I completely love wolves. Are there any novels about wolves that aren't children's books? Also, by "about" I mean that they are one of the main characters. I've read the first two books of the Wolf Chronicles by Dorothy Hearst. I'm not looking for werewolves stories either. If you find any, please let me know. Thanks.
I have a Sony eReader, so please don't suggest Kindle-only books.
>>> Are there any novels about wolves?
Saturday, February 23, 2013
How much should I sell these for on Amazon.?
I'd like to sell my Kindle Fire 7", 8GB, Wifi (it's not HD, btw) and Kindle Fire navy blue folio case. The original prices, which are still used, are $160 and $20. They are both in absolute like new condition. How much do you think I could/should sell these for on Amazon.com? I also don't have the original packaging… if that makes a difference on anything.
>>> How much should I sell these for on Amazon.?
>>> How much should I sell these for on Amazon.?
What kind of Kindle should I buy? - 1
So I'm about to go digital with my love of literature, and after much deliberation, I've decided that I'm going with a Kindle.Do any of you current Kindle users out there have any tips on which Kindle I may buy?
Is it really necessary to get HD? Why or why not?
What screen size would you recommend? What is too big or too small?
Also, how many gigs would you recommend for a semi-avid reader?
Any other tips you'd like to offer are welcome, but unless you have great reason to try to sway me, no need to try to deter me from using this brand. I pretty well plan to stick with Kindle. Thanks!
>>> What kind of Kindle should I buy? - 1
Is it really necessary to get HD? Why or why not?
What screen size would you recommend? What is too big or too small?
Also, how many gigs would you recommend for a semi-avid reader?
Any other tips you'd like to offer are welcome, but unless you have great reason to try to sway me, no need to try to deter me from using this brand. I pretty well plan to stick with Kindle. Thanks!
>>> What kind of Kindle should I buy? - 1
How to close tabs on my kindle fire?
How do i close tabs on my kindle fire?
>>> How to close tabs on my kindle fire?
>>> How to close tabs on my kindle fire?
What's the word kindle edition level 66!
There' a picture of a Bunch of brown looking ball things, a spiral tower thing, a silver ring that is attached to something wooden, and a tea kettle with red lettering.It has to be a 5 letter word and the letters are ZEQATPNTMLTI
>>> What's the word kindle edition level 66!
>>> What's the word kindle edition level 66!
Whats the word kindle level 207?
Two girls with thumbs up on top of each other
Girl popping collar with ok signs
Guy with ok sign
Hands making shadow eagal
7 letters
>>> Whats the word kindle level 207?
Girl popping collar with ok signs
Guy with ok sign
Hands making shadow eagal
7 letters
>>> Whats the word kindle level 207?
Benefits of getting an eReader?
I want to get an eReader (Kobo or Kindle) but I'm just not sure if I want it half of the time.
My bookshelf is FULL of books, and sometimes I just like having the tangible book (I know, its a bit of a crazy trait I have)
But I think the time has come for change. I spend tons of money of YA books, and I figure that if I go an eReader, I would spend less. I want a "colour" one (That has everything in colour) more than just a black and white one, based on the fact that I can't stand how the black and white Kobo's turn their pages (it fuzzes out and it bothers my eyes)
What are the benefits of having an eReader? Should I get one? And HOW? I have to somehow persuade my parents to get me one, because I'm broke :)
Please and thank you good people!
>>> Benefits of getting an eReader?
My bookshelf is FULL of books, and sometimes I just like having the tangible book (I know, its a bit of a crazy trait I have)
But I think the time has come for change. I spend tons of money of YA books, and I figure that if I go an eReader, I would spend less. I want a "colour" one (That has everything in colour) more than just a black and white one, based on the fact that I can't stand how the black and white Kobo's turn their pages (it fuzzes out and it bothers my eyes)
What are the benefits of having an eReader? Should I get one? And HOW? I have to somehow persuade my parents to get me one, because I'm broke :)
Please and thank you good people!
>>> Benefits of getting an eReader?
Book series playing hide and seek? 5 stars to the best?
Is there anyone who can find me the first five books (no kindle format) of William Joyce's series The Guardians of Childhood? Please, don't tell me "Search on Amazon/Ebay" or such, give me a link if possible. Thank you very much in advance.
>>> Book series playing hide and seek? 5 stars to the best?
>>> Book series playing hide and seek? 5 stars to the best?
4 pics one word kindle fire level 19?
Pictures are… little kid pink stick.vacation home/beach… red flowers… makeup
>>> 4 pics one word kindle fire level 19?
>>> 4 pics one word kindle fire level 19?
Whats the word kindle edition level 26?
A picture of rice, a satilite, one fish and a piecve of chicken split in half with peas.four letter word
please help
>>> Whats the word kindle edition level 26?
please help
>>> Whats the word kindle edition level 26?
Which router should I buy?
Our current router, from Belkin, just doesn't seem to be cutting it anymore.It is 3 years old and we have many wireless needs now. We have an xbox 360, 2 iPhones, an iPad, and a kindle that we would all like to be able to connect at once with out causing any lag or disconnection. What router should we buy? Thanks!
>>> Which router should I buy?
>>> Which router should I buy?
I have a Kindle (just the basic model) .?
If I upgrade to the Kindle Fire would I be able to transfer the books from the Kindle to the new Kindle Fire, also I would like to pass the old Kindle to my boyfriend, would this be possible or would both Kindles be on the same account?
>>> I have a Kindle (just the basic model) .?
>>> I have a Kindle (just the basic model) .?
How to side load flash on my kindle fire hd?
How do i side load flash on my kindle fire hd?
>>> How to side load flash on my kindle fire hd?
>>> How to side load flash on my kindle fire hd?
How to transfer books from kindle pc app to kindle iphone app?
I just added two books to my kindle pc app and theyre not appearing on my iphone app.how do i transfer them?
>>> How to transfer books from kindle pc app to kindle iphone app?
>>> How to transfer books from kindle pc app to kindle iphone app?
4 pics one word kindle fire level 21?
The pictures are a tip of a pen(the writing side)
Three people fixing/looking at a copier
a person sitting at a desk reading a paper
and two people comparing papers
the letters are A E H I L C C O E K F G D F
It is a 6 letter word. HELP!
>>> 4 pics one word kindle fire level 21?
Three people fixing/looking at a copier
a person sitting at a desk reading a paper
and two people comparing papers
the letters are A E H I L C C O E K F G D F
It is a 6 letter word. HELP!
>>> 4 pics one word kindle fire level 21?
Whats the word for kindle level 198?
Tip of mechanical pencil
Brick wall
Side of cliff
Girl holding chalk board
5 letters
>>> Whats the word for kindle level 198?
Brick wall
Side of cliff
Girl holding chalk board
5 letters
>>> Whats the word for kindle level 198?
Emotional Abuse? Is it okay to be sad?
Hi.Im 14 and let e start off by apologizing for any typos.im using my kindle and it is very hard to type.
anyway, i have a problem with my parents.they dont exactly hit me or anything… but i feel depressed a lot.i cut yself sometimes, although ive been getting better about not doing that.
honestly, i feel bad that i feel this way because my life isnt that bad.my parents feed me, pay for marching ban, and have even agreed to let me go to florida this spring break.
anyway… even though they do things parents should, for the most part, i still feel like *** because of how they treat me.my mom drinks and tells me im a terrible selfish child and that al i do os screw things up for her.my step father does questionable things (grabs my butt, makes comments about my boobs) and makes me feel worthless.tuey both have called me a *** to ky face and tell me im doing nothing with my life… but im an honors student with goals for a career
i dont want to talk to them about it.i have tried.they tell me to suck it up.
thats basically it.but theres so much more that they do.
