Saturday, August 2, 2014

Kindle Fire HD youtube not working?

On my Kindle, on the browser Silk, when I try to play a YouTube Video, it doesn't work. What is going on?

Read more: Kindle Fire HD youtube not working?

How to transfer stuff from my kindle to the kindle cloud?

I think what I have is the first kindle model, so I think that is why I can't just press on the book and press place in cloud. Also I can't find on my amazon account on the website how to transfer it or any options for transferring.

Read more: How to transfer stuff from my kindle to the kindle cloud?

Could I become a model one day?

Read more: Could I become a model one day?

Friday, August 1, 2014

I need superhero names for my story?

Three of the main characters in my story are superheros and I have their abilities all figured out but I can't think of superhero names for them.
The first one is a girl and her main power is supersonic scream kind of like Banshee from Xmen First Class. She is also telepathic and has some telekinetic abilities. I was thinking of something like Supersonic but it sounds like I'm ripping off Sonic the hedgehog or something.
The second character is also a girl and is an archer kind of like Hawkeye from Avengers. She also has superhuman eyesight allowing her to see things you would normally only be able to see with special equipment. Since she's an archer I've already looked into the Greek and Roman mythologies and names that mean hunter and archer. None of them really peaked my interest. So if you could think of something a little different I'd appreciate it.
The third one is a boy who can breathe fire and control it to a certain extent. I don't want to use dragon as his superhero name because I've seen it been used before.
I'm probably being extremely picky but I don't want to use something that a lot of other people have probably already used. I appreciate any suggestions.

Read more: I need superhero names for my story?

My keyboard isn't working?

I am typing from my kindle bc my computers keyboard won't work. I'm not sure if it's a virus. Can you get a virus that affects your keyboard? I was unaware you could. Anyways, when I try to type it makes this clicking noise. I have searched the web for answers and tried what I found: Turn completely off, remove battery for 5 minutes, reinstall, turn machine back on, and it should work, and Go to control panel, select keyboard, and make sure no boxes are checked. There ARE no boxes to check. It all started when I was playing MC, I wasn't even on a website that held a potential virus. Even my brother who wants to be a programmer when he's older said "I'm not in the IT." After I told him what was going on he was like, "Have you tried turning it off then on again?" I laughed, but I'm still mad.

Read more: My keyboard isn't working?

Kindle firing saying I have low storage when I try to download a book?

My coworker has a Kindle Fire that she only uses for books, and she currently has 11.7 of 12.9 GB of space left but when she tries to download a book it says "Low Storage - Kindle cannot download content because your Kindle if nearly out of storage" Can anyone help? She has no apps or games on it.

Read more: Kindle firing saying I have low storage when I try to download a book?

Can I download my own book for free (Kindle Direct Publishing)?

I published a book on kdp. Can I download it for free to my kindle, or do I need to buy it?

Read more: Can I download my own book for free (Kindle Direct Publishing)?

Kindle Fire HDX 8.9, iPad 3, or iPad mini?

I just bought a Kindle Fire 8.9 for college. It's okay, but I never did too much with Amazon. I mainly want a tablet for text book reading and syncing notes from my laptop (I have a mac, I wouldn't have just a tablet). Since I'm already part of Apple with my laptop and iPhone, I thought I'd see if I can return it.
If I return it, I will get either a refurbished iPad 3, or (more probable) refurbished iPad mini without retina (less expensive).
I really like the size of the Kindle and I don't think the actual screen of the mini is too much smaller. Is it worth to move from my Kindle ereader to an iPad without retina for college?

Read more: Kindle Fire HDX 8.9, iPad 3, or iPad mini?

Thursday, July 31, 2014

How to download a lot of movies on my kindle fire hdx?

I have a kindle fire hdx. I want to put a lot of movies on it but I want to save the space on my kindle. Is there a way I can make the movie files smaller so I can save some space? And also how do I get the movies under the video category? Because when I put a video on my kindle, it ended up in my photos.

Read more: How to download a lot of movies on my kindle fire hdx?

How to convert WLMP to AVI, MOV, MP4 and other formats?

I created a video using Windows Live Movie Maker. The output file is in a.wlmp format. I can only view this video using this application which created it. How could the video be played by regular media player, such as QuickTime, VLC, etc? How to convert WLMP to AVI? Any advice?

Read more: How to convert WLMP to AVI, MOV, MP4 and other formats?

Chihuahua name ideas please?

she is 8 weeks old dark chocolate in color with little smudges of white on chest and toes she currently has blue eyes and weighs 1.2lbs

I would really like something elegant with a cutesy nickname or just super cutesty to begin with.

