In Numbers 11 verse 1 it is written "and when the people complained it displeased the Lord, and the Lord heard it, and His anger was kindled and the fire of the Lord burned among them and consumed them which were in the uttermost parts of the camp"
Paul tells us that the journey of the Israelites through the wilderness is as an example for us 1 corinthians 10 1-6, then when we complain and insist on special rights are we not displeasing the Lord God also?
Added (1). Crocoduck hunter, God was angry because He had delivered them out of slavery, and did great wonders to bring them out of Egypt by a mighty Hand, so God was justified in His anger.the same as you would be justified if your children constantly complained about you and the shelter you provide for them, would you not tell them to pack their bags?
Added (2). Greg homosexuals asks for special rights, as the basic rights of any human being are 1 food, clothing and shelter, anything else is insisting in special rights for a special interest group.
Added (3). Non sequitor. notice that pork is eaten and it passes through the stomach and so on, whereas homosexuals sin agains their own bodies, and it is called an abomination, pork is known to carry diseases like T. B and they were travelling through the wilderness, it was known as a dietary law.beside I was asking if insisting on special righs is a sin, as they are asking for a special right to have legalization for their perverted sex.
См. статью: Is insisting on special rights and complaining a sin?