If the kindle fire has "built-in wi-fi" do u need a wireless router in order to get it to work? What does built-in wifi mean? Also to download books can u lk plug it into ur computer or do u need the wireless connection & then go on the internet and download the books.
>>> Do u need a wireless router to use a kindle fire?
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Is kindle fire good for reading? - 1
Is kindle fire good for reading?
>>> Is kindle fire good for reading? - 1
>>> Is kindle fire good for reading? - 1
Can you go on the internet on the kindle fire HD?
Can you go on the internet on kindle fire hd like you can on the ipad
>>> Can you go on the internet on the kindle fire HD?
>>> Can you go on the internet on the kindle fire HD?
Can I plug my Kindle Fire into a wall outlet using any old USB charger?
I have an Apple brand wall charger for my iPod.Is there any reason I can't use that to charge my Kindle?
>>> Can I plug my Kindle Fire into a wall outlet using any old USB charger?
>>> Can I plug my Kindle Fire into a wall outlet using any old USB charger?
Kindle fire HD or nexus 7 (16GB)?
I'm thinking about saving up for either the fire HD 7" or the nexus 7, both are 199, which one is better for me? I like games, mostly social networking (instagram, Facebook) and also web browsing, I have a ipod for music.
Also, does the amazon App Store (for kindle fire HD) does it have instagram? Thanks
Added (1). Also, is the 16GB nexus 7 $199? Thanks
>>> Kindle fire HD or nexus 7 (16GB)?
Also, does the amazon App Store (for kindle fire HD) does it have instagram? Thanks
Added (1). Also, is the 16GB nexus 7 $199? Thanks
>>> Kindle fire HD or nexus 7 (16GB)?
How to send kindle files through email?
I downloaded an ebook online that's in the kindle format but on my computer. How can I send it from my computer through email to another person so they can read it on their computer as well? Neither of us actually have a kindle, just the version that u can download online to read ebooks. N do I need to take off metadata or something? Thnx
>>> How to send kindle files through email?
>>> How to send kindle files through email?
I cant find the camera app for kindle fire hd 7?
I cant find it on es file and no apps ive downloaded will take pictures. Please help!
>>> I cant find the camera app for kindle fire hd 7?
>>> I cant find the camera app for kindle fire hd 7?
Is kindle fire good for reading? - 2
Is kindle fire good for reading?
>>> Is kindle fire good for reading? - 2
>>> Is kindle fire good for reading? - 2
How is kindle fire for reading? - 1
How is kindle fire for reading?
>>> How is kindle fire for reading? - 1
>>> How is kindle fire for reading? - 1
A good excuse to return my 6th generation?
I bought a iPod nano 6th generation at GameStop but know I want to return it cause all I can do with it is listen to music :( Another problem is my mom is embarrassed when I buy things and then return them. What is a good excuse to give to my mom? And a excuse to give to GameStop? Or should a really just tell the truth? Truth: I don't want the iPod nano anymore. I want the money to buy a kindle fire :)
Added (1). It was a used but fixed iPod nano. A refurbished one :)
>>> A good excuse to return my 6th generation?
Added (1). It was a used but fixed iPod nano. A refurbished one :)
>>> A good excuse to return my 6th generation?
Can you use iTunes vouchers on kindle fires?
Can you use iTunes vouchers on kindle fires?
>>> Can you use iTunes vouchers on kindle fires?
>>> Can you use iTunes vouchers on kindle fires?
On a kindle do i pay american money?
On a kindle do i pay american money?
>>> On a kindle do i pay american money?
>>> On a kindle do i pay american money?
Should i buy a Kindle Fire or save up for an iPad?
My mom received a Kindle Fire for Christmas. She is currently finishing up her book so I am borrowing it in the mean time. I really love it. I'm currently reading a book on it.So I debating if I should get one. Or should I save up my money and buy an iPad since you can read books on it as well.
>>> Should i buy a Kindle Fire or save up for an iPad?
>>> Should i buy a Kindle Fire or save up for an iPad?
My kindle fire broke and I can't find my receipt! What can I do?
Last year my mom bought me a kindle fire for my birthday. She got a warranty on it that says I can get it replaced if it breaks. But I can't find the receipt and my birthday is coming up (early February). I worry that the warranty will expire soon since it's already January.Is there anything I can do to prove I have a warranty without the receipt?
>>> My kindle fire broke and I can't find my receipt! What can I do?
>>> My kindle fire broke and I can't find my receipt! What can I do?
Could someone give me some Tablet advise?
Hi, I'm looking to purchase a tablet, the features that I'm looking for are large screen, Android os, good system specs, light and internet accessible. I think the kindle is too small, I don't like The 7inch it 10inch rectangular shape so I think I'm stuck with buying The ipad?
>>> Could someone give me some Tablet advise?
>>> Could someone give me some Tablet advise?
My Kindle refuses to charge?
I've had my Kindle Fire for about a few weeks now.It would charge normally every time I turned it off and plugged it into my laptop. The orange light would come on. But lately I've noticed now that it won't turn that orange light on. I have to literally guess. I plug it in, wait a few minutes, unplug it from the USB cord & laptop, then plug it back in. Turn it on and off and it never works! I even used my mom's USB cord to charge it and it refuses! It died just a few minutes ago and I want to know how to get it to charge so I can use it for work tomorrow. Thanks!
>>> My Kindle refuses to charge?
>>> My Kindle refuses to charge?
How do download flash player on the kindle fire?
How do download flash player on the kindle fire?
>>> How do download flash player on the kindle fire?
>>> How do download flash player on the kindle fire?
My Kindle Fire gives me an error message when I want to download apps?
When I try to download an App from my Kindle Fire I get an error message saying "please enter address", when I already have an address on the amazon account. I also have entered the credit card information. I don't know what else to do.
>>> My Kindle Fire gives me an error message when I want to download apps?
>>> My Kindle Fire gives me an error message when I want to download apps?
Buying movies on kindle fire?
I have been trying to buy movies on my Kindle Fire Hd with with a kindle gift card lately, but every time I try it says to check the 1-click credit card and billing address.So, instead of buying it straight from my kindle I thought I should use amazon's instant video on my laptop but I'm not sure if I'll be able to watch it on my kindle then. Can anyone help me or give me a suggestion?
>>> Buying movies on kindle fire?
>>> Buying movies on kindle fire?
Friday, January 11, 2013
What are some good YA books for the Kindle?
Hi, I just the got the Kindle Fire!
Im just wondering if you read any good YA books! I like romanctic, action, kind of books. And fantasy I guess you can say, My fav books that I read are
The Trylle Triolgy and The Watersong series and Hollowland by AMANDA HOCKING
THe Pretty Little liar series by Sara Shepard
and a bunch more.
Thanks! Hope you can tell me ur favs and if they are cheap that would be even better!
>>> What are some good YA books for the Kindle?
