Saturday, June 21, 2014

How to get flash on my Kindle Fire HD 8.9?

I wanted to use sites like Twitch and other webcam sites from my Kindle, but apparently I need flash, but it's not available to download for tablets. Is there anything I can do?

Read more: How to get flash on my Kindle Fire HD 8.9?

Does reading stories from websites online count as reading?

im talking about stories from websites like or or even hello poetry. The author is not published and they have a begging middle and end (some of them may not finished yet)
is reading these types of stories online considered reading? Like the type of reading that "makes you smarter"
thanks in advance XOXOXOXO

Read more: Does reading stories from websites online count as reading?

Friday, June 20, 2014

How to find an old children's book series online?

There was a British series called 'Ally's World' by Karen McCombie that I used to read when I was younger. I had the first three books, and the school library had a few more.
I never finished the series, and since I've been trying to find it online, preferably in an eBook format. Buying the physical books isn't really possible as shipping to my country is always expensive (Barbados in the Caribbean). I don't mind paying for it but I can't seem to find it in iBooks Store or Kindle store. I've even looked for torrents and I didn't see anything.

Any idea how I could find it again? I'd really like to re-read them and possibly finish the series.

Read more: How to find an old children's book series online?

How to add books to a Kindle?

I don't have one yet, just asking. Is it like an MP3 player where you can add whatever e-books you already have to it? From what I'm reading it sounds like you can only read what you buy off Amazon.

Read more: How to add books to a Kindle?

Can you bring a computer and kindle into warped tour?

My mom wants to bring her computer and kindle…

Read more: Can you bring a computer and kindle into warped tour?

Do you ever read a real book? Not on Kindle et al. But a hard back or paper back?

Do you ever read a real book? Not on Kindle et al. But a hard back or paper back?

Read more: Do you ever read a real book? Not on Kindle et al. But a hard back or paper back?

Hey is amazon prime worth getting?

i been thinking about getting?someone please let me know cuz i use amazon to buy all my stuff and have been for the past few years so i was thinking about getting it but idk if its worth paying 99bucks for can someone tell me what you get for paying for amazon prime?

Read more: Hey is amazon prime worth getting?

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Is there a reliable way to hack injustice for kindle to get all characters and infiinite coins?

Without computer if possible.

Read more: Is there a reliable way to hack injustice for kindle to get all characters and infiinite coins?

What's wrong with my Kindle's screen?

I haven't used it in months and when I turned it on the home screen froze near the bottom of the screen; the rest works fine. Could it be because it's low on battery or? Could I fix it? Please help, thanks
What s wrong with my Kindle s screen

Read more: What's wrong with my Kindle's screen?

My Kindle Fire HD will charge (FOR POINTS)?

Every time I decide to charge my kindle fire hd, it will not charge. I have been having this problem for a while ( I haven't used it for a long time). I want to start reading books on it but I am still having the same problem. When i try to charge it, it doesn't show any signal that it is charging which would be turning on and showing the dead battery signal.
I remember when it stop working and it was when I saw that it was dead so I plugged it in and it still continued to die. I have used other charges and they work because they charge my phone.

I am wondering if anyone has a good solution for this problem.

P.S a lot of people also have the same problem

Read more: My Kindle Fire HD will charge (FOR POINTS)?

Can I publish my books on Kindle/Amazon?

Hello there my name is Aran. I am 16 years old and I am a passionate writer who happens to be living in the wrong country. I was born in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq and I am still living here. I initially wanted to publish my books in my mother language which is Kurdish, but the book publishing industry is a big failure in my country. People don't use eBooks and they hardly ever read paper books. I figured then that I will never be able to succeed or even make a decent amount of money here in my country so my question is: If I write in English, can I actually publish the books on Amazon? If so then how? Will I be able to make a fair amount of money by doing so?
Added (1). P.s. To anyone that has comments on my young age: I am pretty confident about the fact that I can write.

Read more: Can I publish my books on Kindle/Amazon?

What is things that I could do online that will make me a lot of money?

What is things that I could do online that will make me a lot of money?

Read more: What is things that I could do online that will make me a lot of money?

Amazon kindle fire HDX 8.9 or Sony Xperia Z2 tablet?

