Am I the only one on here who finds it funny how in the name of "preventing violence" the ATF will burst into a regular responsible gun owners house and shoot the gun owner and his entire family with high powered "assault rifles", because they have word that the person and the persons family that they just gunned down was allegedly in possession of "assault weapons"? It's just like the war on terror or the war on drugs, but instead it's the war on guns and not only guns, but armed citizens as well. Why does the ATF take it upon themselves to go to a persons house armed to the teeth, just because the persons house whom they're visiting is supposedly armed to the teeth? You know, there is a quote I read from somewhere that went "weed won't kill you, but the DEA might." Similar story here, but instead of weed and the DEA, it's guns and the ATF. When will these people realize that you shouldn't fight fire with fire, because you're only kindling the wood to create an even bigger one? In other woods, why are they trying to stop violence, when they're only contributing to the problem that they're trying to stop, which is violence. I hate it how people are so obsessed with these serial killers and these mass shooters or any other people they see on these midnight crime shows, but yet none of these people who subscribe to this garbage ever for a second take into consideration all of the crimes our pathetic socialist pisspot of a "government" are responsible of. Just because some retard decided to shoot up a movie theater and kill 12 people, wounding almost 60, that doesn't mean we should make it a hell for every responsible gun owner who are just abiding by the law to own a gun! That's like trying to ban matches because 4 year old little Jimmy decided to take a box of his father's matches and play with them, but accidentally burns the house down, killing everyone. When will we wake up and realize that violence is in the people, not the gun and not the people who made the gun? If you want to stop gun violence, then you're gonna have to first get inside the heads of these killers and understand the reason why they kill. You see, our mental health system is corrupt and people are tortured, for example, mental patients are confined within padded empty rooms for hours on end, and can't even leave, not even to go to the restroom or they're forced to take injections against their will (this is a shining example of pharmacological torture that is funded by OUR "government"). We need to REALLY help these people, we need to love them, we need to talk to them and get inside their heads, and then help them change their ways. Not throw pills at them and tell them to shut up! You see, if you want to stop violence and hate, you need to spread love, you need to spread acceptance regardless of the persons age, gender (or gender identity), race, sexual orientation, disability, etc.
Читать далее: Why are we trying to stop gun violence with more gun violence?