Added (1). May i add that i really dont want to bring another "trusted adult" or a counsler intothis… im afraid of my parents being mad or them getting in trouble.
Added (2). Sorry to say i am not exactly a religious person (i consider myself to be agnostic)
i tell a couple good friends about these things.sometimes.
my step dad works on trucks my om works at a liquor store (to answer the question about their jobs)
and i know that they may not be hapy with their lives… but i dont feel like thats a good reason to be mean
Added (3). Thank you guys for your answers by the way.im sitting here smiling to myself because i feel cared for.
everyone seems concerned about the cutting.i have only done it once in the past uear.like i said im getting better… on my own
>>> Emotional Abuse? Is it okay to be sad?
anyway, i have a problem with my parents.they dont exactly hit me or anything… but i feel depressed a lot.i cut yself sometimes, although ive been getting better about not doing that.
honestly, i feel bad that i feel this way because my life isnt that bad.my parents feed me, pay for marching ban, and have even agreed to let me go to florida this spring break.
anyway… even though they do things parents should, for the most part, i still feel like *** because of how they treat me.my mom drinks and tells me im a terrible selfish child and that al i do os screw things up for her.my step father does questionable things (grabs my butt, makes comments about my boobs) and makes me feel worthless.tuey both have called me a *** to ky face and tell me im doing nothing with my life… but im an honors student with goals for a career
i dont want to talk to them about it.i have tried.they tell me to suck it up.
thats basically it.but theres so much more that they do.
Added (1). May i add that i really dont want to bring another "trusted adult" or a counsler intothis… im afraid of my parents being mad or them getting in trouble.
Added (2). Sorry to say i am not exactly a religious person (i consider myself to be agnostic)
i tell a couple good friends about these things.sometimes.
my step dad works on trucks my om works at a liquor store (to answer the question about their jobs)
and i know that they may not be hapy with their lives… but i dont feel like thats a good reason to be mean
Added (3). Thank you guys for your answers by the way.im sitting here smiling to myself because i feel cared for.
everyone seems concerned about the cutting.i have only done it once in the past uear.like i said im getting better… on my own
>>> Emotional Abuse? Is it okay to be sad?
4 pics one word kindle fire level 18?
The pictures are
A hawk
A dog
A broken window, or door glass. Broken Glass
And a person with their hands over their eyes.
The Letters are: P D S E O I I D T N P A T C
It is a 12 letter word. Help Please!
>>> 4 pics one word kindle fire level 18?
A hawk
A dog
A broken window, or door glass. Broken Glass
And a person with their hands over their eyes.
The Letters are: P D S E O I I D T N P A T C
It is a 12 letter word. Help Please!
>>> 4 pics one word kindle fire level 18?
Whats the for for kindle fire level 189?
Picture one: $100 bills with glasses
Two: graph with arrow going up
Three: two aces on poker chips
four: calculator saying revenue
6 lettes long
>>> Whats the for for kindle fire level 189?
Two: graph with arrow going up
Three: two aces on poker chips
four: calculator saying revenue
6 lettes long
>>> Whats the for for kindle fire level 189?
How to sign up for instagram for kindle fire/ amazon app store?
How do you sign up for instagram for kindle fire/ amazon app store?
>>> How to sign up for instagram for kindle fire/ amazon app store?
>>> How to sign up for instagram for kindle fire/ amazon app store?
Friday, February 22, 2013
Should I forget about haveing a KINDLE FIRE?
Reasons why:
No access to google play
amazon sucks
less variety of apps
Not for kids
Reasons not to:
has some games
>>> Should I forget about haveing a KINDLE FIRE?
No access to google play
amazon sucks
less variety of apps
Not for kids
Reasons not to:
has some games
>>> Should I forget about haveing a KINDLE FIRE?
Really want to play Skyrim again?
Hi, I know this sounds pretty sad but when I first started playing Skyrim, I was totally amazed by everything in the game and became obsessed with it. I would play it constantly (but somehow still not seem to achieve very much). I have "completed" the game twice, obviously not fully but I have done pretty much all the missions and the storyline and all the special weapons etc etc. I then got bored of it and didn't fancy starting a new game so I stopped for a while.
Now I feel I want to play it again and be captivated once more, but I have a feeling of dread because I already know everything that is going to happen and its just not the same. I have played this game with 2 different characters and reached the maximum level with both of them. Its just not the same playing through it when you have already done all the quests.
Is there anything you could recommend that I could do to re-kindle my passion for Skyrim? Are there any other games like it (RPG games with medieval fantasy fighting and quests)?
Please do not mention any of the previous elder scroll games, something that still has very good quality gameplay and graphics.
>>> Really want to play Skyrim again?
Now I feel I want to play it again and be captivated once more, but I have a feeling of dread because I already know everything that is going to happen and its just not the same. I have played this game with 2 different characters and reached the maximum level with both of them. Its just not the same playing through it when you have already done all the quests.
Is there anything you could recommend that I could do to re-kindle my passion for Skyrim? Are there any other games like it (RPG games with medieval fantasy fighting and quests)?
Please do not mention any of the previous elder scroll games, something that still has very good quality gameplay and graphics.
>>> Really want to play Skyrim again?
What tablet should i buy for someone who is tech literate?
I was thinking a Kindle Fire. I know most would say iPad but its just too expensive.
I saw Samsung Galaxy Tablets… but now much harder would they be to use than a Kindle?
Looking to spend 200-250 USD
Added (1). How***
>>> What tablet should i buy for someone who is tech literate?
I saw Samsung Galaxy Tablets… but now much harder would they be to use than a Kindle?
Looking to spend 200-250 USD
Added (1). How***
>>> What tablet should i buy for someone who is tech literate?
I lost my Kindle.what do I do?
So I was just chilling and I wanted to read, so I went to my desk where i saw my kindle last time. Then it wasn't at the place I thought it would be! I looked everywhere, my room, closet, loft, loft closet, kitchen, everywhere! I can't find it! Is there an app or something for me to track it? I sometimes take it to school but I remember telling my teacher I left my kindle at home on Friday. Please help me, my parents are going to be so disappointed in me, they bought it for me as a Christmas Present… :(
>>> I lost my Kindle.what do I do?
>>> I lost my Kindle.what do I do?
What is the Experimental Browser on a Kindle Paperwhite?
How does it work and why is it called "experimental"?
I recently bought a Kindle Paperwhite and I really enjoy being able to read when on the go. I'm still learning about some of the features and how they work.
>>> What is the Experimental Browser on a Kindle Paperwhite?
I recently bought a Kindle Paperwhite and I really enjoy being able to read when on the go. I'm still learning about some of the features and how they work.
>>> What is the Experimental Browser on a Kindle Paperwhite?
How to see emails on my kindle fire?
How do I see emails on my kindle fire?
>>> How to see emails on my kindle fire?
>>> How to see emails on my kindle fire?
Best mp3 music downloader for the kindle fire?
I want a good website to download free music from for my kindle fire..I just wanna be able to search for a song /genre /artist click on it and download it to my device..android based
>>> Best mp3 music downloader for the kindle fire?
>>> Best mp3 music downloader for the kindle fire?
I want to buy a kindle fire refurbished and have looked?
And looked and can't find the 8 inch one any one have any answer
>>> I want to buy a kindle fire refurbished and have looked?
>>> I want to buy a kindle fire refurbished and have looked?
Formatting problems with Kindle for E Books?
I'm deciding whether to upload files myself or hire someone to do the Kindle - and later Nook, etc.
Any advice or issues doing it yourself? I'm fair at computer work (though strangely very good at SEO) but am apprehensive about doing the uploads in case they turn out incorrect.