Im just wondering if you read any good YA books! I like romanctic, action, kind of books. And fantasy I guess you can say, My fav books that I read are
The Trylle Triolgy and The Watersong series and Hollowland by AMANDA HOCKING
THe Pretty Little liar series by Sara Shepard
and a bunch more.
Thanks! Hope you can tell me ur favs and if they are cheap that would be even better!
>>> What are some good YA books for the Kindle?
I have slacker radio if you don't know its like pandora but waaaaaayyyyy better to me and alot.of.people as far as ive seen what im wondering is.how i can sign into it.on my kindle fire hd7 i can't find a option to just to pay for it which i have it already
Am I more disturbed then I think? HELP!
My friends and I are always joking around about me being mentally unstable and really disturbed. I'm kind of worried that maybe I AM more disturbed then I think, my parents divorced when I was 7 and I cried myself to sleep for three months until my dad proposed to my mother again (I hate my dad and I was forced to live with him) every time I do the slightest thing, he gets well angry and hits me even when I was like four and didn't know what was right and wrong, sometimes when he thinks I'm lying he keeps hitting me until I tell him what he wants to hear even if its not the truth. I've moved 23 times and I have been to 12 schools, I only have two bestfriends, and that's it.No more friends, I usually decide some days I don't want to talk to any one so I ignore anyone for days, maybe weeks. I cry everytime I hear a sad song about loving someone like be alright or never let you go, u no, those kinda songs cuz I kinda realise I gave up on love which really sucks since I'm only 14, I can come up with the randomest things ever and they usually involve someone dying or something. I'm really into serial killers and cases like that, my parents recently divorced again, and I'm pretty close to my mum I call her everyday, but a few days ago, my brother broke the cover to my kindle (my mum bought it for me) I don't know why but I started feelin really depressed and started crying I kept screamin for three hours and all my dad did was punch me and tell me to get up.Do I have mental problems? I grew up with this so I'm kinda used to it, but idk if I'm insane or just… Like this? Help?
>>> Am I more disturbed then I think? HELP!
>>> Am I more disturbed then I think? HELP!
Why is Amazon Digital Services charging a monthly recurring fee of $4.23?
I have a Kindle Fire but am unaware of any purchases I've made from Amazon.
>>> Why is Amazon Digital Services charging a monthly recurring fee of $4.23?
>>> Why is Amazon Digital Services charging a monthly recurring fee of $4.23?
How is kindle fire for reading?
Why? how is compared to the paperwhite?
>>> How is kindle fire for reading?
>>> How is kindle fire for reading?
Can I change a kindle's book cover (from the inside?)?
I wanted to get a book, the physical one, and it looked nice, but then when I wanted to order it, the one on my kindle looked so awkward O. o I wouldn't like it if some one was going through my kindle, and pause and say "er… this is what you read O. o"
Do you know how to change the cover from the inside? No, I can't buy the physical book, I can't find it here :(
So if you please know a way? Thanks!
>>> Can I change a kindle's book cover (from the inside?)?
Do you know how to change the cover from the inside? No, I can't buy the physical book, I can't find it here :(
So if you please know a way? Thanks!
>>> Can I change a kindle's book cover (from the inside?)?
Get free stuff with Amazon Student?
Hey guys, I was just wondering if anybody was interested in joining Amazon Student. If you are and you join with the link here, I get $10 (which I could really use) in Amazon gift cards. You get free two-day shipping, kindle books, discounts on music, etc. You'll also get the option to give out a link that will give you $10 per person who joins. Anybody who can, I would really appreciate it!!!
>>> Get free stuff with Amazon Student?
>>> Get free stuff with Amazon Student?
How long should I expect it to take to charge my kindle fire HD?
Dolby audio, dual band WiFi, 16 GB, using the usb port on my desktop
>>> How long should I expect it to take to charge my kindle fire HD?
>>> How long should I expect it to take to charge my kindle fire HD?
Kindle fire or paperwhite for reading and why?
Kindle fire or paperwhite for reading and why?
>>> Kindle fire or paperwhite for reading and why?
>>> Kindle fire or paperwhite for reading and why?
Is it just me or do others think these kindles are a pain?
Should i add it is a pain to me as i do not have a clue how to use it, i have looked for my science fantasy books that i like ie trudi canavan etc but i can buy these cheaper on e bay
i have tried a couple of trial runs through amazon, and managed to download a free book, someone said to me to try and download a book i would want and calibre it to mobi or something, but i do not have a clue about any of that either
i do have a couple of songs on my pc and when i plug the kindle in it does show kindle but then i look at my song and right clicked and send to kindle lol nothing happened, i give up
>>> Is it just me or do others think these kindles are a pain?
i have tried a couple of trial runs through amazon, and managed to download a free book, someone said to me to try and download a book i would want and calibre it to mobi or something, but i do not have a clue about any of that either
i do have a couple of songs on my pc and when i plug the kindle in it does show kindle but then i look at my song and right clicked and send to kindle lol nothing happened, i give up
>>> Is it just me or do others think these kindles are a pain?
Trying to cite but I don't have the page number?
I'm trying to cite a source but I don't have the page number because it was the kindle version. For my progect you put the source right after every sentence with author page number. Like this (Meyer, Stephanie 61). How do I do this without the page number?
>>> Trying to cite but I don't have the page number?
>>> Trying to cite but I don't have the page number?
Can you watch your own movies on the Kindle Fire?
I have a bunch of digital movies (mostly mp4, but some.avi) on my hard drive and was looking to purchase a tablet to watch some on when I travel. I was just wondering if the Kindle Fire allows for that type of viewing? Or only certain (types of) movies??? I don't have a tablet at the moment, so I'm not sure how customizable they are (outside of just downloading apps).
Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks!
>>> Can you watch your own movies on the Kindle Fire?
Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks!
>>> Can you watch your own movies on the Kindle Fire?
Where can I watch pretty little liars premiere, a website that is?
Compatible with kindle fire
>>> Where can I watch pretty little liars premiere, a website that is?
>>> Where can I watch pretty little liars premiere, a website that is?
Amazon Kindle Coupons - Kindle Fire Promotional Codes to use for cheapest price?
Hey everyone, looking for Amazon Kindle Coupon for $50 off, or some promotional codes which will work for the Kindle Fire HD.
I know Amazon had a sale earlier, but I am trying to find out where the best place is to get coupons for the Kindle Fire or the Kindle Fire HD.My friend was telling me they just recently had a $50 off coupon code for Amazon if you use FIREHD89 but the Amazon code is expired.
Let me know how I can get different promotional codes or coupons for Amazon Kindle products. Thanks alot!
>>> Amazon Kindle Coupons - Kindle Fire Promotional Codes to use for cheapest price?
I know Amazon had a sale earlier, but I am trying to find out where the best place is to get coupons for the Kindle Fire or the Kindle Fire HD.My friend was telling me they just recently had a $50 off coupon code for Amazon if you use FIREHD89 but the Amazon code is expired.
Let me know how I can get different promotional codes or coupons for Amazon Kindle products. Thanks alot!