I also have a persian cat and her name is esme a ball python snake named sunny and an axolotl named galaxy just to give you an idea of my taste
Added (1). Please people serious answers! GOD you're not a two year old!

bimbo seriously?!

Read more: Chihuahua name ideas please?

Best amazon kindle for college?

My gf has amazon prime but no kindle. She said once that she was interested in one to get. Since her bday is soon, I will buy it for her. She will use it primarily to read textbooks instead of carrying them around. She isn't the social networking type anyways. Streaming services isn't a must since she has an iPhone and her parents ipad. Which one would be the best one for her? I don't mind the price. Give me your top 2 choices

Read more: Best amazon kindle for college?

How to look for a book cover designer?

Specifically, I'm looking for a sci-fi book cover designer. I already have the idea what the cover looks like but I don't have the skills.

Besides, what's reasonable price for a book cover design? Or how do designers charge?
I need as much information as possible. Thanks!

P.S. I'm planning to publish my book on Amazon Kindle, so it's fully digital.

Read more: How to look for a book cover designer?

How to make my room look less cluttered?

Just cleaned my shelves, desk, chest of drawers and dressing table surface. But my room still looks really cluttered. My floor is tidy. Everything that would normally be on my desk is in the drawers, as this makes it look a little less cluttered. My shelves have ornaments and books on, lots and lots and lots of books. Books probably take over about 1/3 of my room. However I now have a kindle, so no more paperback/ hardback books.

Please help, I have a small room that needs to look clean, tidy and clutterless, if that's even a word!

- Lucie x

Read more: How to make my room look less cluttered?

Can my kindle hdx read my purchased books aloud to me?

is there some sort of application that can read my books to me?

Read more: Can my kindle hdx read my purchased books aloud to me?

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Which is better Oyster or Scribd unlimited Kindle book membership?

Which is better Oyster or Scribd unlimited Kindle book membership?

Read more: Which is better Oyster or Scribd unlimited Kindle book membership?

I want to download new books on my kindle?

Please list for me your fave books to read? I don't mind, fact or fiction, thrillers, romance, anything at all please?


Read more: I want to download new books on my kindle?

Does anything exciting ever happen in The Sims Freeplay game?

I've had this game for about a week on my Kindle and I know its not the full game but I'm disappointed.
When I think of Sims I think chaos and there has been none of that whatsoever. One of man Sims grew a sim eating plant and I thought something was going to happen but they just wrestle with it for a while.I'm almost at level 10 and my Sims will have a baby soon. Does the game get better? Will they ever catch the house on fire, get sick, get robbed, die, or come back as a zombie?

Read more: Does anything exciting ever happen in The Sims Freeplay game?

Uranus quincunx / inconjunct Ascendant interpretation?

I was reading my natal chart in and saw that my 'strongest' aspect was Uranus quincunx Ascendant. (By 'strongest' I mean the most accurate in degrees aspect). I can't find the interpretation anywhere so that's why I am asking you guys.

Read more: Uranus quincunx / inconjunct Ascendant interpretation?

Websites where they sell cheap text books for college?

I am looking for a text book on psychotherapy and psychology. First year beginner level to be exact.

So is there any website where I can find cheap, affordable text books and where I can maybe get suggestions?

Here's another relevant question of mine:

Read more: Websites where they sell cheap text books for college?

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How to delete magazine subscriptions off my kindle?

I got 2 sample magazine subscriptions on my kindle, for the 30 day trial period but now I want to stop them sending me the magazines because I don't like them and I don't want to pay for them. How do i unsubscribe from them?

Read more: How to delete magazine subscriptions off my kindle?

I want to copy some DVDs to Kindle Fire HDX 8.9, is it possible?

I want to copy some DVDs to Kindle Fire HDX 8.9, is it possible?

Read more: I want to copy some DVDs to Kindle Fire HDX 8.9, is it possible?

Monday, July 28, 2014

Does anybody know where I can buy 'The Meat Market' by Jonathan Harkon online?

I've only managed to find a kindle version which was on amazon, I don't have a kindle and I prefer actual books, so it's not helpful at all. Please answer Thanks!

Read more: Does anybody know where I can buy 'The Meat Market' by Jonathan Harkon online?

I am an amateur author who is looking to get published. Where do I start?

I am an amateur author who is looking to get published. Where do I start?

Read more: I am an amateur author who is looking to get published. Where do I start?

I'm unable to get into a mine cart in Minecraft PE?

I'm on Kindle, so I'm already upset that we don't have the update yet (my friends with iPads already have it and now we can't join worlds), but this is just making me angry.
I've never had trouble getting into a mine cart before, but now the "ride" button isn't showing up. Is anyone else having this trouble?

(from my 9 year old son)

Read more: I'm unable to get into a mine cart in Minecraft PE?