It's a simple poetry book so there are short poems with a lot of space. There is a guy who will do it for me but charges $280 for starters - though guarantees his work and has done many ebooks with great reviews.
>>> Formatting problems with Kindle for E Books?
Any advice or issues doing it yourself? I'm fair at computer work (though strangely very good at SEO) but am apprehensive about doing the uploads in case they turn out incorrect.
It's a simple poetry book so there are short poems with a lot of space. There is a guy who will do it for me but charges $280 for starters - though guarantees his work and has done many ebooks with great reviews.
>>> Formatting problems with Kindle for E Books?
What are some AMAZING books?
I want to get some books on my Kindle Fire. What should I get? Things I like include, but are not limited to, zombies, apocalypse, unique concepts like The Hunger Games.It doesn't need to fit into one of those, just tell me some good books
>>> What are some AMAZING books?
>>> What are some AMAZING books?
Should I go for a Nexus 7 or kindle?
I want to get a tablet, and with money being tight i have decided on going for either a kindle or a nexus 7. I wanna get a kindle because theres loads of books and graphic novels on Amazon that i want to download, but the nexus has loads more things like games and other apps i'l be using.
I don't want to get an ipad mainly due to the price and that i work with them every day so am sick of seeing them ha. Not sure which to get as both are priced quite decently.
>>> Should I go for a Nexus 7 or kindle?
I don't want to get an ipad mainly due to the price and that i work with them every day so am sick of seeing them ha. Not sure which to get as both are priced quite decently.
>>> Should I go for a Nexus 7 or kindle?
Can you use an Amazon Kindle gift card for regular purchases?
I accidently bought an Amazon Kindle gift card instead of a regular Amazon gift card: p And guess what? I don't have a kindle! So I was wondering if you can make regular purchases instead of Kindle-related ones?
>>> Can you use an Amazon Kindle gift card for regular purchases?
>>> Can you use an Amazon Kindle gift card for regular purchases?
I Have A Plain Kindle, How Do I Delete Books Ive Already read?
I have looked At my Kindle Front wards & backwards, Clicked On the Owners Manuel Inside the thing, As it didnt Come with a Seperate one, & It Gives me NO Idea on how i might be Able to delete the Books Ive Already Read, to make room for new ones. Any Advice? Amazon Wont tell me.
>>> I Have A Plain Kindle, How Do I Delete Books Ive Already read?
>>> I Have A Plain Kindle, How Do I Delete Books Ive Already read?
What is level 83 Whats the word kindle fire edition game solution?
What is level 83 "Whats the word" kindle fire edition game solution?
>>> What is level 83 Whats the word kindle fire edition game solution?
>>> What is level 83 Whats the word kindle fire edition game solution?
Where can i download Beautiful Creatures for kindle free?
Im looking for the Beautiful Creatures series for free for my kindle fire? Ive been using epubbud for aldiko but they only have the 3rd book on there
>>> Where can i download Beautiful Creatures for kindle free?
>>> Where can i download Beautiful Creatures for kindle free?
What's the word kindle edition level 9?
What is the answer to what's the word kindle tablet edition level 9?
>>> What's the word kindle edition level 9?
>>> What's the word kindle edition level 9?
Should I buy the kindle fire or kindle fire hd?
Should I buy the kindle fire or kindle fire hd?
>>> Should I buy the kindle fire or kindle fire hd?
>>> Should I buy the kindle fire or kindle fire hd?
Words with pictures, kindle, level 158?
I've been stuck now for ages. The pics are, a deck of cards showing the king of clubs, an army tank, a army style airplane and 3 flanking shots.
The letters are: wmyfttixoefb
And the word needs to be 8 letters.
Not even online word finders could help me finding the word.
Thank you
>>> Words with pictures, kindle, level 158?
The letters are: wmyfttixoefb
And the word needs to be 8 letters.
Not even online word finders could help me finding the word.
Thank you
>>> Words with pictures, kindle, level 158?
What are sound settings on Kindle Fire and how to adjust?
My Kindle Fire started making a chime sound upon the receipt of email and some other incoming information. How can I adjust this sound such as changing the signal or making it louder?
Kindle Fire HD
>>> What are sound settings on Kindle Fire and how to adjust?
Kindle Fire HD
>>> What are sound settings on Kindle Fire and how to adjust?
Where can i fix my kindle screen?
Hi guys.So I left my kindle on the floor one night because i had been laying on the floor reading.It was late so i left it where it was and went to bed. The next morning I got out of bed and was walking to the bathroom when I heard a crack. I had accidently stepped on it forgetting I had left it there the previous night.It's actually been broken for a little over a year. I've just now decided to get it fixed as I do not one to spend a lot of money on buying a brand new one.It is one of the earlier kindles. The one with the keyboard on the bottom of it. Does anyone know of a place I could go to get the screen repaired? And how much it would cost? Thanks guys!
>>> Where can i fix my kindle screen?
>>> Where can i fix my kindle screen?
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Does kindle fire allow movies to be synced?
This is really pissing me off.i am using windows media player to try and sync a few movies to my kindle fire but it just says error and does not let me sync them.i have tried movies with mp4 format and just common movie types but it still fails to sync.what steps should i do to get movies on my kindle without using any wifi media.
>>> Does kindle fire allow movies to be synced?
>>> Does kindle fire allow movies to be synced?
What technology gadgets do you have?
I have…
Apple iPad 2
Apple iPod touch 4
Apple iPhone 4
Kindle Fire HD (runs Android operating system)
Samsung Laptop with Windows 8
Canon Camera
Nintendo DS
VCR player by Emerson
DVD player by Sony
imac at grandparents bc I do work on there…
share yours!
>>> What technology gadgets do you have?
Apple iPad 2
Apple iPod touch 4
Apple iPhone 4
Kindle Fire HD (runs Android operating system)
Samsung Laptop with Windows 8
Canon Camera
Nintendo DS
VCR player by Emerson
DVD player by Sony
imac at grandparents bc I do work on there…
share yours!
>>> What technology gadgets do you have?
Kindle fire HD frozen screen?
My kindle fire hd has suddenly got a black screen and it wont do anything. I cant turn it off or anything. What do i do?
>>> Kindle fire HD frozen screen?
>>> Kindle fire HD frozen screen?
Kindle fire HD 7 difficulties?
The wifi im trying to connect to has no passwords and its free.ive had no problems connecting before, but i moved out of range, barely and was able to connect to it.now that ive moved back to the main source of wifi, it says its connecting, authenticaing IP, itll connect, then restart the whole process over and then itll connect to a different wifi.how can I fix this? it also says "router has rejected your connection request"
>>> Kindle fire HD 7 difficulties?
>>> Kindle fire HD 7 difficulties?
Whats the word kindle edition level 57?
The pictures are of a bear, a woman, a purse, and a ribbony/snowflake design.the letters are jbhbnzuwvoir.its five letters long.
>>> Whats the word kindle edition level 57?
>>> Whats the word kindle edition level 57?
Will my Kindle and email work in hotels in Cancun?
Do the hotels there have free wifi or does the Mcdonald in other countries have free wifi like in the USA? Would a parent be able to tell from where in the world an email is originating?
>>> Will my Kindle and email work in hotels in Cancun?
>>> Will my Kindle and email work in hotels in Cancun?
Will my kindle and email work in hotels in Cancun? - 1
Would my parents be able to tell that I am in Cancun by anything about the emails?
>>> Will my kindle and email work in hotels in Cancun? - 1
>>> Will my kindle and email work in hotels in Cancun? - 1
What are your favorite books of all time?
I accidentally cleared my kindle and want to try and reload some good books onto it.It would help if you could list some classics (i've already read a good amount of them). Please, no one suggest shitty teen books.
