Thursday, May 12, 2016

How should I market my book?

I started work on a trilogy ("The Awakening Trilogy") and recently got the first book, "Deep Sleep", published through Amazon.

I tried advertising the book on Facebook, and even emailed local libraries about it, but I haven't had much luck. The dean librarian at the community college wants to buy a copy, and a very good friend wants to buy an autographed copy. A couple of friends bought their own copies, one in print and the other through Kindle, and an acquaintance had bought a Kindle version in the United Kingdom. Still, all that in one year is a bit of a bad start. I'm not expecting millions of copies to be sold (though, it would be awesome), but it would be really cool to see my book in some local bookstores if anything!

What are some good ways to market the book? I'm about to order just a few copies and might be able to do a "book signing sale" at the local "arts council" this summer.

Read more: How should I market my book?