My girlfriend was talking to her ex alot. She obviously wasnt over him. She was secretive with her phone, and i just didnt feel like she loved me, even thought she said she did. I just keep blaming myself for breaking up with her over this. We've broken up ALOT over the same issue. Like 5 or 6 times now? I just cant get over the fact that she talks to her ex. She refuses to quit, even though i told her it makes me feel bad that she does it. Her excuse is always, "I can be friends with whoever i want. I practically grew up with him" They dated for 3 years. But im just not comfortable with it. The small chance of the kindle fire of their past love, being relit from them talking all the time, scares me and i cant deal with it. Am i in the wrong with not allowing it to continue? Am i just insecure? I honestly just cant deal with it, and we broke it off. AGAIN. Hopefully for good. I love her to death, and she supposedly loves me too, she cried for me back and i came back like an idiot, but she still talks to him. I cant do it, i cant allow that in a relationship or im gone. Am i wrong for that?
Read more: How to stop blaming myself for the breakup?