>>> What are your favorite books of all time?
>>> What are your favorite books of all time?
How to retrieve deleted notes from Inkpad?
I have the Inkpad Notes app on my Kindle Fire, and it's turned into a bit of a lifeline for me as far as notes go for my classes, but being the airhead I am I just accidentally deleted it.Is there any way I can retrieve the notes that were on the app? I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown, I'll try anything! D:
>>> How to retrieve deleted notes from Inkpad?
>>> How to retrieve deleted notes from Inkpad?
How to make my kindle auto wake/sleep?
I have recently purchased a kindle cover case and it is meant to auto wake and sleep when opened and closed, so does anyone know how to set this up?
>>> How to make my kindle auto wake/sleep?
>>> How to make my kindle auto wake/sleep?
Which kindle or tablet has free unlimited 3g and wifi?
I want to get a kindle/nook/tablet that has free unlimted 3g data and wifi but I don't know which ones have the feature. I would like the to be able to go on sites like mibba, facebook, and check my email on the 3g feature. Also if i would like to know which site would i be able to go on with the 3g feature.i know the kindle keyboard has unlimited 3g but i dont know which sites i would be able to go on. If any of u have the kindle keyboard or any tablet with the 3g feature, could you check for me if you can go on mibba.com? Thank you!!! Please help! im desperate!
>>> Which kindle or tablet has free unlimited 3g and wifi?
>>> Which kindle or tablet has free unlimited 3g and wifi?
Kindle Fire rooting stuck in recovery mode?
I downloaded kindle fire utility and installed all the drivers and it was running and doing the root fine until near the end, the kindle was stuck on the TWRP menu and I could not get out. I was gonna try to do the rooting again, and I realized the boot status was on 5001 instead of 400 i tried to change it from the menu and even manually changing it, but it says could not find specified drive. How can I change it, or just get out of the recovery mode?
>>> Kindle Fire rooting stuck in recovery mode?
>>> Kindle Fire rooting stuck in recovery mode?
Any preference to EBook and On demand publishers? Getting overwhelmed?
Can't decide between Blurb, SmashWords, CreateSpace, etc.and would like the best percentage return but also easiest to upload files. Anyone have tech issues with one and not the other? Delays in payments? Also SmashWords seems to be reaching out to more retailers? Go with Kindle directly or via Smash, Blurb?
>>> Any preference to EBook and On demand publishers? Getting overwhelmed?
>>> Any preference to EBook and On demand publishers? Getting overwhelmed?
What do i do when my kindle freezes?
I got a kindle fire the first generation and it freezes up. i can't turn it off or shut it down. some times if i hold the botten it will shut down but now always.i think it might be some of my apps on it. i was just wondering what to do when it freezes.
>>> What do i do when my kindle freezes?
>>> What do i do when my kindle freezes?
If I buy an item on Amazon.com, can I subsequently return it on Amazon.co.uk?
I'm thinking Kindles.
Added (1). In fact, rather than return, I mean: Is my warranty valid?
Added (2). Actually, someone would buy it on my behalf and gift it to me on a visit.
>>> If I buy an item on Amazon.com, can I subsequently return it on Amazon.co.uk?
Added (1). In fact, rather than return, I mean: Is my warranty valid?
Added (2). Actually, someone would buy it on my behalf and gift it to me on a visit.
>>> If I buy an item on Amazon.com, can I subsequently return it on Amazon.co.uk?
What's the word? Level 18, i can't figure it out!
The first picture is a survey looking thing with a red colored pencil that just checked off the top square. The second picture is 5 matches. 4 black tipped short ones and one red tipped long one. The third picture is a girl sitting in the middle of a bunch of shoes. The fourth picture is a wooden figure holding a blue pill-looking thing in one "hand" and a red one in the other "hand."
There are 6 spaces. The letters are: C L Y O P E H Z W F C I
I should also add that this is on my Kindle, I know it's able to be found on other devices but mine is on a Kindle.
>>> What's the word? Level 18, i can't figure it out!
There are 6 spaces. The letters are: C L Y O P E H Z W F C I
I should also add that this is on my Kindle, I know it's able to be found on other devices but mine is on a Kindle.
>>> What's the word? Level 18, i can't figure it out!
What's the word for kindle fire level 13?
There's a picture of two cups, two people, two birds and an animal with antlers, please helpppp :)
>>> What's the word for kindle fire level 13?
>>> What's the word for kindle fire level 13?
Whats the word level 78 on kindle fire?
Whats the word level 78 on kindle fire?
>>> Whats the word level 78 on kindle fire?
>>> Whats the word level 78 on kindle fire?
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
How to put books on my Kindle Fire HD without a USB cord?
So unfortunately, I lost my USB cord for my Kindle.Is there any way I could put books on it, through, say wifi or the cloud? Thanks :)
>>> How to put books on my Kindle Fire HD without a USB cord?
>>> How to put books on my Kindle Fire HD without a USB cord?
My kindle does not receive my book from Amazon?
I am able to read on my pc, but my last three books do not show up on my kindle device. I have several books which just downloaded instantly, I am unable to figure out what to do. Any suggestions?
>>> My kindle does not receive my book from Amazon?
>>> My kindle does not receive my book from Amazon?
Teamspeak 3 for kindlefire?
Just got the 16g kindlefire HD and im wondering if i can download teamspeak for it… i use it alot when i use roommates laptop and i was jw if theres a way to get it on there since i can buy a headset and plug it into my kindle
Added (1). If so can i get the link ?
>>> Teamspeak 3 for kindlefire?
Added (1). If so can i get the link ?
>>> Teamspeak 3 for kindlefire?
What should I bring on Holiday?
I'm going on Holiday for a few days on Friday and I need to know what to bring x It has a pool, ski slope and posh restaurants and tubing so I may need lots of outfits x What should I bring x It's quite a long car journey too so how should I keep myself entertained x I have iPad kindle DVD phone but what else??? I do love art if that helps x Detailed answers would help xx Thank u!!!
>>> What should I bring on Holiday?
>>> What should I bring on Holiday?
How to get free from the fear of Battery? - 1
I know this sounds ridiculous to some of you, but I do afraid all my electronic device will explode suddenly and hurt my eyes because of the flawed battery, I love my kindle, iphone, laptop but the fear pull me far away from them. The fear is caused by some horrible battery accident report. I remember one mobile phone explosion accident even kill the user.It freaked me out. I know nowadays the chance of the battery sudden explosion is rare. But I cant stop to imagine what if I am the unlucky guy. What if go blind because of that. Who can help me to ease my mind
>>> How to get free from the fear of Battery? - 1
>>> How to get free from the fear of Battery? - 1
Are Kindle Fires any good?
I'm looking for a new tablet and they looked nice and cheap.
>>> Are Kindle Fires any good?
>>> Are Kindle Fires any good?
How to transfer books from the Kindle Fire HD?
How do you transfer books you've purchased on the Kindle Fire, to another device?
>>> How to transfer books from the Kindle Fire HD?
>>> How to transfer books from the Kindle Fire HD?
Amazon kindle? no charger? say what!
I read on a review that you have to pay extra for the charger when you get a kindle fire. What the eff? Is that real? Or BS?
>>> Amazon kindle? no charger? say what!
>>> Amazon kindle? no charger? say what!
Where can i download the original version of this song?
HEY:DV I like the song ego, by beyonce feat kanye west. And want to download it on my kindle. I went on YouTube but all the versions have some kind of devil voice on top. Anyone know a link where it is the original version. Thanks. For example. This is not the original http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=GB#/watch?v=aB9W179Sz3M
>>> Where can i download the original version of this song?
