Saturday, April 23, 2016
How to add apps to carousel on kindle fire?
I turned my kindle on (after not using it for a day or two) and all my apps were gone from my carousel! They re still on my device, but under the apps folder thing. It also reset the name of my kindle as well as deleted the book I had bought! How do I add my apps back to the carousel?
Read more: How to add apps to carousel on kindle fire?
Pink or black case for kindle?
I'm thinking of buying a kindle with a pink case, but I¡m wondering whether or not it will affect my experience since you can see it on the front… Is black better then because you can't really notice it?
Read more: Pink or black case for kindle?
Friday, April 22, 2016
What is the best low end android tablet is best for me?
OK after 3 years my kindle fire hd has hit the dust sadly and now I'm looking for a replacement.
I'm looking for something that will get me throughout the day on a full charge. I'm at college on week days and in total my break time is around 2 hours a day so will be using it then and maybe in class in the future. Something that is capable of multitasking and playing games and watching videos and films on.
anyone got any great suggestions. I would also like the model number of the tablet. Thank you
Read more: What is the best low end android tablet is best for me?
5000mAh usb solar power charger?
I have a usb rechargeable lantern with Lithium, and looking for a usb solar power charger, but they have 5000mAh.
How good is 5000mAh in solar power chargers.
Added (1). how good is a 5000mAh usb solar power charger
Added (2). how long will a 5000mah solar power charge will charge a kindle book and a rechargeable lantern
Read more: 5000mAh usb solar power charger?
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Do i have to copy right a pen name?
I'm publishing a short story on Kindle Direct Publishing, and I want to use a pen name. Do i just put the pen name on the cover page? Or is there a legal process I have to go through?
Read more: Do i have to copy right a pen name?
How to edit song info (The Name, The Picture, and the artist.) on a kindle fire?
I've been downloading video game music from the internet and I want to change the name and put an image on Amazon Music.
Read more: How to edit song info (The Name, The Picture, and the artist.) on a kindle fire?
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
How to get a refund on kindle books?
When i looked it up there is no option for refunding a book. I purched a 70 dollar book that was the wrong one. And now i have to waste more 70 dollars to get the right one this is bullSHIT how can i get my money back?
Read more: How to get a refund on kindle books?
Monday, April 18, 2016
Is there a kindle app similar to NintenDogs & Cats (like the one played on the Nintendo DD and 3DS)?
Is there a kindle app similar to NintenDogs & Cats (like the one played on the Nintendo DD and 3DS)?
Read more: Is there a kindle app similar to NintenDogs & Cats (like the one played on the Nintendo DD and 3DS)?
Is there a kindle app similar to Nintendon and Cats?
Is there a kindle app similar to Nintendon and Cats?
Read more: Is there a kindle app similar to Nintendon and Cats?
In Terraria I can't seem to get cobalt so how do i get it?
In terraria I kill the wall of flesh and entered hard mode and of course the first thing i did was break demon alters. So after a few days of hard mode I think (almost definite) I have destroyed all my demon alters and none of them has said "Your world has been blessed with cobalt" but instead it only says i've been blessed with palladium, adamantite, titanium, and mythril. Now i know cobalt is a bad metal but i want it so i can make the Hamdrax wich is made out of cobalt stuff (and others). BTW I play on kindle fire HD 7' 2016 april
Read more: In Terraria I can't seem to get cobalt so how do i get it?
When is the best time to avoid bees/wasps/hornets outside?
I would like to collect more kindling for my fire pit outside, but there are far too many wasps and bees and hornets! I'm afraid to go to the hot spot area (where all of the small fallen branches and twigs are) because they are too close to my head! So, is there like a better time to go outside to safely collect the kindling instead of the afternoon (11-12ish)?
Read more: When is the best time to avoid bees/wasps/hornets outside?
Do Black and White comics work on Kindle Paperwhite?
I have the newest model Kindle Paperwhite and would like to read some black and white comics like The Walking Dead and some of the earlier black and white judge dredd comics.
Would black and white comics like The Walking Dead work on Kindle Paperwhite and look the same as they normally would?
Read more: Do Black and White comics work on Kindle Paperwhite?
How much am I getting paid on Kindle Unlimited if my book s readers read 7-9k pages per day?
Basically what the question asks. Am I getting paid for all those pages or only the ones from readers who read the whole book?
Read more: How much am I getting paid on Kindle Unlimited if my book s readers read 7-9k pages per day?
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Can I self-publish a book with Amazon Kindle and a traditional publisher?
I am wondering if I can self-publish a book I have completed with Amazon Kindle and a traditional publisher like Graywolf Press simultaneously.
You see I entered this book into a few first book prizes where if I win they will give me a publishing contract and publish my book but I have to wait several months to know if I won and if I did then I have to wait a year for them to publish it in paperback. So in order to save time I was wondering if I can self publish it with Amazon first and also with a traditional publisher. Do I have to revoke my Amazon Kindle e-book if a traditional publisher accepts it?
Read more: Can I self-publish a book with Amazon Kindle and a traditional publisher?
Best tablet for kids' books?
Please do not recommend anything by Apple! I'm looking for a CHEAP tablet - $30 range if possible. My wife wants to clear out our kids' books and replace it with a tablet. What cheap tablets work for just reading kids' books (the kindles aren't in color… And are too damn expensive).
Read more: Best tablet for kids' books?
Christians, what would your advice be to someone who thinks?
that they are evil, and that every time they try to do something positive… They are punished?
I used to be Christian, and it seemed like the harder I tried to be a good person, the more bad things that happened to me… Until I grew so depressed I gave up on everything I believed in. Now whenever I try to feel close to God again, terrible things happen. I feel like I'm evil.
Read more: Christians, what would your advice be to someone who thinks?
What do you prefer: buy books or just read them on internet for free or kindle?
I prefer buying books, it's just something magic to them idk
Read more: What do you prefer: buy books or just read them on internet for free or kindle?
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