all the proxy's don't work so dont give me that and i tried the msconfig that did not work it just made is malfunction is there anything that can get me passed K9 web protection I watched a video on my kindle at the ymca about using the ip addres i cant go on youtube or google or any sh*t and dont give me **** about it being blocked for a reason because
It only blocks transformice through the keyword filter so if you could give me a copy and paste ip address of transformice please do so
Added (1). it can detect sites at a proxy avoidance or thinks its suspicious
Added (2). i tried using https:// it didnt work
I tried to make an account of my own but failed
Added (3). The site you tried to visit belongs to a category that your computer is set to block. is blocked because it is currently categorized as: Unrated
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^ example
my only friend is in florida and i can only talk to her on tfm
Read more: How to get passed K9 web protection?