>>> Where can i download the original version of this song?
I've been given a Kindle - but I have a problem!
I discovered that I need a wi-fi connection - but my computer is hooked up to a modem, and I'm rubbish at computer technology! (Maybe it's possible to change that to wi-fi?)
Any (polite!) suggestions welcome!
>>> I've been given a Kindle - but I have a problem!
Any (polite!) suggestions welcome!
>>> I've been given a Kindle - but I have a problem!
Whats the Word, Kindle Fire hd, level 129?
4 pictures a girl in a bikini getting splashed by water, sea with water splashing, a motorbike getting splashed with water and a blue picture of water with bubbles
>>> Whats the Word, Kindle Fire hd, level 129?
4 pictures a girl in a bikini getting splashed by water, sea with water splashing, a motorbike getting splashed with water and a blue picture of water with bubbles
>>> Whats the Word, Kindle Fire hd, level 129?
How to review a kindle book on Amazon?
I just finished reading a story I bought during free promotion. I want to review it because I really like it, but when I clicked on "write a customer review", it showed the "Review Your Purchases" page. I clicked on a hyperlink "let us know here" in the statement: If your purchase was completed more than 48 hours ago, let us know here. Then I sent an email to Amazon, but nothing happens. I wish to know other way to review this book.
>>> How to review a kindle book on Amazon?
>>> How to review a kindle book on Amazon?
Is it worth it to buy a kindle paperwhite?
I already have a kindle keyboard which is great, but I'm looking to upgrade to the paperwhite as it has a built in light, and is smaller.Is it worth the upgrade?
>>> Is it worth it to buy a kindle paperwhite?
>>> Is it worth it to buy a kindle paperwhite?
4 pics 1 word for kindle fire?
The pictures are:
An ambulance
More pills
Someone blowing their nose
The letters are:
>>> 4 pics 1 word for kindle fire?
An ambulance
More pills
Someone blowing their nose
The letters are:
>>> 4 pics 1 word for kindle fire?
How to get rid of youtube education filter?
I have a kindle fire and frequently use my school's wifi network for Internet access and whatnot. Recently, my school has installed the youtube education filter within the network, and - like a virus of a PARTICULAR kind ))) - it's actually somehow stuck itself on my personal access to youtube wherever I may be and whatever network I may use - private or public.
Obviously, this is pissing me off quite a bit.
Anyone have any tips? Ever dealt with this before? I can't reboot my kindle, by the way.No where else at the moment to back all my stuff up.
Thanks in advance.
>>> How to get rid of youtube education filter?
Obviously, this is pissing me off quite a bit.
Anyone have any tips? Ever dealt with this before? I can't reboot my kindle, by the way.No where else at the moment to back all my stuff up.
Thanks in advance.
>>> How to get rid of youtube education filter?
My kindle shows up on divice. In divice manager its android phone?
When I try to root it.my Pc says off line. But when I get it to show online it stops and says tdk recovery please wait and it don't do a thing. I waited for hours?
>>> My kindle shows up on divice. In divice manager its android phone?
>>> My kindle shows up on divice. In divice manager its android phone?
How to buy a book for my Kindle 1?
I put my gift card on amazon.com, and it said I have $25 on it. I go on my kindle and sign in on 'Manage Account', but when I go on the Kindle store on my Kindle, and I try to buy a book, it says I have no money, or valid card on my account.
What do I do?
>>> How to buy a book for my Kindle 1?
What do I do?
>>> How to buy a book for my Kindle 1?
Can i get dungeon defenders on amazon or google play?
I cant find it on ether of them but my friend has it on his kindle plese help i really want this game for my android tab thanx
>>> Can i get dungeon defenders on amazon or google play?
>>> Can i get dungeon defenders on amazon or google play?
What happens to returned Kindle Fires?
My Kindle Fire completely stopped working the other day, and the charge light has completely stopped coming on.In a nutshell, the device - even after several days on charge and trying to reset methods - has completely stopped turning on at all. I was going to return it back to Argos (where I purchased it from), but after some thought I realised that my email, photos, browsing history, music, facebook and twitter login details, etc are ALL on there and there's absolutely no way for me to wipe the data.It didn't have a lock password either. Can any Argos employees access the information? What if they send it back to Amazon, what actually happens? I'm worrying over nothing probably, but I want to know for sure.
>>> What happens to returned Kindle Fires?
>>> What happens to returned Kindle Fires?
Do you have to buy hd movies to make it look like hd on kindle fire hd?
Do you have to buy hd movies to make it look like hd on kindle fire hd?
>>> Do you have to buy hd movies to make it look like hd on kindle fire hd?
>>> Do you have to buy hd movies to make it look like hd on kindle fire hd?
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Would you love a Kindle, or are you happy with hardcover?
I so want one, if it is as good as they say.
>>> Would you love a Kindle, or are you happy with hardcover?
>>> Would you love a Kindle, or are you happy with hardcover?
Which one should i buy: Kindle fire hd or iPad mini?
Well i just really want to dedicate myself to reading and since im studying abroad i cant buy that many books so i thought it would be a good idea to buy Kindle or iPad mini. I cant really decide which one i should buy my brother is saying i should buy iPad mini but i think Kindle fire is more convenient for reading and much more cheaper. Can you please tell me which one is better?
Thanks a lot! any opinions are appreciated!
>>> Which one should i buy: Kindle fire hd or iPad mini?
Thanks a lot! any opinions are appreciated!
>>> Which one should i buy: Kindle fire hd or iPad mini?
How to get instagram on Kindle Fire HD without any viruses?
IS there a way i get instagram on my kindle fire HD without any viruses and bugs to ruin it? thanks
>>> How to get instagram on Kindle Fire HD without any viruses?
>>> How to get instagram on Kindle Fire HD without any viruses?
Sunglasses and electronic screens?
This has been driving be patty for years. I have my sunglasses on and say, and I will look down at my iPod or my Kindle Fire and it will appear the Kindle and iPod are OFF, the screen will appear so dark that you cannot see whether it is on or off, and I always wondered why that happens?
>>> Sunglasses and electronic screens?
>>> Sunglasses and electronic screens?
How to get free from the fear of Battery?
I know this sounds ridiculous to some of you, but I do afraid all my electronic device will explode suddenly and hurt my eyes because of the flawed battery, I love my kindle, iphone, laptop but the fear pull me far away from them. The fear is caused by some horrible battery accident report. I remember one mobile phone explosion accident even kill the user.It freaked me out. I know nowadays the chance of the battery sudden explosion is rare. But I cant stop to imagine what if I am the unlucky guy. What if go blind because of that. Who can help me to ease my mind
>>> How to get free from the fear of Battery?
>>> How to get free from the fear of Battery?
Whats the word kindle fire edition level 8 HELP?
A lake with a sign, a lake with brown water with plants, a frog, a lake with mountains or rocks
>>> Whats the word kindle fire edition level 8 HELP?
>>> Whats the word kindle fire edition level 8 HELP?
Do you need Wi-Fi to play games, watch movies, shows on the Kindle Fire HD?
I seem to need Wi-Fi to download games, apps, movies and TV shows on my Kindle Fire.Is the Kindle Fire HD's Wi-Fi the same? Also, why do I need Wi-Fi to download?
>>> Do you need Wi-Fi to play games, watch movies, shows on the Kindle Fire HD?
>>> Do you need Wi-Fi to play games, watch movies, shows on the Kindle Fire HD?
So I'm new in the world of technology and want to buy a tablet soo.?
Which one is the best one for me. I've considered the Kindles', Kindle fire, nexus, samsung, but which is best. I don't want to spend more than $300 unless I know I will love it.My main uses will be for web browsing, reading, and games for my daughter so apps I guess. And would like some info on costs for maintaining it (buying books, and movies etc.So any suggestions - lost in technology.
