It only makes sense that as things become more irrational in California, it will result in a deterioration of the quality of life. Like more taxes to support more welfare recipients only increases the number of welfare recipients who live like welfare recipients. Likewise, California has long been on an environment cause which means that they have an artificial life in a natural environment without consideration of natural hazards. Like fire. It is sort of like living in an apartment complex with wood stairs. You have noticed that usually the stairs are made out of steel (and you never wondered why). So, now California wine country is on fire and it makes one wonder if the vineyards owners have ever worried about them catching on fire. Grape bushes are like kindling, very flammable. For example. Can they flood a portion of a vineyard to build a fire barrier and would they have the water to do it? Or is the water restricted by the environmentalists? Are the power lines right of ways clean enough to keep power on? Or do they let it overgrow to reduce down the visual pollution?
Read more: Do you think the fires in California are the adverse consequence for its liberalism?