There are two T- Squares in my chart.
Sun (27 degrees capricorn in 8th house) square Mars ( 26 degrees libra in 5th house)
Mars opposition Saturn ( 27 degrees Aries in 11th house) which squares the sun
Neptune ( 1 degree Aquarius in 9th house) square Mars, mars opposition saturn, saturn square neptune.
And I read somewhere that the signs in a T - square are supposed to be all in the same quality ( cardinal, mutable, fixed) but in my Neptune Apexed one, Neptune is fixed while the rest are in Cardinal.
My Sun is conjunct Neptune.
Oh and is it true my life will suck? Cos I have two squares which is one more than average.
i'll forever be grateful if you answer. There isnt mch content on the net
Read more: Two T - Squares in my chart?!