>>> So I'm new in the world of technology and want to buy a tablet soo.?
>>> So I'm new in the world of technology and want to buy a tablet soo.?
Will 2nd gen kindle fire case fit 1st gen?
Will a case for a second generation kindle fire fit a first generation kindle fire? Not one of those general cases with the elastic loops, but a hard shell case.
Added (1). I think I have the first gen, since I have the little gear on the top menu bar.
>>> Will 2nd gen kindle fire case fit 1st gen?
Added (1). I think I have the first gen, since I have the little gear on the top menu bar.
>>> Will 2nd gen kindle fire case fit 1st gen?
Whats the difference between amazon kindle fire and kindle fire HD?
So i'm looking at getting a kindle but whats the difference between kindle fire and kindle fire hd? What should make me go for the HD over the kindle fire (aprt from its a bit more expensive)
>>> Whats the difference between amazon kindle fire and kindle fire HD?
>>> Whats the difference between amazon kindle fire and kindle fire HD?
Whats the difference between a Kindle and a Kindle Paperwhite?
How are they different and which is better…
>>> Whats the difference between a Kindle and a Kindle Paperwhite?
>>> Whats the difference between a Kindle and a Kindle Paperwhite?
Level 102 for whats the word kindle fire?
- tea cup on saucer with spoon
- ducks in a lake
- windmill with sun shining
- tomato, ketchup, egg and green things on plate
Added (1). It was actually the wrong level it is 103
Added (2). - chip that says no dis
- envelope says call me Australia
- girl sitting down and texting
- a message in a bottle
- 7 letters
Added (3). - a camera
- a old car
- an alarm clock
- a telephone
- 7 letters
- uebpglnatyiv
>>> Level 102 for whats the word kindle fire?
- ducks in a lake
- windmill with sun shining
- tomato, ketchup, egg and green things on plate
Added (1). It was actually the wrong level it is 103
Added (2). - chip that says no dis
- envelope says call me Australia
- girl sitting down and texting
- a message in a bottle
- 7 letters
Added (3). - a camera
- a old car
- an alarm clock
- a telephone
- 7 letters
- uebpglnatyiv
>>> Level 102 for whats the word kindle fire?
Can I get Kindle ebooks onto my Kobo app?
I've got myself a nice little (cheap) tablet for the purpose of reading EBook on it. I decided I would like to use the Kindle App, due to it's easy interface, but I was wondering if there was a way to get the Kindle EBook from Amazon to be accessed through the Kobo app.
I know I've uploaded some of the books from the Aldiko store to the app, but I was wondering if it was possible for Kindle books.
I'm not so good with technical jargon, so please be gentle!
The operating system is Ice Cream Sand witch and, obviously, it is an Android, if that is any help.
Added (1). Sorry for the confusion! I meant to say that I prefer the Kobo interface than the Kindle.
>>> Can I get Kindle ebooks onto my Kobo app?
I know I've uploaded some of the books from the Aldiko store to the app, but I was wondering if it was possible for Kindle books.
I'm not so good with technical jargon, so please be gentle!
The operating system is Ice Cream Sand witch and, obviously, it is an Android, if that is any help.
Added (1). Sorry for the confusion! I meant to say that I prefer the Kobo interface than the Kindle.
>>> Can I get Kindle ebooks onto my Kobo app?
Will reading from a kindle hurt my eyes?
I was told that reading on a kindle is bad for my eyesight.Is that true?
>>> Will reading from a kindle hurt my eyes?
>>> Will reading from a kindle hurt my eyes?
Do kindle fire have gps on it?
I want to buy a kindle fire tablet do they have gps on it
>>> Do kindle fire have gps on it?
>>> Do kindle fire have gps on it?
Is kindle fire not adds free I mean like does it have more adds than EVER?
I saw this video on www.youtube.com, and this freaky guy keeps saying "Amazon sucks, I'm warning ya! It had so many adds! These adds could put a virus in your kindle!"Is it true?
>>> Is kindle fire not adds free I mean like does it have more adds than EVER?
>>> Is kindle fire not adds free I mean like does it have more adds than EVER?
What's the word kindle edition level 22?
Pictures of rectangle watermelon, big guy riding a tricycle, house wearing a humongous hat, and a scorpion in wine
>>> What's the word kindle edition level 22?
>>> What's the word kindle edition level 22?
What free kindle fire anti-virus programs are available?
And where can I download them from. I'm a kindle newbie…
Do I have to authorise one-click-buying on my amazon account if getting them from the the app store.
>>> What free kindle fire anti-virus programs are available?
Do I have to authorise one-click-buying on my amazon account if getting them from the the app store.
>>> What free kindle fire anti-virus programs are available?
How to start a multiplayer game on mine craft pe?
I have minecraft pe on my kindle and I wanted to know how I get connected or start a multiplayer game with my brother. And how do I use a crafting table or chest?
>>> How to start a multiplayer game on mine craft pe?
>>> How to start a multiplayer game on mine craft pe?
How to have internet access all the time with Kindle Fire?
I just got a Kindle Fire and need Wi-Fi to use it.Is there a way to buy something to have internet anywhere you go?
>>> How to have internet access all the time with Kindle Fire?
>>> How to have internet access all the time with Kindle Fire?
Monday, February 18, 2013
4 pictures one word kindle fire?
4 letter word pictures are
money under microscope,
girl doing finger guns,
a paper gun
and a glass/ plastic tomato,
The letters are:
thank you
>>> 4 pictures one word kindle fire?
money under microscope,
girl doing finger guns,
a paper gun
and a glass/ plastic tomato,
The letters are:
thank you
>>> 4 pictures one word kindle fire?
How to get flash player on Kindle Fire?
How to update it keep show me it cannot open file
>>> How to get flash player on Kindle Fire?
>>> How to get flash player on Kindle Fire?
What are some scary games?
My friend and I are trying to play a game on m kindle fire. We want to play a good scary game.Do you have any suggestions?
>>> What are some scary games?
>>> What are some scary games?
I ant stand my mum anymore. I fücking hate her. She constantly annoys me. She will call me fat and a bítch and stupid just to piss me off. Yesterday she got mad at me because my room was a mess so she just sat there and Said she was going to watch me clean so I got upset and them she flipped my bed over, threw my clothes on the floor and broke my tv. Another time she was mad that my siblings wouldn't leave my room so she broke my brand new printer. She also won't give me any Internet access. The only thing that has Internet is my iPod.My phone, computer, and kindle don't have it. She won't even let me use the the main computer for homework so I end up losing point because I have to write things instead of type them. He blames all we problems on me and does vexatious immature things like pick her nose and fart just to piss me off. She just pisses me off. She give me no privacy and reads all my posts and messages. She even replys to them with my account. She makes fun of things she knows I'm sensitive about. Like my lack of friends, socially awkwardness, and the fact that I don't make eye contact. I can't stand her. I've went from an exultant young boy to an uncaring, delusional, psychopathic monster. I've stopped caring about my friends, I've become suicidal and homocidal and delusional. I believe characters that aren't supposed to be real are. Like Jeff the killer or slender man. I try to talk to them and I want them I take them with me and save me. I hate everyone I know and I'm extremely violent. I just hate her for turning me into this. I just want to do things that aren't normal like carve a smile into my cheeks and burn my eyelids off and murder people.It's all her fault I'm failing too. I can never focus and don't have a computer to do my homework. I'm sick of this and I don't know what to do. She making me go to counseling She said she going to tell them I'm crazy and that then they're going to put me in a mental hospital i lhate psychiatrists. What do I do
Why does my kindle only say pending?