>>> Amazon Kindle Coupons - Kindle Fire Promotional Codes to use for cheapest price?
Rooted Kindle Fire 2nd gen w/o bootloader?
I have the Kindle Fire 2nd gen (not HD), how can i get CWM or another bootloader? My device is rooted but I can't go into recovery. I have software version 10.2.4
>>> Rooted Kindle Fire 2nd gen w/o bootloader?
>>> Rooted Kindle Fire 2nd gen w/o bootloader?
Why won't minecraft pe reinstall on kindle fire hd?
I've been trying to install mods but when I uninstall it with pocket tool it doesn't reinstall to apply. Any help?
>>> Why won't minecraft pe reinstall on kindle fire hd?
>>> Why won't minecraft pe reinstall on kindle fire hd?
How to trade a Hard Copy for an eBook?
I am a college student and I have a rather large bookshelf at home full of hard copy books that I would like to read in the near future. Unfortunately, I cannot take them all to school with me due to space.
I have a Kindle Paperwhite, and I was wondering if there is any way to trade in or convert my hard copy books into eBooks so that I may have them with me wherever I go?
>>> How to trade a Hard Copy for an eBook?
I have a Kindle Paperwhite, and I was wondering if there is any way to trade in or convert my hard copy books into eBooks so that I may have them with me wherever I go?
>>> How to trade a Hard Copy for an eBook?
Thursday, January 10, 2013
What adapter can you use to connect a mac laptop and a kindle fire to an HDTV?
I have the HDMI cable and I'm trying to figure out if I can get one adapter that can be used for both devices instead of having to get two separate ones. I don't want it to be very expensive either. Hope you can help!
>>> What adapter can you use to connect a mac laptop and a kindle fire to an HDTV?
>>> What adapter can you use to connect a mac laptop and a kindle fire to an HDTV?
Where can i buy a purple polkerdot kindle fire case?
My wife is trying to buy a kindle fire case but she wants a purple polkerdot one this not a joke can anyone help
>>> Where can i buy a purple polkerdot kindle fire case?
>>> Where can i buy a purple polkerdot kindle fire case?
How long can u read on kindle fire without getting eye strain?
How long can u read on kindle fire without getting eye strain?
>>> How long can u read on kindle fire without getting eye strain?
>>> How long can u read on kindle fire without getting eye strain?
Kindle paperwhite or fire?
I already have an iPad but I want something more portable and I also want something I can read really good on. Please also state why?
>>> Kindle paperwhite or fire?
>>> Kindle paperwhite or fire?
Where can I find Thai e-books for a Kindle Fire or to read online?
My Thai mother-in-law received a Kindle Fire for Christmas and she does not have any eBooks to read. She can read in English but prefers to read in Thai. Does anyone know where I can find Thai books for a Kindle or know of a website that offers Thai language stories. The Kindle has a browser so they don't even have to be downloaded. Preferably free. I have looked this up before and everyone always suggests Calibre but I have no clue what that is or how to use it. Thank you.
>>> Where can I find Thai e-books for a Kindle Fire or to read online?
>>> Where can I find Thai e-books for a Kindle Fire or to read online?
Why is my Kindle Keyboard not turning on?
I've tried the reboot and it wouldn't even work…
>>> Why is my Kindle Keyboard not turning on?
>>> Why is my Kindle Keyboard not turning on?
Kindle Fire HD or Ipod Touch?
So I have enough money for both so that's no problem. But I was wondering which one would you get, or would just be better as a whole? I'm a 13 year old girl so I wont be using it for work or nothing.
>>> Kindle Fire HD or Ipod Touch?
>>> Kindle Fire HD or Ipod Touch?
I bought a used Kindle online and can't register it?
Because when I try it comes up as stolen. I didn't steal it, but the person I bought it from vanished, so I can't get my money back.Is there anything I can do so I can use it?
And if not, is there some way I can find out who it belonged to so I can return it to the rightful owner?
>>> I bought a used Kindle online and can't register it?
And if not, is there some way I can find out who it belonged to so I can return it to the rightful owner?
>>> I bought a used Kindle online and can't register it?
Basic Kindle or Kindle Fire?
I'm considering getting myself a Kindle. Right now I'm trying to research and figure out which one is the best for me. I'm fascinated by the Kindle Fire but considering the Basic Kindle is only $69 I'm tempted to go with that option. A friend told me though that you can't get facebook, pinterest, etc on the basic Kindle.Is that true?
So my question is (and I'm sure everyone has different experiences) which is better? The Basic Kindle or the Kindle Fire?
>>> Basic Kindle or Kindle Fire?
So my question is (and I'm sure everyone has different experiences) which is better? The Basic Kindle or the Kindle Fire?
>>> Basic Kindle or Kindle Fire?
Want to sign up for skype for kindle how do i do that?
I just bought a kindle fire h d and it has skype to use but i need to sign up for it and i am on a laptop trying to find out what to do. HELP!!!
>>> Want to sign up for skype for kindle how do i do that?
>>> Want to sign up for skype for kindle how do i do that?
Kindle fire or paperwhite? - 1
Getting iPod touch in may, already have iPad 2 but it is too big i need something small, need a good reading device, so paperwhite or fire? Y? Thx
>>> Kindle fire or paperwhite? - 1
>>> Kindle fire or paperwhite? - 1
Short stories wanted: any recommended examples, ideally free on Kindle?
Short stories wanted: any recommended examples, ideally free on Kindle?
>>> Short stories wanted: any recommended examples, ideally free on Kindle?
>>> Short stories wanted: any recommended examples, ideally free on Kindle?
Has anyone read this book?
Kindling the moon by Jenn Bennett? If so, how old is Lon? Do the demons (earthbound) live a long time or do they and he (Lon) just live a human life span? Im asking cos Cady always say things about their age difference in the second book and it's been a long time since i read the first one so i don't remember if those things were mentioned in it. Thanks bunches!
>>> Has anyone read this book?
>>> Has anyone read this book?
Is Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing a good way to self-publish a book?
Also can you publish a picture book via Amazon? How?
>>> Is Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing a good way to self-publish a book?
>>> Is Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing a good way to self-publish a book?
Should I buy kindle fire 7 or an ipod touch with camera?
Really want to know what to buy
>>> Should I buy kindle fire 7 or an ipod touch with camera?
>>> Should I buy kindle fire 7 or an ipod touch with camera?
How to get rid of my phone number off of my Facebook?
I'm on Facebook on my kindle and I accidentally put my number on my profile for contact information. I need to get it off!!! Someone please help me!!! D:
>>> How to get rid of my phone number off of my Facebook?
>>> How to get rid of my phone number off of my Facebook?
Where can I watch anime on my kindle for free?
My internet on my computer isn't working so I'm using my kindle fire.are there any sites that can play anime on a kindle fire? I tried animefreak.com which is what I usually use but it down work.if not, how can I download flash player on my kindle fire?
>>> Where can I watch anime on my kindle for free?
>>> Where can I watch anime on my kindle for free?
Where to buy Kindle for cheapest price?
