Saturday, July 12, 2014

How to sell an PDF file? Is it even possible?

I have a few books here that are new and I wanted to sell them to other students for cheap. Because when I was looking for money everywhere, even under the couch, I couldn't find it. I ended up paying lots of money for them. I want to know if there is another way and if that information is correct?

Or is there a software I can buy that does it for me? I am thinking of scanning each page and going about it that way. I also want to encrypt it so whomever purchases can't re-sell it. S it even legal? If so where can I sell them? Your thoughts are appreciated.


So I found two articles that read like this,

Here's how I do it.

1. Open a PDF in Fox it PDF Reader. (free)

2. Select all the text.

3. Paste all the text in Ultra Edit. ($59)

4. Use the Reformat Paragraph function to remove the extra line breaks.

5. Spell check.

6. Use macros I created to create a table of contents and HTML.

7. Use [html2mobi.E.X.E] to convert to M.O.B. I format add book cover image.

Yeah, that's not e pub, but I've got a Kindle. Just change step seven to something else."


"If you're selling a PDF, you're not selling an eBook. You're selling an outmoded file type.

If you want to sell an eBook, reformat your document as an e pub and a mob /AZ file. Sell on Amazon through the Kindle Direct Publishing Program and through Smash-words."

Is there a way to pay royalties to the actual author?

Read more: How to sell an PDF file? Is it even possible?