Okay so I love the Daniel Craig James Bond movies and since Skyfall just came out I ordered it, and my kindle will not purchase it! All it says is purchase pending? I have tried turning it off then back on and I have tried the sync button and I tried restoring factory settings. None of this has worked so PLEASE help???
Added (1). I definitely have enough on my card, and since I tried factory setting I have plenty of room… :(
>>> Why does my kindle only say pending?
Added (1). I definitely have enough on my card, and since I tried factory setting I have plenty of room… :(
>>> Why does my kindle only say pending?
Can I use a Samsung Android phone charger for my Kindle Fire HD?
I cant remember what my Kindle charger looks like and I have so many chargers I'm not sure which one it is. Can I use any Android phone charger with my Kindle? Can I use a USB into my desk top to charge the Kindle?
>>> Can I use a Samsung Android phone charger for my Kindle Fire HD?
>>> Can I use a Samsung Android phone charger for my Kindle Fire HD?
Can I get Instagram on my kindle fire?
Can I get Instagram on my kindle fire?
>>> Can I get Instagram on my kindle fire?
>>> Can I get Instagram on my kindle fire?
What is level 169 on kindle fire?
It's a makeup set silver ware and a girl with purple lip gloss
>>> What is level 169 on kindle fire?
>>> What is level 169 on kindle fire?
If i buy my kindle from amazon.de? I?
I bought my kindle from amazon.de is it going to be in german, and if so can i change it to english?
>>> If i buy my kindle from amazon.de? I?
>>> If i buy my kindle from amazon.de? I?
Can I put a Kindle book on a Kobo?
Hi there,
I am going to get a Kobo e-reader, but found that some of the books I want to buy are cheaper on the Amazon store.Is it possible to put a Kindle book onto a Kobo because I've heard that a DRM thing stops you from doing so.
>>> Can I put a Kindle book on a Kobo?
I am going to get a Kobo e-reader, but found that some of the books I want to buy are cheaper on the Amazon store.Is it possible to put a Kindle book onto a Kobo because I've heard that a DRM thing stops you from doing so.
>>> Can I put a Kindle book on a Kobo?
Do you reccommend any free or cheap kindle romances?
Especially ones with virgin heroines or brides
>>> Do you reccommend any free or cheap kindle romances?
>>> Do you reccommend any free or cheap kindle romances?
Cheap romance kindle books?
Are there any free or cheap kindle romance books from amazon or anywhere else especially ones with virgin heroines.
>>> Cheap romance kindle books?
>>> Cheap romance kindle books?
Which is the best color ereader?
I'm looking to upgrade from my kindle keyboard (K3) and want a new ereader with the following features:
- color, backlit screen
- long battery life
- page turning buttons (preferrably on both sides)
- cost under $150
wifi, music, touch screen, etc.are not necessary.all I want is a simple color ereader with a good battery life for under $150.thanks!
>>> Which is the best color ereader?
- color, backlit screen
- long battery life
- page turning buttons (preferrably on both sides)
- cost under $150
wifi, music, touch screen, etc.are not necessary.all I want is a simple color ereader with a good battery life for under $150.thanks!
>>> Which is the best color ereader?
What's the biggest difference between a smartphone and a tablet?
So i got a kindle fire HD tablet (8'9 inches) for 250 bucks (it was originally 317 but i bought it from a friend who offered it to me cheaper, and he had it only for like 5 days). I see it basically the same as from my iPhone except for its size. Whats the major difference?
Also, i tried to do some homework from "mymathlab" website, but all it says is "file not found" and it doesn't let me do the assignments. Any clue for how i can access mymathlab from the tablet?
Added (1). Of course, besides making phone calls and texts.
>>> What's the biggest difference between a smartphone and a tablet?
Also, i tried to do some homework from "mymathlab" website, but all it says is "file not found" and it doesn't let me do the assignments. Any clue for how i can access mymathlab from the tablet?
Added (1). Of course, besides making phone calls and texts.
>>> What's the biggest difference between a smartphone and a tablet?
Best apps for kindle fire-i-pod?
Mainly free apps but I can go to about 6$
>>> Best apps for kindle fire-i-pod?
>>> Best apps for kindle fire-i-pod?
What is going on with my kindle? - 1
At first it was just my YouTube problem but now when I try to make my story it keeps taking pieces of my words out or erases it completely. I don't know if it is because I don't charge till it turns off on me. But I do most of the time.It has happened to turn off at least 6 times. I mean I have charged it more than I have let it turn off.Is it because I use it every day? Than I also have to let it charge like maybe 3-6 hours or somethin.It's driving me crazy!
>>> What is going on with my kindle? - 1
>>> What is going on with my kindle? - 1
How much storage do I need for the Kindle Fire HD?
I have a Kindle Fire now but I want to upgrade. I know that I'm going to be watching ALOT of movies and TV shows. I'm going to also use the Kindle Fire HD for books, apps and games. How much storage should I get?
P.S Don't say the Kindle Fire HD 8.9 because that's the only one that has the 64GB storage which is ridiculous and stupid. I mean, the original Kindle Fire HD should have three choices: 16GB, 32GB and 64GB; not just a choice between 16GB and 32GB.
>>> How much storage do I need for the Kindle Fire HD?
P.S Don't say the Kindle Fire HD 8.9 because that's the only one that has the 64GB storage which is ridiculous and stupid. I mean, the original Kindle Fire HD should have three choices: 16GB, 32GB and 64GB; not just a choice between 16GB and 32GB.
>>> How much storage do I need for the Kindle Fire HD?
Kindle Fire Screen not Responding?
My new kindle fire (after receiving it because my other one broke) that I just got now has a screen problem. whenever I touch the screen my finger is either registered in a different spot from where it actually was or it the press wasn't picked up at all. I have no clue what to do and my warranty is up, can someone please help me?
>>> Kindle Fire Screen not Responding?
>>> Kindle Fire Screen not Responding?
I live in ireland, how do i download books onto my kindle paperwhite?
I live in ireland, how do i download books onto my kindle paperwhite?
>>> I live in ireland, how do i download books onto my kindle paperwhite?
>>> I live in ireland, how do i download books onto my kindle paperwhite?
Do you have to store your music on Cloud with the Kindle Fire?
I'm looking into getting an Amazon Kindle. But it says that only 250 songs are stored for free on the cloud system. After that you can store up to 250, 000 songs for $24.99/year or month (cant remember).
But do you have to store your imported music on cloud? Or can you use the tablets storage? Because I don't want to be paying out to store music when I'll already be spending a lot for the 32gb version anyway?
Any thoughts? Or personal experiences?
>>> Do you have to store your music on Cloud with the Kindle Fire?
But do you have to store your imported music on cloud? Or can you use the tablets storage? Because I don't want to be paying out to store music when I'll already be spending a lot for the 32gb version anyway?
Any thoughts? Or personal experiences?
>>> Do you have to store your music on Cloud with the Kindle Fire?
Sunday, February 17, 2013
McAfee won't let me access my Facebook?
It's completely blocking me from my Facebook however i can use my kindle to get on it it's just my computer.
This is so ridiculous and even when I downloaded the damn program it STILL won't let me in my account and says it's been temporarily locked down due to "viruses." can anyone tell me how to turn this bullshit off since facebook doesn't have a friggin' email to contact them.
>>> McAfee won't let me access my Facebook?
This is so ridiculous and even when I downloaded the damn program it STILL won't let me in my account and says it's been temporarily locked down due to "viruses." can anyone tell me how to turn this bullshit off since facebook doesn't have a friggin' email to contact them.
>>> McAfee won't let me access my Facebook?