Hi, I am wondering where to buy Kindle at my local stores. I have checked a couple, but they either did not have it, or they were out of stock.
I want to buy Kindle for my son as a birthday gift, but I am looking for which retail stores sell the Kindle. Also, please let me know how I can buy Kindle for the cheapest price. Thanks alot!
>>> Where to buy Kindle for cheapest price?
I want to buy Kindle for my son as a birthday gift, but I am looking for which retail stores sell the Kindle. Also, please let me know how I can buy Kindle for the cheapest price. Thanks alot!
>>> Where to buy Kindle for cheapest price?
Can i install apk files to my kindle fire second gen by using adb?
Can i install apk files to my kindle fire second gen by using adb?
>>> Can i install apk files to my kindle fire second gen by using adb?
>>> Can i install apk files to my kindle fire second gen by using adb?
Should I keep or sell my kindle fire?
I don't really use it as much as I thought, and I kind of prefer to buy books in the store. I've had it for about 6 months and only read one book on it.
>>> Should I keep or sell my kindle fire?
>>> Should I keep or sell my kindle fire?
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Would you recommend amazon's kindle for reading pdf's?
I would like to get a device for studying academic lecture slides instead of printing them. Most of them are in pdf format. I like kindle because it gives you the sense of a printed document.Is the kindle device good for viewing slides, or will I have to scroll horizontally the screen all the time to read something in case the text doesn't fit in the width of the screen? If so, what other devices would be better?
>>> Would you recommend amazon's kindle for reading pdf's?
>>> Would you recommend amazon's kindle for reading pdf's?
How to add mobile internet on kindle fire hd?
I bought a kindle fire hd. Not the LTE. Would like to know how to subscribe to mobile data/internet. I have ATT phone service.
>>> How to add mobile internet on kindle fire hd?
>>> How to add mobile internet on kindle fire hd?
Are there any apps for iPhone like the jigsaw words for kindle?
Are there any apps for iPhone like the jigsaw words for kindle?
>>> Are there any apps for iPhone like the jigsaw words for kindle?
>>> Are there any apps for iPhone like the jigsaw words for kindle?
Where can I found free high rated Kindle books?
I just purchased my new Kindle Paperwhite and I am wondering where I could find some free but high rated Kindle eBooks please?
>>> Where can I found free high rated Kindle books?
>>> Where can I found free high rated Kindle books?
Why does my kindle keep restarting?
It says collecting information, may take a min.will restart when done, please wait.it says this every time i turn it on and off then restarts, what's happened? it's only been like this a day and i haven't dont anything as i'm scared to make more damage
>>> Why does my kindle keep restarting?
>>> Why does my kindle keep restarting?
Can i use a kindle with no internet?
I m thinking to get one, here is my question. After i connect (say at home) and purchase the books i want, can i go to the park and read them without connection?
>>> Can i use a kindle with no internet?
>>> Can i use a kindle with no internet?
Is fun run on the kindle fire?
I wanted to play it and i dont have my kindle to check if they have it
>>> Is fun run on the kindle fire?
>>> Is fun run on the kindle fire?
Why can't I buy ebooks on Pottermore?
I've been trying to buy the 1st harry potter ebook for the kindle on Pottermore and it keeps telling me that it couldn't work and that no money was taken from my bank account. What's going on? I'm using google chrome and then I tried Explorer still didn't work…
>>> Why can't I buy ebooks on Pottermore?
>>> Why can't I buy ebooks on Pottermore?
Difference between Kindle fire and kyros?
What is the difference between a Kindle fire and a Kyros coby tablet?
>>> Difference between Kindle fire and kyros?
>>> Difference between Kindle fire and kyros?
What are the best apps for kindle fire?
What are the best apps for kindle fire?
>>> What are the best apps for kindle fire?
>>> What are the best apps for kindle fire?
Which do you prefer KINDLE or BOOKS?
Which is better.
I have a kindle but still prefer books. I find my kindle needs charging a little too often.
What is best for you and why?
>>> Which do you prefer KINDLE or BOOKS?
I have a kindle but still prefer books. I find my kindle needs charging a little too often.
What is best for you and why?
>>> Which do you prefer KINDLE or BOOKS?
BBC iPlayer won't work on Kindle Fire?
I've downloaded the app for both iPlayer and Media, but when I select a program to watch it lets me click the play button, has the pink loading circle, and after a minute or so just goes back to the previous screen (still shot from the episode with the play option in the bottom corner). I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling both apps, but it still won't work. Does anyone know why it's doing this or how to fix it?
(Also as a side note I can't find 4od or itvplayer in the appstore.)
Added (1). So helpful guys, thanks! For one I got it as a present at Christmas. I've got an iPod touch, what exactly would the point be in getting a larger version of that? Also I just don't like the iPad, it's too big, and yes, as you so kindly inferred, expensive. I could buy a new laptop for that kind of money.
>>> BBC iPlayer won't work on Kindle Fire?
(Also as a side note I can't find 4od or itvplayer in the appstore.)
Added (1). So helpful guys, thanks! For one I got it as a present at Christmas. I've got an iPod touch, what exactly would the point be in getting a larger version of that? Also I just don't like the iPad, it's too big, and yes, as you so kindly inferred, expensive. I could buy a new laptop for that kind of money.
>>> BBC iPlayer won't work on Kindle Fire?
Where can I get loads of free kindle ebooks?
Where can I get loads of free kindle ebooks?
>>> Where can I get loads of free kindle ebooks?
>>> Where can I get loads of free kindle ebooks?
Is it possible for this god to exist?
Let me describe a specific god, let's call him God since I'm not feeling particularly imaginative. Please tell me if the god I describe can exist.
God is a spirit. (For a spirit hath not flesh and bones.). Once, when he came from Teman, he had horns coming out of his hand, and burning coals went forth at his feet. Another time, there went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it, and he rode a cherub.
Is it possible for the god I have described to exist?
>>> Is it possible for this god to exist?
God is a spirit. (For a spirit hath not flesh and bones.). Once, when he came from Teman, he had horns coming out of his hand, and burning coals went forth at his feet. Another time, there went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it, and he rode a cherub.
Is it possible for the god I have described to exist?
>>> Is it possible for this god to exist?
What are some good vampire romance books cheap on the kindle?
Please i like reading any kind of vampire book so please tell me of any good ones i should read
>>> What are some good vampire romance books cheap on the kindle?
>>> What are some good vampire romance books cheap on the kindle?
Water damage on a kindle fire hd?
Hi, I slightly got water in my kindle fire hd where you plug in the charger. I put it in rice and it didn't work. The screen pops up with the charging battery but then shuts off, when I plugged it into the charger.
>>> Water damage on a kindle fire hd?
>>> Water damage on a kindle fire hd?
Water damage on a kindle fire he?
Hi, I slightly got water in my kindle fire hd where you plug in the charger. I put it in rice
>>> Water damage on a kindle fire he?
>>> Water damage on a kindle fire he?
