Wednesday, July 23, 2014

My cousin wont stop bragging?!

My sister and cousin and I are probably considered upper-lower class. We all used to live in trailers but then all of us recently got a house. Our house is nice, fairly large and has a pool and doesn't make us seem like we are lower class. My cousin's mom heard about us getting a house and decided she should too. She has a boyfriend, my mom doesn't. So my aunt got help buying her house and got it really cheap because her boyfriend's parents were selling it. It is massive and has like 3 different family rooms alone. It has a massive oval pool and tons of crawl spaces (my cousin mysteriously started to love them right after I mentioned that I like them. The point is my cousin is always bragging subtly that she has an awesome house and that it is so great. Plus she is bragging that she is getting an iPhone5c for Christmas and that she has a kindle. It just makes me so mad because she knows my sister and I don't have the money (provided by our mom alone) to get things like that. It just makes me feel bad and I want to know how to make her stop or realize that it is mean and rude. Thanks so much for everything and I hope that you can understand and put yourself in our place. We are becoming middle class but not as quick as I would hope. Thanks again for everything!

Read more: My cousin wont stop bragging?!