If you self-publish on Kindle, can your novel still be printed?
I've read that you can reach a larger audience if you publish a novel on Kindle's Amazon store. But if I do this, could I still send the novel to agents and get it published in print (if it's good enough)?
Also, is it worth publishing on Kindle to get a bigger audience?
>>> If you self-publish on Kindle, can your novel still be printed?
Also, is it worth publishing on Kindle to get a bigger audience?
>>> If you self-publish on Kindle, can your novel still be printed?
Which is a better tablet for a college student?
I'm a college student and i want to get a tablet for all my books, which is better though the ipad or the kindle fire? please answer thanks ,
>>> Which is a better tablet for a college student?
>>> Which is a better tablet for a college student?
Mine craft pe how to do multiplayer?
I have minecraft pe on my kindle and I wanted to know how I get connected or start a multiplayer game with my brother. And how do I use a crafting table or chest?
>>> Mine craft pe how to do multiplayer?
>>> Mine craft pe how to do multiplayer?
I am looking for a tablet or an eReader?
I would like to have a tablet or an eReader.
It would be nice if I could download textbooks (I'm in college), magazines, and comic books.
I don't care too much about playing games on the tablet or anything.
I DO NOT. I repeat, I DO NOT want to buy an iPad or a Kindle. I swear to god there is no way I am buying either I am too poor for an iPad and I don't like how the Kindle works.
So any suggestions. I would like to keep it under $150. I would like it to be under $120… or $100… but I don't know how possible that is without having to buy one of those ink things that only do regular books…
So. Suggestions please?
>>> I am looking for a tablet or an eReader?
It would be nice if I could download textbooks (I'm in college), magazines, and comic books.
I don't care too much about playing games on the tablet or anything.
I DO NOT. I repeat, I DO NOT want to buy an iPad or a Kindle. I swear to god there is no way I am buying either I am too poor for an iPad and I don't like how the Kindle works.
So any suggestions. I would like to keep it under $150. I would like it to be under $120… or $100… but I don't know how possible that is without having to buy one of those ink things that only do regular books…
So. Suggestions please?
>>> I am looking for a tablet or an eReader?
Why won't my kindle fire play videos?
Whenever I try, it says "Unable to play video. Sorry this video cannot be played." So I downloaded the YouTube app and it still won't play. Please help?
>>> Why won't my kindle fire play videos?
>>> Why won't my kindle fire play videos?
Kindle Charger for Andriod Phone?
The charger for my Samsung Galaxy SIII broke. Would it be harmful to use my Kindle charger?
>>> Kindle Charger for Andriod Phone?
>>> Kindle Charger for Andriod Phone?
How to receive emails from cell phone on kindle fire?
How do I receive emails from cell phone on kindle fire?
>>> How to receive emails from cell phone on kindle fire?
>>> How to receive emails from cell phone on kindle fire?
Level 174 whats the word kindle fire?
Level 174 whats the word kindle fire?
>>> Level 174 whats the word kindle fire?
>>> Level 174 whats the word kindle fire?
Level 174 whats the word kindle?
Level 174 whats the word kindle?
>>> Level 174 whats the word kindle?
>>> Level 174 whats the word kindle?
Whats the word, kindle fire hd edition, stuck on level 129?
Whats the word, kindle fire hd edition, stuck on level 129?
>>> Whats the word, kindle fire hd edition, stuck on level 129?
>>> Whats the word, kindle fire hd edition, stuck on level 129?
What would you like to ask? Is this a scam? Is it normal? What's going on!
I was on the Amazon online customer advice chat and I told the customer service person about the cosmetic damage my Kindle had received (chips and scrapes) when it slipped out of its box.they said the warranty does not cover it, but they would make a one-time exception and send me a free one. I just need to send them my card details and address. This is the message they sent:
Unfortunately, the damage you have described is not covered under the Kindle's one-year limited warranty. However, based on the circumstances I'll make an one time exception for you and create a replacement at no extra cost.
Please help me with a credit card type and its expiry date on your account, I need your credit card information for Collateral purposes. Please do not provide further information as it is not recommended via chat for security reasons. Also confirm your delivery address.
What should I do? Is this a scam? Should I be worried? Or should I go ahead and give them my details?
>>> What would you like to ask? Is this a scam? Is it normal? What's going on!
Unfortunately, the damage you have described is not covered under the Kindle's one-year limited warranty. However, based on the circumstances I'll make an one time exception for you and create a replacement at no extra cost.
Please help me with a credit card type and its expiry date on your account, I need your credit card information for Collateral purposes. Please do not provide further information as it is not recommended via chat for security reasons. Also confirm your delivery address.
What should I do? Is this a scam? Should I be worried? Or should I go ahead and give them my details?
>>> What would you like to ask? Is this a scam? Is it normal? What's going on!
Why does my kindle have words blocked out?
There is a stripe running down the page blocking out some letters in each line as well as a block involving a whole group of lines.It was purchased for Xmas and has only 4 books in it so far.
>>> Why does my kindle have words blocked out?
>>> Why does my kindle have words blocked out?
Which tablet should i look at?
I'm looking into getting a tablet but I'm not sure which to get.
I was looking at either a kindle fire or an amazon tablet, not interested in an iPad.
I want access to apps. I want to have kindle books on my tablet, so either by having a kindle or by downloading the kindle app. I want to be able to use wifi and maybe 4g too. I like to be able to use it when I want to. I have an android phone and an acer laptop. I use my laptop mostly for doing papers for school.My phone does everything else.Id like to be able to do smaller assignments on my tablet (I think u can buy a keyboard for them… right?)
Id like to bring it with me wherever and maybe use it for note taking in class.
It might be cool to have a front facing camera.
Mostly, I'm on a budget so I need it to have a relitively small price tag.
Any help would be great! Thanks y'all!
>>> Which tablet should i look at?
I was looking at either a kindle fire or an amazon tablet, not interested in an iPad.
I want access to apps. I want to have kindle books on my tablet, so either by having a kindle or by downloading the kindle app. I want to be able to use wifi and maybe 4g too. I like to be able to use it when I want to. I have an android phone and an acer laptop. I use my laptop mostly for doing papers for school.My phone does everything else.Id like to be able to do smaller assignments on my tablet (I think u can buy a keyboard for them… right?)
Id like to bring it with me wherever and maybe use it for note taking in class.
It might be cool to have a front facing camera.
Mostly, I'm on a budget so I need it to have a relitively small price tag.
Any help would be great! Thanks y'all!
>>> Which tablet should i look at?
Help Kindle Fire What's The Word Level 152?
Level 152 WTW Pictures are of dressmaker pins a guy holding his temples and is mind is jumbled another guy who looks angry and a picture of blue circles with darker blue cirlcles inside the letters given are M A S I H C D O M A D A
>>> Help Kindle Fire What's The Word Level 152?
>>> Help Kindle Fire What's The Word Level 152?
Where to find Kindle Fire apps?
Does anyone know if there are places other than 'amazon store' that you can download apps for the kindle fire?
>>> Where to find Kindle Fire apps?
>>> Where to find Kindle Fire apps?
Which Kindle E-Reader is best/should I choose?
I need one of the ones with free 3g but there are so many different kindles I'm confused which ones have what options. I am not only going to be reading for extended periods of time, but I'll be trekking/travelling in Europe for a few weeks (might not have access to electricity to charge the kindle) and it is also the only electronic device I will have with me (besides a basic cell phone). I need to be able to access my email and google maps/some kind of gps device. This is probably going to be extremely difficult in the kindle experimental browser. Still, which one would best suit my needs?
>>> Which Kindle E-Reader is best/should I choose?
>>> Which Kindle E-Reader is best/should I choose?
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