Can I get a females opinion?
I am a sophomore on college right now and I met a girl in the middle of October. We hooked up that night and began talking a lot after that.So for about two months we were texting a lot and hanging out and hooked up a few times.In around the beginning/middle of December we hung out and I slept in her dorm and stuff like that. After that i noticed she began to start acting sort of distant and stuff like that for about a week so I texted her about it right before we left for break. She told me that she gets kinda weird when things start to get serious and she noticed that we were talking a lot and that she just got out of a relationship before she came back to school and wasn't looking to jump right back into one, but she then said that she didn't want to end things with me because I was a great guy and she just wanted to take things sort of slow. I said that sounds good to me and decided to give her space and didnt text her for about a week. I texted her christmas eve to wish her a merry christmas and check up on her and she was responding kinda weirdly. She woudl text back, but it would take her a long time but she still seemed interested in the conversation. The last text that night was her asking me how my christmas was going and I responded by telling her what I have been up to and she never responded. I thought it was kinda weird, but I didnt say anything. A week later on New Years I texted her wishing her a Happy New Year and everything and she responded back to the first couple texts cheerfully then I sent her a text and she never responded back to it. What do you think is going on? Our break is really long (Until the end of january) and do you think she just wants her space during break and try to re-kindle when we get back?
>>> Can I get a females opinion?
>>> Can I get a females opinion?
Problems with Kindle Android app?
Ok so I've gotten the kindle app for my Android tablet. I went to the Amazon site from the tablet to download some books. I got two and after a day or so they had been sent to my tablet. However, although the books are fully downloaded and open fine all of the pages just have the title of the book. I. e.every page is blank except for the title at the top of the page.
Any ideas on what's wrong and how to fix it?
>>> Problems with Kindle Android app?
Any ideas on what's wrong and how to fix it?
>>> Problems with Kindle Android app?
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Photos from laptop to kindle fire?
I have a kindle fire and want to add pictures from my laptop onto my kindle fire, how do I do that?
>>> Photos from laptop to kindle fire?
>>> Photos from laptop to kindle fire?
Minecraft cheats on kindle fire?
Minecraft cheats on kindle fire?
>>> Minecraft cheats on kindle fire?
>>> Minecraft cheats on kindle fire?
How to connect my kindle to the tv?
So i got this mhl to female hdmi adapter to connect my kindle to my tv and when i connect it (its powered too) it says unsupported video signal on my toshiba 47 inch tv. Can someone help me
>>> How to connect my kindle to the tv?
>>> How to connect my kindle to the tv?
How hard (or easy) is it to use a tablet?
I'd like to buy a tablet, I'm deciding between a Kindle Fire and a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2. All I really do is surf the web, and I would like to start watching movies (on Netflix of something). I'm also big on loading pictures online.
I have no knowledge about how to work a tablet, about apps.or anything like that. I would just like to buy one so I can give my mom my laptop and I only need something small to use.
Can someone tell me a little bit about how easy or hard it is to use a tablet, and what kind of programs (if any) are needed to run one?
>>> How hard (or easy) is it to use a tablet?
I have no knowledge about how to work a tablet, about apps.or anything like that. I would just like to buy one so I can give my mom my laptop and I only need something small to use.
Can someone tell me a little bit about how easy or hard it is to use a tablet, and what kind of programs (if any) are needed to run one?
>>> How hard (or easy) is it to use a tablet?
Is Kindle Fire HD recommended to get?
I would like something that I can play games on, listen to music, go on the internet and use for notes at college!
I was also wondering whether it has a camera or not! (I am easily confused)
Any extra information would be greatful! My main reason for getting it is for College and to use on the Coach! Thanks
>>> Is Kindle Fire HD recommended to get?
I was also wondering whether it has a camera or not! (I am easily confused)
Any extra information would be greatful! My main reason for getting it is for College and to use on the Coach! Thanks
>>> Is Kindle Fire HD recommended to get?
Can I exchange my generation 1 kindle fire for the HD kindle fire for free?
I got it at radio shack. i'm not having much luck with the first generation kindle fire's. i sent 2 kindle fires back to amazon and got a new one than that one went to heck and i sent that back to.im getting sick of them breaking and i have to send it back than waiting for awhile than have to re download my apps.
Added (1). Or Can I exchange my generation 1 kindle fire for the generation 2 kindle fire?
>>> Can I exchange my generation 1 kindle fire for the HD kindle fire for free?
Added (1). Or Can I exchange my generation 1 kindle fire for the generation 2 kindle fire?
>>> Can I exchange my generation 1 kindle fire for the HD kindle fire for free?
How to transfer songs from iTunes to Kindle 3rd generation?
Help please? I know it could be done, I just don't know how.
>>> How to transfer songs from iTunes to Kindle 3rd generation?
>>> How to transfer songs from iTunes to Kindle 3rd generation?
Is a kindle fire an android?
I want to get a kindle fire but the apps are all really expensive on amazon and most of them on google play are free, so i thought ill get them from Google play but it says your device has to be and android so i'm like well i don't no do do I
>>> Is a kindle fire an android?
>>> Is a kindle fire an android?
Kindle Fire HD flixster films Adobe?
I need help. I got the new kindle fire hd for Christmas.all is going well until I decide to try and use the ultraviolet flixster website to download films.they are on my library on the flixster website but when I click "watch now" it asks me to download the newest Adobe? which version do I need first of all? and also I now can't appear to open any version that I do download… help is very much needed please.and soon :(
>>> Kindle Fire HD flixster films Adobe?
>>> Kindle Fire HD flixster films Adobe?
How to Stream Videos on A Kindle?
Okay so I purchased a kindle fire hd and I was wondering if anyone knows how to get it to play videos from sites other than netflix or hulu, such as putlocker, vidbux, sockshare, etc.every time I try to acess these players I get a mesage saying I need to download a flash player.So I download it but then when I try to finish the download I get a message saying cannot open file. Can someone please help! I don't have a TV and my computer died so this stupid tablet is all I have left and I' m missing my shows
>>> How to Stream Videos on A Kindle?
>>> How to Stream Videos on A Kindle?
Bought a new kindle fire and i cant download any apps?
When i try to download an app a message comes up saying please check that your billing address and payment method are from a supported country
>>> Bought a new kindle fire and i cant download any apps?
>>> Bought a new kindle fire and i cant download any apps?
Sleep problems? i can fall asleep easily but i can't stay asleep?
On winter break, i slept at 2-4am and woke up in the noon time. Now that school has resumed, this is the second night i cant sleep. I would sleep at 9-10pm and wake up at 1am. Two nights in a row it has been like this. I need some advice on how i can stay asleep? Thanks. :)
I read a book on my kindle fire Hd before i sleep.
>>> Sleep problems? i can fall asleep easily but i can't stay asleep?
I read a book on my kindle fire Hd before i sleep.
>>> Sleep problems? i can fall asleep easily but i can't stay asleep?
Is a kindle a good investment vs buying textbooks?