Well I've narrowed it down this far. I don't want an apple product and I think I'm set on one of these two.

I want a tablet mostly for ebooks and YouTube, Netflix, and web browsing. But it would also be nice to have the best of the best everything lol. Oh and good speakers are a must!

Basically I'm just worried about what is gonna be better for ebooks but still be an awesome tablet.

Also i don't want anything too small (nexus 7), but not too big and unwieldy either.

Thanks guys!

Read more: Amazon kindle fire HDX 8.9 or Sony Xperia Z2 tablet?

Kindle fire hd vs iPad mini?

Hi my question is this my wife and I have am iTunes account that has movies and stuff for our son, I want a tablet and the kindle is cheaper, but I don't know if it's worth it since we are tied to Apple so much. And for the record we both have iPhones and she has an iPad she took on deployment

Read more: Kindle fire hd vs iPad mini?

What should I buy with $250?

Right now I'm thinking of getting:

Ipod touch 5th gen
Kindle Fire HDX
Airsoft gun
Ps4 games

I honestly don't know which of these things I should get. I'm leaning toward the airsoft gun and ipod but I don't know. What do you think I should get and also is their anything else that you would recommend me getting.

Read more: What should I buy with $250?

I'm married, but i dont love my wife?

My wife is a good person, and a good wife and mother to our child. She's done nothing to anger or upset me. I love her. But I'm no longer in love with her and haven't

Read more: I'm married, but i dont love my wife?

Should I buy Bane or Doomsday on Injustice Gods Among Us Kindle?!

Should I buy Bane or Doomsday on Injustice Gods Among Us Kindle?!

Read more: Should I buy Bane or Doomsday on Injustice Gods Among Us Kindle?!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I accidentally deleted songs from Cloud?!

I recently purchased an album but I deleted it from the Cloud. I check On Device, but there is nothing. Then I check the Cloud again but there's nothing. Does that mean I have to repurchase the album? BTW this is for kindle.

Read more: I accidentally deleted songs from Cloud?!

Is there any GB limit on a DSL connection?

I have a dsl connection and it's actually not too bad. Fairly fast and not much buffering. We can have several devices on it at once. Often times three or more movies going at once and even a regular internet connection on a Kindle or laptop. Is there any bandwidth limit on a dsl line? Seems not as our family is really soaking up movies, music, You Tube etc. I never really saw any limits on the phone bill or had any warnings about using too much. I figure an old fashioned phone line is not so sexy so they give you pretty much all the bandwidth you want? Thanks.

Read more: Is there any GB limit on a DSL connection?

Why does my hair split in two directions?

Hi my name is wesleigh and im 14. I always like to wear my hair swept to the right (Almost like Justin beiber. It's a horrible but accurate example of how my hair looks since my kindle has no camera.) but lately my hair has been trying to like. Split in opposite directions (sort of like this ) I have medium long hair and I was wondering if there is a name for this and any remidies? Because if I try to cover it over with my hair it looks like I'm balding and it is Really frustrating. I'm a guy, by the way.

Read more: Why does my hair split in two directions?

Fun/Amusing things to do on a plane?

So, this Friday, my sister and I are going on a plane to WA state from TX. It is a 4 hour ride and I need something's to do. My sister is 6 and I am 13… I will be riding with no other people and be in the middle with my sister by the window. Anything fun to do?! Please don't say anything rude, or sarcastic. I will also have a travel bag with a coloring book (LOL), kindle (that probably doesn't work), two notebooks, and a book that I have already read. I can't add anything new really, but I can definitely try. Please answer! ASAP! Oh, and 25 points best answer!
Added (1). Oh, I will also be getting a device with movies and games, (music too) and free food!

Read more: Fun/Amusing things to do on a plane?

What is the acceptable amount to pay for self published ebooks, paperbacks, and hard covers?

What is the higest price someone would be willing to pay for a self published Amazon book?

Read more: What is the acceptable amount to pay for self published ebooks, paperbacks, and hard covers?

Which is the highest cost perfomance of Kindle Paperwhite Cover?

Who can recommend one for me? Amazon's $39.99 is crazy.

Read more: Which is the highest cost perfomance of Kindle Paperwhite Cover?

Should I write music I want to write, or the type of music I feel?

