Thursday, September 19, 2013

Could this be the fault of my college's wifi?

Okay, so I'm 95% confident that the IT people here, are slightly incompetent. Even with my limited knowledge of the internet and how it works best i know that one, YOU DO NOT LEAVE A COLLEGE CAMPUS'S INTERNET UNSECURED!
And two, you can't blame a printer for the internet screwing up.
So I have this friend, complicated relationship, not going into it, okay we're not "friends," we're "more" than friends, it is weird, I know. He and I usually talk a lot. He's going to a school that is 2 1/2 hours away, so we rely on facebook and texting.
Well, recently, he claims that he hasn't been getting my messages. And i am FREAKING out.
I know some of you may think that he is lying, but i don't think he is.
Here is an example.
Earlier today, i tried to message him and when i went to leave the "message" page on facebook, Google Chrome was like "you are still sending the message, are you sure you want to leave this page?" And i clicked, no. And I did this 5 times until I disconnected and then reconnected from the internet (for the 20th time today)
That seems the only solution to this problem whenever the internet goes down (which is a lot) is to disconnect and then reconnect.
It has gotten to the point where my SKYPE doesn't work properly.
Not only on my computer, but on my kindle!
And as for facebook, it sometimes works on my kindle.
I am using both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox (I REFUSE to use Internet Explorer) to try to get facebook to work, and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
It is like something is intercepting my messages and completely stopping them.
Is it possible that this is because of my campus's internet and not my computer? Because my computer has always worked beautifully, and it isn't old, it is like 1 1/2 years old.
The IT department here on campus claims that because some people brought wireless printers, that that is the reason that the internet keeps screwing up. Honestly, I think that that is bull, because it still screws up even without the wireless printers on. I think it is because there are too many people on one server.
If it is because of my campus's internet, how can I remedy this/give the IT people suggestions? Because this is starting to get ridiculous, I'm starting to keep meticulous notes on when it screws up.
Thanks for any help, this has been going on for like, 4 weeks now and I'm going insane.

См. статью: Could this be the fault of my college's wifi?