It's the beginning of the semester and I am torn between buying a textbooks or just buying a kindle to "save" money as I would like to think.
>>> Is a kindle a good investment vs buying textbooks?
>>> Is a kindle a good investment vs buying textbooks?
Can kindle fire hd be removed from its leather case/cover?
I got a kindle fire hd with 7" black case/cover for it.and i put it into the cover/case but can't remove it.can it be removed from its cover/case?
if so, how do i do that? because i cannot take it out from the case! :( PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SOMEONE ANSWER MEEEEEEE! ---
>>> Can kindle fire hd be removed from its leather case/cover?
if so, how do i do that? because i cannot take it out from the case! :( PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SOMEONE ANSWER MEEEEEEE! ---
>>> Can kindle fire hd be removed from its leather case/cover?
How to get straight A's in 7th grade?
Hey I have like A's B's and like a low c and if I make all A's I get a kindle fire so yeah help please
>>> How to get straight A's in 7th grade?
>>> How to get straight A's in 7th grade?
Why can't you visit hulu on kindle fire?
Every time I try to go to hulu.com on the browser it auto corrects itself and goes to hulu plus.It kinda pisses me off. Can someone explain, maybe they want to get you to sign up for it?
>>> Why can't you visit hulu on kindle fire?
>>> Why can't you visit hulu on kindle fire?
Is kindle fire good for reading?
Is kindle fire good for reading?
>>> Is kindle fire good for reading?
>>> Is kindle fire good for reading?
How to remove Kindle Fire from its case?
So I got a Kindle Fire and put it in its case and DO NOT KNOW HOW TO TAKE IT OUT OF THE CASE!
>>> How to remove Kindle Fire from its case?
>>> How to remove Kindle Fire from its case?
Is this a good wifi router?
I'm going to be the only one in the family using it. I only need it to connect my ipod and kindle to the internet. Facebook, youtube, apps.that sort of thing.will this get the job done? Im not good with this stuff and dont really know what im doing.any help will be appreciated.is this gonna be a crappy connection or something. I dont want to spend a ton of money on one.keep in mind im only 15.thanks bunches <3
>>> Is this a good wifi router?
I'm going to be the only one in the family using it. I only need it to connect my ipod and kindle to the internet. Facebook, youtube, apps.that sort of thing.will this get the job done? Im not good with this stuff and dont really know what im doing.any help will be appreciated.is this gonna be a crappy connection or something. I dont want to spend a ton of money on one.keep in mind im only 15.thanks bunches <3
>>> Is this a good wifi router?
How to open up a kindle fire one?
How do you open up a kindle fire one?
>>> How to open up a kindle fire one?
>>> How to open up a kindle fire one?
Monday, January 7, 2013
Will a kindle touch case fit a kindle 4?
I got a kindle 4 for christmas and i want to get a case for it and i can only find kindle touch cases but both of them look the same size and i was just wondering if anyone had tried a kindle touch case on a kindle 4 and would know whether it fits or not.
>>> Will a kindle touch case fit a kindle 4?
>>> Will a kindle touch case fit a kindle 4?
What can i use on my Kindle Fire while it is in airplane mode?
Going on a trip and want to take my kindle fire… can i only read books while in airplane mode?
>>> What can i use on my Kindle Fire while it is in airplane mode?
>>> What can i use on my Kindle Fire while it is in airplane mode?
Wgatu HAS to be in your purse?
I posted one already but I need more answers so here's what I have Ok heres whats inside Chapstick 2 wallets Makeup Lotion Perfume Sunglasses…‡ ball Watch Wet wipes Heres stuff I need but did not list 1. Hair ties 2. Mints 3. Pens/pencils 4. Hand sanitizer 5. Sunglasses 6.Notepad/diart 7. Deodorant 8.Cards 9.Water bottle 10.Sharpies 11. Hair brush 12.Mirror 13.Saftey pins 14.Kindle If you think I need anything else please help or anything I dont need. I have 3 small pockets and then the main thing in the middle so If you think you can orgaginze it please do best answer gets 10 points
>>> Wgatu HAS to be in your purse?
>>> Wgatu HAS to be in your purse?
Idk what to put in my purse?
Ok heres whats inside
2 wallets
Bouncy ball
Wet wipes Heres stuff I need but did not list 1. Hair ties
2. Mints
3. Pens/pencils
4. Hand sanitizer
5. Sunglasses
7. Deodorant
9.Water bottle
11. Hair brush
13.Saftey pins
If you think I need anything else please help or anything I dont need. I have 3 small pockets and then the main thing in the middle so If you think you can orgaginze it please do best answer gets 10 points
>>> Idk what to put in my purse?
2 wallets
Bouncy ball
Wet wipes Heres stuff I need but did not list 1. Hair ties
2. Mints
3. Pens/pencils
4. Hand sanitizer
5. Sunglasses
7. Deodorant
9.Water bottle
11. Hair brush
13.Saftey pins
If you think I need anything else please help or anything I dont need. I have 3 small pockets and then the main thing in the middle so If you think you can orgaginze it please do best answer gets 10 points
>>> Idk what to put in my purse?
Suggestions on good horse books?
Looking for something to read and I've always loved horse books. Would prefer something I can get on my kindle but okay with anything really :)
>>> Suggestions on good horse books?
>>> Suggestions on good horse books?
Kindle fire hd help? Deleting books?
How do you remove books fom the cloud bit cos i know how to remove them from the device but they won't delete from cloud.
Ive been on links to manage my account but it only comes up with things i've purchased and the books i want to delete were free, please help
>>> Kindle fire hd help? Deleting books?
Ive been on links to manage my account but it only comes up with things i've purchased and the books i want to delete were free, please help
>>> Kindle fire hd help? Deleting books?
Is there a Kindle Fire that lets you use Facetime?
Is there a Kindle Fire that lets you use Facetime?
>>> Is there a Kindle Fire that lets you use Facetime?
>>> Is there a Kindle Fire that lets you use Facetime?
Is there a product like the Kindle Fire that is larger?
My cousin got a Kindle Fire, I thought the price was pretty good and I liked the way it worked, but it was just kind of small for my liking. When on the internet the image was too small for me.
Is there another product that is like the Kindle Fire, but is a bit bigger? I basically use my computer for internet searching and such.
>>> Is there a product like the Kindle Fire that is larger?
Is there another product that is like the Kindle Fire, but is a bit bigger? I basically use my computer for internet searching and such.
>>> Is there a product like the Kindle Fire that is larger?
Is it true that paper-books will disappear after a couple of years?
I've been hearing opinions saying that paper-books will disappear after a couple of years. Everyone now is moving to E-readers and Kindles etc. I honestly feel bad because I enjoy reading a paper-book more than Electronic readers.
What do you think?
>>> Is it true that paper-books will disappear after a couple of years?
What do you think?
>>> Is it true that paper-books will disappear after a couple of years?
How to install Google Play on Kindle HD?
How to install Google Play on Kindle HD?
>>> How to install Google Play on Kindle HD?