Ok I know this is kind of a ridiculous question but im at a crossroad when it comes to me and my style of music.

I want a much heavier sound to my music. Heavy guitars, loud drums, and deep vocals. Even though this is what I want, I find that the music style I "feel" is much different.

When I sit down to play the guitar and start singing, a much lighter style of music is generated. The guitar is still heavy and the drums are still loud, but the music is very uplifting. Almost like an "epic" and once I start playing this style, I cant stop!

But I still want a heavier sound. Any suggestions? Do I play what I want or what I feel? Thanks in advance for any answers!

Read more: Should I write music I want to write, or the type of music I feel?

Can i wach my videos i purches on my phone?

My kindle fire videos run on amazon

Is there anyway i can wach my stuff on my phone

My phone has amazon but idk what do you think?

Read more: Can i wach my videos i purches on my phone?

How to download and play either GBA or Nintendo DS Pokemon games on my Kindle Fire?

The only app store I can use is Amazon but I really want to play pokemon again and I don't own a GBA or a DS, is there any way I can download some kind of app to allow me to play pokemon on my Kindle Fire? (And no, it is not a Kindle Fire HD, it's just a Kindle Fire).

Read more: How to download and play either GBA or Nintendo DS Pokemon games on my Kindle Fire?

Where can i watch american horror story season 3 for free on my Kindle Fire or iPhone?

Where can i watch american horror story season 3 for free on my Kindle Fire or iPhone?

Read more: Where can i watch american horror story season 3 for free on my Kindle Fire or iPhone?

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Is it possible to keep books on a kindle with a different account?

So my cousin gave me her old kindle and it's still signed into her account, she said I can read any of the books she has on it that I want. But I also want to get some other books, which would require me to sign out of her account and make my own account. Is there any way I can keep her books on it but use my own account?

Read more: Is it possible to keep books on a kindle with a different account?

Why do my android phone chargers keep breaking? Can you charge a kindle fire on an android charger?

I have gone through 4 or 5 phone chargers since I got my Galaxy S3 in September. The last 3 ones have been used and broken in the past three months. My friend told me that bending the charger weirdly would cause it to break, so I have been careful about that. Then I thought I was just buying cheap chargers, so I bought a nice $20 charger that lasted about 2 weeks. I use my chargers to charge both my Samsung Galaxy S3 and my Kindle Fire. Is that why they break? Can I only use one charger for one device? I am now sharing a charger with my mom, which isn't fun, but I don't charge my Kindle on it in case that's why they are breaking because I don't want to break her charger too. I want to know why they keep breaking before I buy a new one. Please tell me as specific as possible how to keep my chargers from breaking. Thank you.

Read more: Why do my android phone chargers keep breaking? Can you charge a kindle fire on an android charger?

How to get rid of tiny little bugs/gnats out of my phalaenopsis orchid soil?

I have a phalaenopsis orchid, and right now it’s not blooming, the stem is regrowing and i have a new leaf growing in between my two full grown leaves.

I just repotted it like a month ago with Miracle-Gro® Orchid Potting Mix - Coarse Blend, and I just noticed like 3-4 days ago, I was getting these tiny little gnats in my room.

And I figured it was from my window being opened and they’re just slipping through the holes, because they’re that tiny.

WELL, the other day I noticed that there were a bunch of these little gnats/tiny *** bugs all through (well not all through but there’s a good bit) my orchids soil.

What and how can i do to get rid of these f-ers?! They’re driving me nuts at night whenever my lights are out and the light from my kindle is the only thing they can find. Plus it’s just really freaking gross.

Read more: How to get rid of tiny little bugs/gnats out of my phalaenopsis orchid soil?

My kindle fire hd wont connect to my wifi, help?!

So ive had my kindle since christmas, never had any problems with it until now. My kindle has always connected to my wifi just fine until last night. It says 'authenticating' takes a few seconds then says 'failed to authenticate' or something along those lines. I have a sky router. Any advice would be appreciated. Oh and if advice is technical please simplify it for me. Thanks

Read more: My kindle fire hd wont connect to my wifi, help?!

Is it safe to publish at kindle ebooks?

