I have seen a few topics regarding this, but I am looking for an up to date answer. What is the best ROM for battery life that doesn't take away too much performance? I like to play with emulators on it, and I don't want my DS to suffer. At this point, I am running JB 4.2.2 with hashcodes v3 kernel. I can play for about an hour, and the battery is at 75%. I was running in airplane mode, with wifi off, and the screen as dim as possible. This shocked me.
I tried this KitKang, because I seen someone claim they can have 16 hours with wifi on, but I got stuck in a bootloop after flashing and had to restore. I also tried GedeRom but didn't like some things I was reading about it. Anyone have a custom ROM on their Kindle that has great battery life?
Added (1). Also, the time when an hour use drained 25% battery, was the first night I had it flashed with that ROM. Does it take time for the battery to get used to the ROM useage, or what? Regardless, I want to hear your guys' experience and what you are using.
Added (2). 5 stars to the first complete answer, discussing your experiences.
Read more: Best ROM for battery life on Kindle Fire?