>>> How to install Google Play on Kindle HD?
How to I get my Kindle to turn on?
I have a black and white Kindle, nothing fancy. I got it a little over a year ago and never really used it because I had books to read and just didn't need it. Now I want to use it, but after charging it still won't power up.It only shows me the empty battery screen. I tried holding the power switch for 15 seconds, but I see no changes. Did I ruin it by not using it for so long?
>>> How to I get my Kindle to turn on?
>>> How to I get my Kindle to turn on?
How to fix bricked kindle fire?
Please help im so scared… i tried rooting my new kindle fire with windows computer and when i was nearly complete it turned off and then on, then its stuck on boot logo saying "kindle fire" but no animation… i tried turning it off and charge but nothing… i left it on but it just shows the logo and green light… pleqse help i dont have warranty cause its used but i got it for christmass barelly so help as fast as you can… im so scared
>>> How to fix bricked kindle fire?
>>> How to fix bricked kindle fire?
In order to browse on Fb with this Kindle Fire 7.?
What do I have to do (if purchased)… do I have to establish service with a service provider (internet)? Or how? Thanks.
Added (1). Http://www.amazon.com/Kindle-Fire-Amazon-tablet/dp/B0083Q04IQ/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=1TVJLPZFCIAT3&coliid=I2N6P57LF3Y3MI
>>> In order to browse on Fb with this Kindle Fire 7.?
Added (1). Http://www.amazon.com/Kindle-Fire-Amazon-tablet/dp/B0083Q04IQ/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=1TVJLPZFCIAT3&coliid=I2N6P57LF3Y3MI
>>> In order to browse on Fb with this Kindle Fire 7.?
Kindle fire background help?
Ok I just got a kindle fire 2nd generation with ads how can I change that to a custom photo please good advice thank you
>>> Kindle fire background help?
>>> Kindle fire background help?
How to change the wallpaper on my kindle fire? - 1
I've tried My Kindle Wallpaper, but it says that its done and set but nothing happens nothing happens. I really want to change the wallpaper but I also don't want to root it. Please help.
>>> How to change the wallpaper on my kindle fire? - 1
>>> How to change the wallpaper on my kindle fire? - 1
What are some good supplies to put in a B. O.B?
I'm trying to make a Bug-Out Bag and have a few things, but it still needs a lot of work. Here's what I have:
4-boxes mac n' cheese
12-bottles water
2-9v batteries
1-hot n' spicy cup of noodles
3-pairs of socks
LOTS of paper(kindling)
1-flint and magnesium
1-large bowie knife
1-buck knife
1-compound bow
1-10/22 ruger
700-.22 LR rounds
Package of cotton balls
Vaseline (very flammable)
2 bottles Hydrogen peroxide
Lots of batteries
1-large, metal flashlights/spare batteries
M-3 medic bag (soon)
2 rolls toilet paper
Couple small flashlights
Emergency blanket
4 hand warmers
4-4 ounce emergency drinking water bags
Green light stick
Temperature/wind chill pocket thing (mercury no batteries for this needed)
Anything else i should get?
(I live by reno, in the mountain areas just outside of reno, NV, where the summers are hot and winters a very cold)
>>> What are some good supplies to put in a B. O.B?
4-boxes mac n' cheese
12-bottles water
2-9v batteries
1-hot n' spicy cup of noodles
3-pairs of socks
LOTS of paper(kindling)
1-flint and magnesium
1-large bowie knife
1-buck knife
1-compound bow
1-10/22 ruger
700-.22 LR rounds
Package of cotton balls
Vaseline (very flammable)
2 bottles Hydrogen peroxide
Lots of batteries
1-large, metal flashlights/spare batteries
M-3 medic bag (soon)
2 rolls toilet paper
Couple small flashlights
Emergency blanket
4 hand warmers
4-4 ounce emergency drinking water bags
Green light stick
Temperature/wind chill pocket thing (mercury no batteries for this needed)
Anything else i should get?
(I live by reno, in the mountain areas just outside of reno, NV, where the summers are hot and winters a very cold)
>>> What are some good supplies to put in a B. O.B?
What does it mean to have external 3g?
I was looking at a tablet and it said it has external 3g. Does that mean its like a kindle and i it already has 3g on it and i dont have to pay for it? Or does that mean i have to pay for the 3g
>>> What does it mean to have external 3g?
>>> What does it mean to have external 3g?
Can leaving a kindle fire plugged in to its charger too long do it harm?
Can leaving a kindle fire plugged in to its charger too long do it harm?
>>> Can leaving a kindle fire plugged in to its charger too long do it harm?
>>> Can leaving a kindle fire plugged in to its charger too long do it harm?
Books on Kindle for College?
I got a Kindle Paperwhite for Christmas and some of my books have Kindle editions. Has anyone ever used a text e-book for college that can tell me how it was? I'm afraid to waste the money and then discover that I don't like it.
>>> Books on Kindle for College?
>>> Books on Kindle for College?
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Why cant i play minecraft PC in a server?
My bro can play minecraft in my ipods server throught his kindle but i cant join him.
>>> Why cant i play minecraft PC in a server?
>>> Why cant i play minecraft PC in a server?
What's best the apple books app or the kindle app?
Going on holiday and don't want to take massive books so whats best?
>>> What's best the apple books app or the kindle app?
>>> What's best the apple books app or the kindle app?
Kindle Fire HD, Nexus 7 or Galaxy 2 7.0?
Which is the best 7 inch tablet? And why? Don't really want an ipad, so what do you think my best options are? Thanks
Added (1). I mainly want it for web browsing and viewing videos - youtube, iplayer etc. thanks
>>> Kindle Fire HD, Nexus 7 or Galaxy 2 7.0?
Added (1). I mainly want it for web browsing and viewing videos - youtube, iplayer etc. thanks
>>> Kindle Fire HD, Nexus 7 or Galaxy 2 7.0?
My son's Kindle Fire won't connect to my NetGear wireless router?
I purchased a NetGear N600 Wireless Dual Band Router yesterday and hooked everything up according to the instructions. I'm having no trouble with internet on my computer, but I cannot connect my son's Kindle Fire to the network.
It's like the router is not sending a wireless signal or transmitting anything, because the Kindle doesn't pick up any available networks in range. Not ours anyway.
I've tried all the troubleshooting steps offered by NetGear's online site and have had no luck. I don't want to call them because from everything I've read online, it's time consuming and a waste because they don't help.
I'm not a computer or networking professional or even intermediate user as far as networking goes. I'm stuck. Any serious replies will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Added (1). I have only one desktop computer connected to the wireless router.No other devices, hard-wired or wireless are connected to this router.
>>> My son's Kindle Fire won't connect to my NetGear wireless router?
It's like the router is not sending a wireless signal or transmitting anything, because the Kindle doesn't pick up any available networks in range. Not ours anyway.
I've tried all the troubleshooting steps offered by NetGear's online site and have had no luck. I don't want to call them because from everything I've read online, it's time consuming and a waste because they don't help.
