Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Much needed help/advice. Please?

Alright here it goes. I'm 17 y/o and I have a 9 month old daughter named Penelope. Well, me & her father were on good terms (dating) during my whole pregnancy and even a little after she was born. But when she was just 2 weeks old he up & left. No warning. Nothing. He just stopped replying to my texts, and that was that. So I blocked him on everything and we didn't talk unless it was about Penelope for a good 6 months. Then when Penelope was 6 months ish old, we started talking again. (He rarely sees her) we decided to try to hangout and re-kindle what we had maybe. I've always been and still am in love with him so I've always tried to make things work no matter what. Well we dated again for about 2 months (really it was just your occasional movie & mainly sex) then he decided again he didn't wanna be with me. He says because of my "lack of higher education"? Anyways. I'm not an unattractive girl(not to be conceited) I'll have guys try to get with me whether it be for sex or what not all the time. My question is. I'm a nice girl, not a slut, pretty, & every damn guy I've talked to or tried to make things work with it goes down the drain. I'm tired and I feel worthless. Nothing ever works out with ANYONE. I just need a MAN in my life for me and my daughter. Something real. Please help me ugh. Thank you

Read more: Much needed help/advice. Please?