How to transfer music from a cd to my kindle?

I want to put the music that is on the cd on my kindle fire, but I don't know how?

Read more: How to transfer music from a cd to my kindle?

Can I control what books my child downloads on google play or Kindle?

I used to have zoodles on her tablet but I removed it so that she can download games. She likes to read and has been reading on kindle and playbooks but I don't like that she has access to all books for sale. I would be very upset to find that she'd somehow downloaded erotica or something extremely violent. I've tried setting a pin in Google play for purchases, but it only asks for the pin for PAID purchases, not all. I've tried (on my cell) restricting downloadable content that's rated for everybody, but it must not apply to books because it still let me download an erotica book.

She's eight years old, but reads well above her grade level so I hate to restrict her to childrens books that are available in children's apps, plus she likes being able to download games on google play as she pleases.

Is there a way around this with either Playbooks of Kindle that I can restrict the content that she reads?

Read more: Can I control what books my child downloads on google play or Kindle?

True stories that are based around law?

I'm looking for books to read about law. Ones about why someone should or shouldn't have been found guilty or anything that is based on a true story. I would also like them to not be too expensive since books surrounding law are not cheap. $15.00 would be the most expensive so anything less would be great. I would prefer to read them on my kindle as well.

Read more: True stories that are based around law?

I downloaded the Kindle app on my phone last night and seem to love it so far, but?

Should I still get an actual Kindle?

Read more: I downloaded the Kindle app on my phone last night and seem to love it so far, but?

What is best: Audiobook and Books?


I am looking for an unbiased look or maybe comparison on which is best between listening to an Audiobook and reading the book itself.

I've listened to part of an Audiobook as I mostly do this while running but I have found myself at night beginning to make time to relax in bed and continue to listen to more of the story. These are often epic fantasy; A Song of Ice and Fire, and The Stormlight Archive.

What I would like to know is - which would be best to use? Should I continue with Audiobooks or should I begin to read actual books. The main thing that is stopping me from starting books is that I am worried that I will have difficulty building characters in my head whereas with the Audiobook the reader would do that for me with different voices.

If you do suggest reading a book instead, is it better to read the book or use a Kindle or any other electronic reading tool. I spend long hours on a computer each day and by the time I get tired I find it difficult to focus fully on text on the screen. My screen position isn't the greatest for reading text.

What are your experiences with the aforementioned scenarios?

Please remember to keep your answers unbiased rather than purely suggesting books because it is referred to as better and that has been drilled into you over the years.

Thank you.

Read more: What is best: Audiobook and Books?

Sunday, July 27, 2014

How to make my summer go by faster?!

I Really love school and my summer consists of sitting in the house all day on my kindle. I'm going to ninth grade on September 1 and the days are going by So slowly. I'm excited to start 9th grade. Please tell me how I can make the summer go by faster.

I don't live in America so I can't get a job or community service or stuff.

I also don't have friends near me.

And please don't tell me to make it last. That's exactly what I'm not doing.

Read more: How to make my summer go by faster?!

Book recommendation? Treasure hunting?

I need help finding something to read. I just read this awesome book called, "Tesoro: Secrets of the Hidden Treasure" by Andrea Hintz on my Kindle, and I really liked it a lot. She's going to publish more in the series, but they aren't out yet. Do you know of any more books like this one? It's a treasure hunting book if that helps.
Added (1). Here’s a link to it:

Read more: Book recommendation? Treasure hunting?

How to change the owner registered?

Please help.

Read more: How to change the owner registered?

Can a member of my family sue me if I write a fictional college paper about my ancestors?

First off, I attend an art college. We're not a regular college.

My assignment in English II is to write a fictional story about your ancestors (going back 60 years as not to embarrass anyone still alive.)

I've been writing my story, and using real names. Which my teacher is fine about in the assignment. Well, today I get a phone call from an elderly cousin (in her 80's) who found out about my fictional story, and plans to sue if I decide to e-publish it on Kindle. Which, several of my classmates want to do with their stories. She says it defames a Great Uncle of hers. The man has been dead since 1926.

Anyway, if I use real names in my story, can she legally sue me? The woman is beyond hysterical because there is a family rumor that our uncle was gay, and kept it a secret because this was the 1920's. Can she legally sue me if I use real names. He's both our uncle, but the man has been dead since 1926. Perhaps, it's best off to change names in my story when I e-publish it?

Read more: Can a member of my family sue me if I write a fictional college paper about my ancestors?

Can you watch movies on a Kindle Fire when you arent connected to internet?

Im thinking about buying a Kindle Fire. I know you have to be connected to interenet in order to download the movies. But once they are, do you have to remain connected to watch

Read more: Can you watch movies on a Kindle Fire when you arent connected to internet?