This is my first time in publishing a book online. I wrote a book about things i've learnt in life, it's around 40 pages and i'm willing to sell it in less than 5$. I have other novels but i want to publish this small book to start my career.
I also need it to be free, i can do all the editing and finish the book cover by myself. So do you think i should go for it or should i use other sites?

Read more: Is it safe to publish at kindle ebooks?

Has anyone heard of this author?

Hi all,
I have just read a short story on kindle called weeping joke by an author called Jay Weaver, I was wondering if anyone else has read it or heard of him. It was a great read, and I want to find more of his work if there is any.

Read more: Has anyone heard of this author?

Kindle Fire HD audio books?

When you purchase an audio book, do you just have a voice reading to you? Or do you have the actual words of the book there too so you can follow along as they read to you?

Read more: Kindle Fire HD audio books?

Can I buy anything on Amazon with a Kindle gift card?

Can I buy anything on Amazon with a Kindle gift card?

Read more: Can I buy anything on Amazon with a Kindle gift card?

Kindle fire hd 2013 How to work the camera?

do i need to get an app. For it to work I've tried and just lost

Read more: Kindle fire hd 2013 How to work the camera?

Monday, June 16, 2014

I have broken a lot of glass in my life?

so. Im not sure if this is bad luck or whatever, but i have broken a lot of things in my life. And the majority of it is glass. Ive broken my cell screen, (samsung s4) my tabelet screen (kindle fire HD) and my HP Lap Top screen, and i broke my full body mirror when it fell over and i basically fell onto it. This didnt all happen in one day, but it was all over a period of time, as in months or years a part.

Read more: I have broken a lot of glass in my life?

Features of a kindle fire to a not technology advanced parent?

Alright I have a kindle fire not hd and I was going to trade it with my step mom as she has a great gaming laptop but obviously does not use it as that all she uses as basically graphs and what not and she runs a child care service so beats me anyways she only basically likes to read so I was gonna trade the kindle for the laptop but she's kind of a business type person she wants to know the features of it but I don't know how to explaine it to her as she is not really technology advanced.

Read more: Features of a kindle fire to a not technology advanced parent?

What can I do with a Rooted Kindle Fire Hdx? - 1

My brother recently Rooted my kindle fire hdx and all i got was this app called "ES File Explorer". What can I do with it? Is it like jail breaking an iphone? Can i get paid books for free? Please help!

Read more: What can I do with a Rooted Kindle Fire Hdx? - 1

Is Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing any good?

I would like answers from people who have experience with publishing books.

Read more: Is Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing any good?

What can I do with a Rooted Kindle Fire HDX?

My brother recently Rooted my kindle fire hdx and all i got was this app called "ES File Explorer". What can I do with it? Can I get Free Books can I download Paid apps for free? Please Help!

Read more: What can I do with a Rooted Kindle Fire HDX?

MY WIFI?! Some thing is wrong Help?

SO i want to connect my DI524 router but the problem is that it won't get past the first stage of installing it which is sensing the Internet connection.
1st it has to check for the modem, i notice it turns of the Local Area connection(wired) then turns back on so by the time it's checking for the internet connection it fails and I've bee stuck on the first stage.

I've also tried skipping this guide steps and just doing by connecting manually and configuring it but the problem is when i configure my router and secure with WEP( i don't have a choice to choice I've tried to change it by following the manual but when ever i click the ok button on the browser it does nothing( yes am using the thing) i cant change it to more secure encriptions like WPA, WPA-P2K

After securing my WiFTHIS is where the problem lies although am connected to the WiFi it won't let me go on the NET some times it say 'NOT CONNECTED' 'LIMITED BUT NO CONNECTIVITY' this is what i see when i try to use it on my laptop but when i use it on my KIndle(tablet) all is fine i can browse the inter net anyone able to help or has a clue to what i can do

Read more: MY WIFI?! Some thing is wrong Help?

Which idea would be most interesting in manga form?

I would love some opinions on which would be better as a manga, and which would be better as a novel. My ideas are listed below. Thanks!

Birth By Blood-
In a world where medieval, present, and futuristic times are scrambled together into one reality, only the creators of a malfunctioning time machine know that the world is now made up of three time periods and not only one. Every year they must sacrifice one one-hundredth of humanity's population to the lord of time and space, who was angered by their attempt to manipulate time that resulted in this misshapen reality. A teenage tech-genius comes in contact with people called the Blood Birthed, who know of this predicament, and becomes caught up in an attempt to put each time back in it's rightful place.

