I just got a Galaxy Note 8 as a gift and have had experience using iPads and after about 3 days with this new tablet I cannot understand why these things are so popular. Everything that a tablet does, my laptop can do better especially watch movies. Yes it's nice for ebooks, but good lord, that tablet cost almost 400 dollars and a kindle reader $120.So I can take notes on it with the s-pen, guess what, a small notebook and a pen will prob cost you less than 3 dollars. Yeah but it's just way cooler and looks nicer on the tablet… it does look nicer and cooler but the upgrade in coolness for 400 dollars is egregious. Oh but it has all these apps… the best apps are mainly games, what any other app does can be done on the laptop but better. But if i were to spend 400 on portable games, well the PS Vita costs about 240 and you can do with it pretty much everything that you can a tablet.
Yeah but it's portable.My Galaxy S3 is even more portable aaaaaad has phone service! It seems all tablets are just lots of icing and no cake. If you have a smart phone and a laptop there are much better ways to spend 400 dollars. The only reason why I cannot return this is because it was a gift from someone close who would be very hurt if I did it.Am I the only one that sees this? Am I overlooking something? Please give me a reason to love my tablet I want to so bad. I appreciate any input.
См. статью: Why Are Tablets So Popular?