will need specific books for some very personal topics. My librarian is actually a personal friend and is a bit nosy by nature, so I'm really afraid to start requesting books of such a nature (I know I'd get questions, odd looks, and probably talked about). I know I could buy books from various places… BUT I would need many and I do NOT want to pay tons and tons of money. Plus, some of the books may not even turn out to be what I hoped, so I may not even use them. I would mainly be wanting the books to look through and then if there's anything helpful or beneficial, I could jot down some notes and move on.

I know I can look up information online and I have, but I really think some books will help too as they may provide different (and even better) assistance. Is there a way I could "read" entire books online for free - or would all of them cost money? I have heard of Kindles before but, I know the device obviously costs money. I also know I may not be able to find All the books in some cases for my device if I had one.

And in case anyone needs to know, the books are to help someone close to me. They would be on topics such as addiction and stuff. I would rather keep stuff like this private, which is why I'm scared to go in to my local library for them.
Added (1). And if going to the library would turn out to be the best way for me to go, how can I avoid feeling judged and kind of dodge the nosy/probing questions about what I'm getting?
Added (2). Also, I want to keep it legal obviously. I don't want to "steal" books from unreliable/bad websites. I just want to temporarily have the books long enough for me to look them over and possibly write some notes. That's why I don't want to actually buy them. It'd be super expensive and I only need them for a little while.

Read more: Getting books without buying from a store or requesting from a library?

How to bookmark pages, in kindle app, on an android tablet?

How to bookmark pages, in kindle app, on an android tablet?

Read more: How to bookmark pages, in kindle app, on an android tablet?

How to delete silk kindle?

How to delete silk from. My kindle?

Read more: How to delete silk kindle?

How to gain access to books to make a webb app similar to kindle?

How to gain access to books to make a webb app similar to kindle? - 1

Read more: How to gain access to books to make a webb app similar to kindle?

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

How do find my facebook password?

Need it to enter into my kindle fire

Read more: How do find my facebook password?

How hard is it to delete books from the Kindle cloud?

How hard is it to delete books from the Kindle cloud?

Read more: How hard is it to delete books from the Kindle cloud?

Is there a case like this in kindle Voyage size?

I would love this case does anyone have a case like this for the Kindle Voyage

Its rather expensive and there is no preview of the product for voyage only paper white

So I would like to make sure I'm picking the perfect fit for the case and it is one of a kind Is there a case like this in kindle Voyage size

Read more: Is there a case like this in kindle Voyage size?

Will my book editor expect royalties?

I wrote a children s book and I plan on illustrating it myself and using Kindle Kids Book Creator to upload my book.
If I post my childrens e-book on kindle for, lets say, $1.00. Will I have to give some of the profit to my editor?

I plan on paying her for looking over my edits (there wasn t a lot), but I m worried she ll expect something for every dollar I make from the e-book. (Which honestly, I doubt i ll be making anything). I m not even sure if I can self-publish on Kindle yet using that program because I haven t even gotten that far yet.

Read more: Will my book editor expect royalties?

Can not connect to WiFi for my Kindle. There was an outage for about 1 hour?

Can not connect to WiFi for my Kindle. There was an outage for about 1 hour?

Read more: Can not connect to WiFi for my Kindle. There was an outage for about 1 hour?

My kindle touch won't accept my password in attempting to gain access to wifi?

My kindle touch won't accept my password in attempting to gain access to wifi?

Read more: My kindle touch won't accept my password in attempting to gain access to wifi?

How to sign up for Instagram on the kindle fire?

I'm having a hard time trying to sign up for one. So can someone please tell me how? Or can someone just make me one because my instagram app allows me only to sign in. So that would be nice too if possible.

Read more: How to sign up for Instagram on the kindle fire?

I have a kindle touch and it will accept my email password when attempting to log onto wffi?!

I have a kindle touch and it will accept my email password when attempting to log onto wffi?!

Read more: I have a kindle touch and it will accept my email password when attempting to log onto wffi?!

Can I move books from Kindle to computer?

Can I move books from Kindle to computer?

Read more: Can I move books from Kindle to computer?

Does Amazon know what files I put on my Kindle?

Does Amazon know what files I put on my Kindle? - 1
Added (1). Other than stuff I buy from them, I mean. I'm talking about things I put on it through a USB cable.

Read more: Does Amazon know what files I put on my Kindle?

Monday, February 15, 2016

Can you sync your Amazon account King games on other android tabs?

So I have some saga games, far hero's and candy crush soda and I used to have them on my kindle fire which was linked to my Amazon account., to buy gold bars etc. Now I am on a Samsung tab 4 which is Google play, but I don't wanna put my payment details into Google because of horror stories from other people. Is there a way I could link the 2? Games on Samsung tab linked to my Amazon account?

Read more: Can you sync your Amazon account King games on other android tabs?

What is the ponit of buying a Kindle, when you can read the ebooks on your Android phone?

What is the ponit of buying a Kindle, when you can read the ebooks on your Android phone?

Read more: What is the ponit of buying a Kindle, when you can read the ebooks on your Android phone?

Has anyone been able to get their kindle to work in over their car speakers?

I hooked up kindle via headphone jack to usb and no dice. The only other port on the kindle is for charging.
Added (1). I don't have a headphone jack in my car it's too new!

Read more: Has anyone been able to get their kindle to work in over their car speakers?

Is it possible to allow the store in Kindle FreeTime?

I want to use FreeTime s cool do-this-much-educational-stuff-before-pl… Features, but don t want to lock the Web browser or store. Is this possible? PS: Using Fire HD6 running FireOS 4.

Read more: Is it possible to allow the store in Kindle FreeTime?

Religion and spirituality: Did you know? Gibbon The good sense of Muhammad despised?

The good sense of Muhammad despised the pomp of royalty. The Apostle of God submitted to the menial offices of the family; he kindled the fire; swept the floor; milked the ewes; and mended with his own hands his shoes and garments. Disdaining the penance and merit of a hermit, he observed without effort of vanity the abstemious diet of an Arab.

Edward Gibbon and Simon Oakley
The greatest success of Mohammad’s life was effected by sheer moral force.

Edward Montet
Islam is a religion that is essentially rationalistic in the widest sense of this term considered etymologically and historically… the teachings of the Prophet, the Qur’an has invariably kept its place as the fundamental starting point, and the dogma of unity of God has always been proclaimed therein with a grandeur a majesty, an invariable purity and with a note of sure conviction, which it is hard to find surpassed outside the pale of Islam… A creed so precise, so stripped of all theological complexities and consequently so accessible to the ordinary understanding might be expected to possess and does indeed possess a marvellous power of winning its way into the consciences of men.

Read more: Religion and spirituality: Did you know? Gibbon The good sense of Muhammad despised?

How to sign in/out of the Kindle app?

My dad is letting me borrow his netbook while I m in the hospital so I can read books on a big screen. He has his own account as well. So I wanted to log out of his and read my own library during my hospital visit. Help?

Read more: How to sign in/out of the Kindle app?

Can you see my Kindle browsing history?

Okay, so I want to know if you can check browsing history through the Kindle\Amazon account? My friend has been using it to go on FB, and Im not allowed to have one. My Kindle is hooked to my dads account. He can see the books I get but what about my browsing history?

Read more: Can you see my Kindle browsing history?