Thursday, May 28, 2015

How do publishing rights for translations work?

I'm looking into buying Sword of Destiny, the second translated book in a collection of short stories regarding The Witcher series. As I look on amazon, I see multiple instances and I started wondering what are all the differences here. I see the first one which indicates the kindle version has been released and the hardcopy will not be released until December 1st, bummer because I like to use books to get away from my computer not as another reason to get on a computer (or kindle). Then I see another version, the cover is different, but the content appears to be the same, I wonder what is going on here? Is this some sort of fraud version? After looking into both version, the only differences (other than the cover) I could find was it appeared one was a UK publisher, one was a USA publisher. Now I'm wondering to myself, is there any reason not to simply purchase the UK published version if it has already released? Can I even do that and have it shipped from UK to USA? I'm a little bit confounded as the entire process seems counterintuitive which leads me to believe I have it all wrong in the first place? Any help?

Read more: How do publishing rights for translations work?