my bf and I have been together for a year and 6 months, but lately he barely talks to me.
I understand that he has his own life and I never tell him not to go out with his friends nor do I call or text him while he's at work. He has responsibilities, but damn. Sometimes i feel like im unimportant to him. But because we're sort of long distance I honestly do expect to talk to him every day. Not all day long. Only for about 10-15 minutes. But I usually don't get that. We go whole days without speaking and it doesn't bother him but it bothers me. We've probably talked about this problem atleast 4 times. The last argument we had, I told him that because I love him, ill put up with his schedule. But its hard. He confessed that he knows he doesn't treat me right. Although i probably do deserve better. I think hes worth putting up with the bullshit and its hard to leave him. We both love each other and we both expressed how we wanted a future together. But idk what to do. This lack of communication kills me
Read more: Am I over reacting or should I break up with him?