Rumored Love-
In an elite high school for the rich and powerful, 15-year-old Eiji Nara finds himself constantly caught up in rumors and drama. Eiji, an attention-hungry and beautiful playboy, uses rumors to keep all eyes on him. So when silly rumors start up about a passionate relationship between Eiji and fellow student Daisuke Kenichiba start up, Eiji plays along, attempting to kindle a mock relationship between he and the exceedingly intelligent, yet withdrawn Daisuke who takes a strong dislike to him immediately. Eiji finds obstacles on his path to winning over Daisuke, but when and if he does, and the time comes for him to move on according to new rumors, will he be able to? Or will Daisuke become his first true love?

Read more: Which idea would be most interesting in manga form?

Kindle won't connect to wifi? - 2

I am on holidays in Spain and when I put in the hotels wifi password correctly it won't connect, I have had no problems with my other devices and I have put in the correct password several times and even went to a wifi hotspot but it came to no avail. I have searched questions from people with the same problem and I have already re-booted my kindle. Whenever I go into settings I cannot find restart. Please help. :/

Read more: Kindle won't connect to wifi? - 2

Sunday, June 15, 2014

What can you use to read a book in the dark?

I want to read this book i am interested in and i want to read it in bed, but i can't because if i turn the light on my mother will find out. I tried using my kindle but it didn't work. Do you have any ideas?
Added (1). i also tried using a flashlight and i dont have a phone

Read more: What can you use to read a book in the dark?

Hdmi port not!

Hi! So ive had a kindle fire hd 7 for a long time and i never used the hdmi port.when. I wanted to watch a movie on my kindle but on a bigger screen i got my self a hdmi when i went to connect it nothing appeared on the tv screen but the "no signal" box disappeared when i connected. And when i disconnet the hdmi from the kindle it reappears. Please help

Read more: Hdmi port not!

I think my house maybe haunted?

Ok so every night I hear people walking down stairs and the doors opening and stuff and my house is small. Also I go to sleep with my kindle and the other night I didn't put it under my pillow and it ended up under my brother's bed in the middle and he didn't do it because I had to get him up to find it. I always have a feeling someone is watching me too and my back door is sometimes unlocked (the chain is off) and no one else would have unlocked it. There is no signs of drafts or anything coming through the doors I've told my parents about it and they said they don't hear anything. But I'm sure I read that this house was built on a Roman grave yard. I can't find anything to find out what year it was built in. Oh and my kindle randomly went onto Spotify and started playing my songs and no one was near it as it was 2am and I was watching the world cup. Also random stuff falls over.

If anyone can find me like a history site because I can't and if it helps I live in England if you need more details or whatever keep checking back.

So yeah is it haunted?

Read more: I think my house maybe haunted?

How to change a mob film to pdf?

I bought a book for my kindle, and it got send to me via a cd, on the cd it says it is a mob file. (not mobi) i don't no how to change it to a file that will work on my kindle. Any ideas?

Read more: How to change a mob film to pdf?

Should I buy a tablet in China?

I am trying to buy 3-4 tablets for nieces/nephews. I was thinking about something like used kindle fire (1st Gen) which I can buy for like $40 each. They have a decent display and fast processors. However, I have a trip to China, where I will be visiting many major cities, I do not like the Chinese tablets on ebay, I have bought one before, they are slow, bad display, and much more wrong with them. So I guess my question is, will I be able to buy tablets for $40 in China equivalent to a kindle fire 1st Gen?


Read more: Should I buy a tablet in China?

How to Get Better at Reading?

im in my 20s and for 8 years now i haven't read a book or wrote anything, now that im 20 i dont feel smart and whats holding me back from getting jobs out in this world is that im bad a reading and writing. Also im not even in school anymore. Sigh i guess this is what video games do to people.

what can i do to start off? I know someone will say " just read anything" the problem is, is that i can't just start and read anything because its not like my reading level is good. If there is a site that i can practices reading from levels to levels to get better and something to improve my grammar that would help and please dont recommend me to goto some place where people teaches me how to read because thats embarrassing…

Read more: How to Get Better at Reading?