I'm a very introverted teenage guy, and I have never had a girlfriend in my entire life. Nothing even close. Because I'm introverted, I don't like talking to people (girls or otherwise) unless I have a reason for it, so I only have a few female friends, but I'm not even really that close to them. There was this one beautiful girl I had a crush on because she'd read a long classic book that I had put down, and I admired that, but I never could talk to her and she doesn't go to my school anymore. I don't like the girls at school and I really have no way to meet girls outside of school. Everyone keeps saying I have to be social, and I honestly hate that. I'd much rather read my Kindle that go to a party. I hate flirting. I honestly wish I could find a girl who likes books like me and will hold hands with me and read. Am I just forever alone? Will I be 60 and not have a wife?
Read more: I feel depressed and forever alone?