I'm not a computer or networking professional or even intermediate user as far as networking goes. I'm stuck. Any serious replies will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Added (1). I have only one desktop computer connected to the wireless router.No other devices, hard-wired or wireless are connected to this router.
>>> My son's Kindle Fire won't connect to my NetGear wireless router?
Kindle fire things to know?
Ok so i got a kindle fire on thursday!!! and i wanted to know if there were some really fun apps or accessories i could or should get i ordered a Folio case already and am thinking about getting a stylus for the game draw something
>>> Kindle fire things to know?
>>> Kindle fire things to know?
Why won't a book I purchased from my kindle show up in the kindle library?
I recently purchased 'The Hobbit' for my kindle from the kindle store yet it isn't showing up in my library with the other books… It said that the purchase was successful and it should appear but it has not. I tried turning the device off and back on but nothing changed. I tried deleting a book to see if it would make a difference but again there was no luck… Can anyone help fix this?
Added (1). I checked my books online and there is nothing to say I purchased this particular book
>>> Why won't a book I purchased from my kindle show up in the kindle library?
Added (1). I checked my books online and there is nothing to say I purchased this particular book
>>> Why won't a book I purchased from my kindle show up in the kindle library?
I need to find a game for my Kindle fire HD?
OK so I got my new kindle fire HD and I am look for a fun game to play I know this may sound dumb but can you please help. I am looking for a game that is like grand theft auto with the fighting cops in a free play mode and like gangstar Miami vinidiction with all the different guns like rpg and sniper and vechiles like helicopters and boats. Thank You!
>>> I need to find a game for my Kindle fire HD?
>>> I need to find a game for my Kindle fire HD?
Kindle Fire mp4 video help?
Whenever I try to play mp4 video files on the Kindle Fire (these are videos that I got off of Prime), it will just sit there with a black screen with the loading wheel turning, and nothing else. I've looked online for similar problems, but everyone seems to have a problem with the whole thing crashing. This is not the case, as I can just back out. I can still do everything else on the Fire except for playing my movies! Any advice?
>>> Kindle Fire mp4 video help?
>>> Kindle Fire mp4 video help?
Does the kindle paperwhite come with a charger?
I am going to order a kindle paperwhite but i'm not sure if it comes with a charger or not. If not, then could I charge my kindle paperwhite with an ordinary kindle charger?
>>> Does the kindle paperwhite come with a charger?
>>> Does the kindle paperwhite come with a charger?
Kindle Amazon voucher problem?
For Christmas I received an Amazon voucher worth £25 to buy books for my Kindle with. But as I haven't used my account in ages I can't even remember the email so I can't even request a new password to go onto the account with and buy books. Can you change the email on your Kindle or find out what your email is through your Kindle? If you know, please help.
>>> Kindle Amazon voucher problem?
>>> Kindle Amazon voucher problem?
What are the features in the Kindle Fire?
Basically, all I want to know is, what are the features in the Kindle Fire? And does it really have internet?
>>> What are the features in the Kindle Fire?
>>> What are the features in the Kindle Fire?
Can you connect a wireless wifi adapter to a kindle fire hd?
Can you connect a wireless wifi adapter to a kindle fire hd?
>>> Can you connect a wireless wifi adapter to a kindle fire hd?
>>> Can you connect a wireless wifi adapter to a kindle fire hd?
How to disable hibernation?
Need to do this to recharge my kindle reader thru the computer
>>> How to disable hibernation?
>>> How to disable hibernation?
I changed my password but now my email on my kindle wont work?
I changed my password but now my email on my kindle wont work?
>>> I changed my password but now my email on my kindle wont work?
>>> I changed my password but now my email on my kindle wont work?
How to buy or borrow a book on Kindle?
I was given a Kindle for Christmas and i'm having a lot of trouble finding out how to do things as there isn't any instruction book and the one on line is hard to follow and is aimed at the American market. Could someone take me through the process step by step in simple language? Do i need to have Amazon Prime or will just plain Amazon be enough? Bear in mind you'll be trying to teach an old dog a new trick.
Added (1). Perhaps i should have said it is a Kindle Fire HD.
>>> How to buy or borrow a book on Kindle?
Added (1). Perhaps i should have said it is a Kindle Fire HD.
>>> How to buy or borrow a book on Kindle?
I want to buy a tablet, post your cheap tablet ads here!
This Christmas I received a Kindle Paperwhite, and I love it.It's a great e-reader, much better I think than any of the recent ones. But there was something missing.
I downloaded some games, and they were really great. A gaming and reading experience all in one device! But after awhile the number of games I downloaded started to override the number of ebooks.
So I did some figuring and decided sometime next month I'd have enough money to buy a tablet.
I was just browsing some tablets on Amazon.com, and I didn't see anything worth investigating.
So here's my question: What tablet should I buy that has great quality and is under $150?
My weekly/monthly income is definitely not that high, so can you help me? I want more than just my judging on what I should buy, because I do not want to do something stupid and waste my money. All help would be appreciated, thanks!
>>> I want to buy a tablet, post your cheap tablet ads here!
This Christmas I received a Kindle Paperwhite, and I love it.It's a great e-reader, much better I think than any of the recent ones. But there was something missing.
I downloaded some games, and they were really great. A gaming and reading experience all in one device! But after awhile the number of games I downloaded started to override the number of ebooks.
So I did some figuring and decided sometime next month I'd have enough money to buy a tablet.
I was just browsing some tablets on Amazon.com, and I didn't see anything worth investigating.
So here's my question: What tablet should I buy that has great quality and is under $150?
My weekly/monthly income is definitely not that high, so can you help me? I want more than just my judging on what I should buy, because I do not want to do something stupid and waste my money. All help would be appreciated, thanks!
>>> I want to buy a tablet, post your cheap tablet ads here!
Why does my kindle take so long to charge?
I have a Kindle fire and at first i plugged it into my laptop to charge, then i bought an actual charger but it still takes hours to charge fully, anyone know why?
>>> Why does my kindle take so long to charge?
>>> Why does my kindle take so long to charge?
How do u download apps to kindle fire he?
How do u download apps to kindle fire he?
>>> How do u download apps to kindle fire he?
>>> How do u download apps to kindle fire he?
Places to get free Kindle books?
I've started using the Kindle app on my iPhone, and I've been looking for places to get free books (legally not illegally) I've found one good website called ereaderiq.com but I'm wondering if there are any other sites that tell you where to get free kindle books.
Any websites you know about?
>>> Places to get free Kindle books?
Any websites you know about?
>>> Places to get free Kindle books?
Why won't my Kindle Fire HD connect to the book store?
Having a problem with my Kindle Fire HD, everytime I try to connect to the book store it seems to be loading and then just skips back to the home page? My Wi-Fi and everything is fine it just won't load up? Anybody else have this problem and knows how to fix it? Thank you x
>>> Why won't my Kindle Fire HD connect to the book store?
>>> Why won't my Kindle Fire HD connect to the book store?
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