I bought my first kindle ebook last week. Last night I watched a youtube of an old tv show - This is your life - Muhammed Ali.At the end of the clip I was greeted by an amazon adv to buy a boxing book. Not interested but I had mixed feelings of it being potentially helpful and sort of intrusive too. How do you feel about this?
Added (1). @term - sorry, but no tv - I only watch a little in hotels - don't connect it in the house. The funny thing is that if it was a book on a subject that was more interesting to me, I could iamgine doing a bit of research on the book to see if I would enjoy it.
Added (2). @BCHP - well, you can't be too embarrassed or you would not answer here w/all your anonymous friends. You don't strike me as the easily embarrassed sort. Besides, maybe she will get into it and watch with you - librarians are hot.
Added (3). @BCHP - well, I agree you can use a new name, peabody was better, but still reminded me of my dad and his pajamas, thinking that drying them out was enuf laundering.but yes, one of the first young ladies who knocked me down, out & through the wall here, had a pair of granny glasses that gave her that bookish librarian look - while the devil lit fires in her dark Khmer eyes. Way too much for me to cope with, she would have had her way with me. But that's not a path to walk in an open forum, eh?
Added (4). @Adeline, I agree.My first feeling was that it was kind of creepy.
См. статью: Seniors, helpful or intrusive?